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中国传统文化词汇UNIT 1饺子 dumpling庙会 temple fair舞龙 dragon dance舞狮 lion dance虎头鞋 Tiger-head shoes红包 red packet压岁钱 lucky money烟花,烟火 fireworks鞭炮 firecrackers春晚 Spring festival Gala春节 Spring festival除夕 New Years Eve年画 New Year paintings剪纸 paper-cuts门神 Door gods农历 lunar calendar年夜饭 reunion dinner对联 poetic couplet香包 perfume pouch粽子 ZongziUnit 2龙舟 dragon boat端午节 Dragon boat festival纸钱 spiritual paper 青团 sweet green rice ball踏青 spring outing 清明节 Tomb-sweeping day春卷 spring roll立春 Beginning of spring地支 Earthly branch天干 Heavenly stem灯笼,花灯 lantern 灯谜 lantern riddle元宵节 Lantern festival年糕 rice cake汤圆 Glutinous rice ball元宵 rice glue ball土地神 Local god of the land八宝粥 rice with eight delicacies龙王 dragon king十二生肖 Chinese zodiacUnit 3财神 The God of Wealth针灸 acupuncture中医 traditional Chinese medicine馄饨 wonton冬至 winter solstice夏至 summer solstice重阳节 Double Ninth Festival中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival端午节 Dragon Boat Festival中元节 Ghost Festival七夕节 Magpie Festival艾蒿 Mugwort菖蒲 calamus中国结 Chinese knotting雄黄酒 realgar wine臭豆腐 stinky tofu玉兔 Jade Rabbit嫦娥 Change大闸蟹 Chinese mitten crab糖葫芦 TanghuluUnit 4馒头 steamed bun火锅
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