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Unit 5 Theme Parks,Fun and more than fun,Fun and more than fun 娱乐又不仅仅是娱乐 fun: n. 乐趣;有趣的人或事 adj. 使人愉快的;供娱乐用的 vi. 嬉闹;开玩笑,Language Points,have fun: enjoy oneself 尽情地玩 have fun with:玩得开心 for fun: for pleasure 为了娱乐 (be) in fun 在开玩笑 人们喜欢聚在一起吃、喝、彼此之间玩得很开心。,People love to get together to eat,drink and have fun with each other.,1.和你的好朋友一起度周末开心吗?,Did you have fun with your good friend for the weekend?,2.周末,我们打球玩得很高兴。,We had fun playing basketball on weekend.,3.我希望你能在假期和朋友玩的愉快。,I hope you will have fun with your friends during holiday.,4.不要说这些话,就算是开玩笑也不行。,Dont say such words, even in fun.,5.他们打球是为了好玩。,They play basketball for fun.,6.他们在主题公园里玩得很高兴。,They had fun in the theme park .,pay attention :make fun of,2. more than 修饰数词:超过,多过; 修饰名词:不仅仅是,不只是。 修饰形容词,分词:非常 The population of our city is more than 50 million. He is a more than maths teacher, and is also our friend. We are more than happy to show you around Beijing. 我们非常乐意带你到北京到处看看。,他们对这个消息很是惊讶。,They were more than surprised at the news .,他不仅仅是一位老师,他还被称为一名优秀的作家。,He is more than a teacher, and is also called an excellent author.,超过十个人缺席这次会议。,More than 10 people were absent from the meeting.,3. various adj. 各种各样的, 不同的; 好几个, There are various ways of cooking an egg. 鸡蛋有各种各样的做法。 Various people said they had seen the accident. 好几个人说他们目睹了这次的事故。 variety n. 品种, 种类, 多样性 vary v. 改变, 变更 all kinds of , all sorts of,all types of,variety n. 变化, 多样性, 种类 The shopping center sells a variety of goods. She made the children happy _ (用各种方法).,in a variety of ways,购物中心出售各种各样的商品。,在学校里我们学习各种有用的东西。,In the school we learn a variety of useful things.,固定搭配: a (considerable / great /wide) variety of 各种各样的, 种类繁多的 variety of form 各种形式 for a variety of reasons 因种种理由 in (a) variety of ways 用种种方法,The number of the students in our class varies from 45 to 53.,The menu varies with the season.,这节课由数学变成了语文。,This class varies from maths to Chinese.,我们要依季节更换衣服。,The clothes we wear vary with the season.,vary v. 改变, 变更,他每月的收入由5000 变为6000元。,His income every month varies from 5000 to 6000 yuan.,4. be famous for 以而闻名,This is a place which is famous for its hot springs. 这个地方以其温泉而著名。,be known for be famous / known as 作为而闻名, 后接表示人的身份, 职业的词语,The city of ZhongShan is famous for Sun-yet-sen.,He is famous as an athlete.,Wangfei is famous as a singer.,5. who, what , which,when,where,how+ever: 不论 Whoever leave the room last should turn off the lights. Whoever breaks the rules will be punished. You can take whatever you like. We will welcome whenever you come here. Wherever he is, his parents will be thinking of him.,无论她去哪里, 那个人都跟着她。 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。 你喜欢哪本书就拿哪本。 不管发生什么事, 我都会帮助你。,She is followed by that person wherever she goes.,You can sit wherever you want.,Take whichever book you like.,Whatever happens , I will help you.,6.be familiar with:熟悉; 通晓; 精通。主语常是人 He is familiar with Chinese ancient history. He is quite familiar with the city because he is a native . be familiar to :为所熟悉 主语通常是物。 The city isnt familiar to me. 我对这个城市不熟悉. The English song is familiar to them.,7. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 有这么多引人入胜的东西, 难怪哪里有迪斯尼 乐园, 哪里的旅游业就会发展。 1) attraction n. “有吸引力的事物; 吸引” 注意: attraction n. 引力. 常用短语: attraction of gravity 引力 magnetic attraction 磁力,The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the sides. 月球对地球的引力引起潮汐。 她感到科学知识对她有强烈的吸引力。,She feels a strong attraction to the knowledge of science.,看电视对我没有什么吸引力了。,Watching TV has little attraction for me.,拓展: attract v. 吸引 Like attracts like. 物以类聚。 v. 引起(注意,兴趣,赞赏等); 诱惑 attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 attract moths with lamps 点灯诱蛾 attractive adj. 有吸引力的; 引人注意的 She is an attractive woman. 她是一个有魅力的女人。,2) no wonder: 难怪; 不足为奇 (esp.口语) No wonder youve got a headache you drank so much wine. 你喝了那么多酒, 难怪你头疼。 wonder n. 惊异; 惊奇; 惊叹 a look of wonder 惊异的神情 He watched the magician in silent wonder. 他一声不响惊奇的看这魔术师。 wonder n. 奇迹; 奇观; 奇才; 奇事; do wonders 创造奇迹,The ivory works is a wonder of delicate workmanship. 这件象牙雕刻是手艺精巧的珍品。 It is no wonder that 难怪 He has studied hard,It is no wonder that he can pass the exam .,你吃这么多难怪睡不着。,No wonder you couldnt sleep when you ate so much.,He has never liked reading books,so it is no wonder that he always failed in the exams.,他从不喜欢看书,难怪考试总不及格。,8. unique adj. “独一无二的; 仅有的” e.g. This is an unique experience. 这是一次独特的经历 敦煌的美丽在世界上是独一无二的。 The beauty of Dunhuang is unique in the world.,每个民族都有自己独特的文化。,Every people has its own unique culture.,到目前为止,我们的地球是宇宙中独一无二的有生命的星球。,Up to now, Our earth has been an unique planet which has life in the universe.,9. preserve:vt. 保存,保留,保护,维护,Salt and spices help to preserve meat. 盐和调味品有助于保存肉类。 He always preserves the style of hard struggle. 他始终保持艰苦奋斗的作风。 preserve: n. 保护区 This is a panda natural preserve. This is the worlds largest birds natural preserve.,10. length n. 意为“长度;长” The house we live in now has 15 metres in length and 5 metres in width. 我们现在住的房子有15米长5米宽。 拓展:at length 最后, 终于; 详细地 Our English teacher explained the sentence at great length. They de
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