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七年级上册,Unit 2 This is my sister Section B (3a-self check),1.复习掌握本单元表家庭成员的单词以及几个短语。 2.熟练运用本单元句型: 3.运用所学句型写文章 4.正确运用am, is, are及名词的复数,学习目标,This _ my sister. That _ his brother. She _ his aunt. He _ my uncle . These _ her parents. Those _ her friends. They _ my family.,is,are,is,is,is,are,are,is,are,&,知识回顾,father/dad,mother/mom,grandfather/grandpa,grandmother /grandma,uncle,aunt,brother,I,cousins,Family Tree,son,daughter,sister,知识回顾,自主学习,1. 预习Unit 2 This is my sister-Section B (3a-Self check)。 2. 听101名师微课This is my sister-Section B核心词汇 This is my sister-Section B词法句法。,按要求写出下列单词或句子。,1.grandfather (口语) _ 2. father (口语) _ 3. grandmother (口语) _ 4. mother (口语) _ 5. friend (复数) _ 6. aunt (对应词) _,grandpa,grandma,friends,mom,dad,uncle,自主反馈,7. picture (同义词) _ 8. son (对应词) _ 9. 这就是。_ 10. 我的两张家庭照片 _ 11. 在第一/下张照片中 _ 12. 狗的名字 _,photo,daughter,Here is/are,two photos of my family,in the first /next photo,the name of the dog,自主反馈,Hi. My name is Paul. This is a photo of my _. These are my _ and these are my _, John and Bob. This is my sister _.,family,parents,brothers,Cindy,Lets check the answers.,3a. Complete the passage with the words in the box.,新课学习,Then draw a picture of Pauls family.,新课学习,Hi. Im _. Here is a photo of my family. These are _ _ _ _,3b. Bring a family photo to class and write about it. Then tell a classmate about your family.,新课学习,【指导】 1. 作文的前两句话已给出,第一空格处应填好自己的名字。 2. 然后,将照片上的家人的姓名或与自己的关系向大家作介绍。同学们可以按辈份或年龄的大小有顺序地依次进行介绍。 3. 注意运用正确的句型,在介绍父母或祖父母等多个人时,可用These/Those are句型;在介绍单个的人时,应用This/That is句型。,新课学习,Hi. Im _. Here is a photo of my family. These are _ _ _ _ _ _,Heres an example:,Jack,grandparents Those are my parents. Those are my aunt and uncle. This is my brother Bob. That is my cousin Dale.,新课学习,Male,Both,Female,father/dad,grandfather/ grandpa,son,brother,uncle,grandparents,parents,cousin,mother/mom,grandmother/grandma,daughter,sister,aunt,1. Group the words for family members you have learned.,Self Check,Bill: Heres a photo of my family. Dale: _ he? Bill: _ my uncle. Dale: _ this girl? Bill: _ my cousin. Dale: Are _ your parents? Bill: Yes, _ are. And these _ my grandparents.,Whos,Hes,Whos,Shes,they,they,are,2. Complete the conversation.,Self Check,写出下列单词的复数形式 1. parent _ 2. sister _ 3. brother _ 4. girl _ 5. boy _ 6. photo _ 7. family _ 8. bus _ 9. watch _ 10. girl _ 11. cousin _ 12. dog _,parents,sisters,brothers,girls,boys,photos,families,buses,watches,girls,cousins,dogs,Self Check,分组活动,总结归纳,1 组,2 组,3 组,4 组,总结归纳可数名词变复数的规则,可数名词的复数形式。 a. 可以直接以数字计算的名词称为可数名词,可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。 b. 对可数名词来说,当表示一个人或事物时用单数形式;表示两个或两个以上的人或事物时则用复数形式。 c. 单数名数名词变为复数名词有以下规则:,Grammar,1、一般情况下在名词后面加-s。 pencilpencils, sistersisters, 2、以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,先将y改为i,再加-es。 family families 3、以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-es. watchwatches, boxboxes(盒子),Grammar,4、以f或fe结尾的名词,先将f或fe改为v,再加-es knifeknives(小刀) 5、以o结尾的名词,有的加-es,有的直接加-s。 tomatotomatoes (西红柿) photophotos 6、特殊情况,无规则可循。 manmen (男人),Grammar,分组活动,Ask and answer,1 组,2 组,3 组,4 组,总结本课自己的收获,小组内交流。,我的狗的名字,the name of my dog,在我家,in my family,在下一张照片中,in the next picture,在第一张照片中,in the first photo,两张我家人的漂亮照片,two nice photos of my family,新课总结,随堂检测,在线完成101智慧课堂上Unit 2 This is my sister-Section B (3a-Self check 随堂测试!,1.主题讨论:怎样用英语介绍家庭成员; 在101云课堂发布发布你所写的新对话,大家互批改。 2.背诵Unit 2重点单词,短语和句型 3.预习Unit 3 Is this your pencil-Section A (1a-1c)导学案。 4.听101名师微课Is this your pencil?-Section A核心词汇,作业布置,
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