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Unit 1 Whats the matter?1. have a fever 2. have a cough 3. have a toothache 4. talk too much 5. drink enough water6. have a cold ;7. have a stomachache 8. have a sore back 9. have a sore throat 10. lie down and rest 11. hot tea w ith honey 12. see a dentist 13. get an X-ray X 14. take one s temperature 15. put some medicine on sth. 16. feel very hot 17. sound like 18. all weekend 19. in the same way ? 20. go to a doctor 21. go along 22. on the side of the road 23. shout for help 24. without th inking twice 25. get off 26. have a heart problem 27. to one s surprise . 28. thanks to 29. in time 30. save a life 31. get into trouble 32. right away 33. because of 34. get out of ;35. hurt oneself 36. put a bandage on sth. 37. fa ll down 38. feel sick 39. have a nosebleed 40. cut his knee 42. have problems breathing 43. mountain climbing 44. be used to doing sth. 45. run out (of) ;46. so that 47. so. . . that 48. be in control of ;49. in a d iffic u lt situation 50. keep on doing sth. 51. make a decision 52. take risks 53. give up 1. What s the matter? What s the matter with you? = Whats the trouble with you? = What s wrong with you?2. W hat should she do?Should I take my temperature?+ should/shouldnt + . .You should lie down and rest. You shouldn t go out at night.3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or abook?4. I think I sat in the same way for too long withoutmoving.5. She said that the man had a heart problem andshould go to the hospitalUnit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks.1. Clean-Up Day 2. an old peoples home 3. help out with sth. 4. used to _5. care for ;6. the look of joy 7. at the age of .8clean up ()9. cheer up ();10. give out ;11. come up w ith 12. make a plan 13. make some notices 14. try out ;15. work for . 16. put up ;17. hand out ;18. call up ;19. put off ;20. for example 21. raise money ;22. take after .;23. give away ;24. fix up ;25. be similar to 26. set up ;27. disabled people 28. make a difference ;29. be able to 30. after-school reading program1. The boy could give out food at the food bank.2. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.3. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturdaymorning.4. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteerafter-school reading program.5. . . . you can see in th e ir eyes that th e y? re going ona different journey w ith each new book.6. I want to put off my plan to w o rk in an animal hospital u n til next summer.7. Most people today are only worried about gettinggood jobs to make lots of money.8. You helped to make it possible for me to haveLucky.Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?go out for dinner stay out late go to the movies get a ride work on finish doing sth. clean and tid y do the dishes take out the rubbish fold your/the clothes sweep the floor make your/the bed clean the livng room no problem welcome sb. come home fro m school/ work/throw down sit down come over take sb. for a walk all the time ;all day/evening /do housew ork shout back walk away .share the housework a com fortable home in surprise get som ething to drin k watch one show hang out pass sb. sth. lend sb. sth. get sth. wet hate to do sth. do chores help sb. (to ) d o /with sth?bring a tentbuy some snacksgo to the storeinvite sb. to a party
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