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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,Section A 3a4c,九年级英语 新目标 人,The general idea of the article is about . A.festivals B.friendship C.wonderful memories of school,Read for the general idea of 3a.,C,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What kind of writing is this? 2. What is the main subject of this writing? 3. Who do you think the writer is?,This is a poem.,The main subject is the writers memories of school over the last three years.,The writer is the student who is just about to graduate.,Read the poem again. Write the words that rhyme with the words below.,things _ land _ year _ school _ class _ flowers _,rings,cool,fear,ours,understand,pass,教材解读 1.And now its time to graduate Its time to do sth.表示“该到做某事的时候了”。Its time for sth.表示“该到某事的时候了”。 Its time to have lunch. =Its time for lunch.该到吃午饭的时候了。 表示“毕业于学科”使用graduate in;表示“从毕业”使用graduate from。 My brother graduated from college last year.我哥哥去年大学毕业。,2.And our kind and caring teachers caring是形容词,其动词是care,意为“关心,照顾”,care about意为“在意,在乎,关心”;care for意为“照顾”。 Our teachers are very kind and caring.我们的老师非常善良、体贴人。 He does not care about his clothes.他对穿着不在乎。 He cared for his father all through his long illness.他父亲在长期的生病期间由他照顾。,【拓展】 (1)take care小心。 Take care when you cross the road.当你过马路的时候请小心。 (2)take care of“照看;照顾”,相当于look after。 I must take care of my sister when my parents arent at home.当我的父母不在家的时候,我必须照顾我妹妹。,1.trying to be on time for morning readings 2.running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings 3.training for sports day 4.starting the first day in Grade 7,Have you experienced any of the following things? How did you feel? How does the writer feel about them?,5.slowly making some new friends 6.helping classmates with homework 7.preparing for art festivals 8.going to New Years parties 9.learning English,Retell the poem according to the following mind map.,Grammar Focus,Grammar Focus,_When I get to senior high, I will join the school swim team. _My time in junior high school has been enjoyable. _In Grade 8, I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English. I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts. So the next year, I worked much harder and got better grades.,3,1,6,Number the sentences to make a paragraph.,_Next year, I will be in senior high school. I cant believe how fast the time went by! _This year, with Mr. Trents help, my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year. _In the first year, I didnt work very hard in class, but I joined many different school clubs and had a lot of fun.,5,4,2,Write your own answers to the questions,1. What do you remember about Grade 7? 2. What happened in Grade 8 that was special? 3. What did you use to do that you dont do now?,4. How have you changed since you started junior high school? 5. How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 6. What are your plans for next year? 7. What are you looking forward to?,教材解读 This year,with Mr.Trents help,my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year. has been improving采用了现在完成进行时,其结构为“have/has+been+doing”。其表达的意思有两种:表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去;表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。 I have been learning English since three years ago.自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。 We have been waiting for you for half an hour.我们已经等你半个钟头了。 hope to do sth.表示“希望做某事”。 I hope to listen to music to relax.我希望听音乐来放松。,1.These books are theirs.And o are there. 2.Dont give up your dreams and you can o difficulty. 3.Our English teacher often asks us to read the t loudly in the class. 4.My brother will g from the university next year. 5.We are going to go s high school after this summer.,.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,urs,vercome,ext,raduate,enior,1.Please when you are in danger. 2.Her English is very high in our class. 3.I am hearing from you soon. 4.We have learned English for eight years this year. 5.They played in the room last night.And they .,.用方框中所给词(组)的适当形式填空,make a mess,keep ones cool,level,look forward to,at the end of,keep your cool,level,looking forward to,at the end of,made a mess,Homework (1)Read the poem in 3a. (2)Write a short passage according to the questions in 4b.,
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