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Unit3教 学目 标1. Knowledge aims: Talk about how to get to places2. Ability aims : Express your way of getting to school 3. Emotion aims : Learn the differences about the ways of getting to places教 学资 源Computer textbook screen重 点难 点New words take the to school 教 学 过 程教学环节Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposeTimeStep 1 Leading-inStep 2 PresentationStep 3 Practice Step4 consolidationStep 5 Homework 1. Free talk about how you go to different places.Show the pictures about the transportation. And learn new words Divide the Ss into small groups and discuss their ways of getting to school.1a Look at the picture then talk about in pairs.1b listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the pictures above.1c free talk2a2b Listen and complete the tasks together.2e Role play the conversation1. How do you get to school?2. I am not sure.3. How long does it take you to get to school?4. Have a good day at school.One student tell everyone what we learned this lesson.Make a survey How other people get to their work Discuss some questions together.Read aloud after teacher(ABC)The team leader reports their result in English.Ss do these parts according to the teachers instructions.Ss finish the exes and the teacher check the answers.Finish the listening practice . To introduce Ss the unit goals . To help Ss recognize the target language in natural.To help Ss use the target language in natural speech .215151021 板 书 设 计 Unit3 How do you get to school? New words: subway , train Sentences: How do you? 教 学 后 记Make groups to have a competition , this way can help them study well.3
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