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Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine TownWelcome to the unit学案l 学习目标知识目标1. 了解有关地点和交通的话题。2. 能谈论参观访问和交通方式。能力目标:能够辨别方位。情感目标:增强对祖国的热爱l 学习重点.1. 方位的描述。2. 谈论参观访问和交通方式。l 学习难点谈论参观访问和交通方式。l 课前自学一、 回答问题。1. Where do birds fly in autumn?2. Where do they fly in spring? 二、 翻译下面词语。东南_ 东北_ 西南_ 西北_ 东_ 西_三、 看图完成对话。a supermarketa school my housea bus stopa restaurantA:Where is the school?B:Its south-west of my house.A:Where is?B:四、 回答问题。How do you usually go to school?_五、 完成课本43页A内容。六、 根据43页B的对话编写新对话。Lets go to_.Ok. We can _.七、 看Hobo和Eddie 的对话,回答下面对话。1.Where are Hobo and Eddie standing?_2.How does Hobo go down the hill?_3.What does the sign say?_l 课堂检测一、句型转换练习。1. Lets enjoy Beijing opera here.(同义句)_2. Be late for school.(改为否定句) _3. I think we can go there by underground. (改为否定句) _4. She goes to the zoo by bus.(对线部分提问) _5. The Sunnyside Garden is north-west of the zoo.(改为一般疑问句) _6. Simon walks to the supermarket. (同义句)_7. They go to the restaurant by bike.(同义句)_二、翻译句子。1别太确定。我们请老师帮忙吧。Dont be _ _. Lets ask the teacher_ _.2别害怕。我们都会帮你。Dont _ _. We are all here _ _ _.3别那么做。Dont do _ _ _.4汤姆正在登山。Tom is _ _ _ _.5.让我们帮助李老师拿书吧。Lets help Miss Li _ _ _.6.有些人害怕狗。Some people _ _ _dogs.参考答案:一、句型转换练习。1.Shall we enjoy Beijing opera here? 2.Dont be late for school. 3.I dont think we can go there by underground. 4.How does she go to school? 5. Is the Sunnyside Garden north-west of the zoo? 6.Simon goes to the supermarket on foot. 7.They ride to the restaurant.二、翻译句子。1.so sure; for help 2.be afraid; to help you 3.it like that 4.climbing up the hill 5.carry the books 6.are afraid of3
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