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Unit 6 Outdoor funTeaching aims and difficulties:To be able to learn. about the names of the outdoor activities .To be able to talk about their favourite outdoor activities;To master the usage of the new words.To be able to plan some outdoor activities.To learn how to talk about outdoor activities.Teaching procedures:Step1 RevisionDiscussion(T asks the students to say the outdoor activities and tells the others their favourite outdoor activities)T:What outdoor activities do you know? Can you say their names? Which one do you like best?Step 2 Presentation1.Show some pictures and ask : Do you know these outdoor activities?(Learn the new words about outdoor activities)2.Finish Part A-Look at Part A on Page69.Write the correct letters in the boxes.3.Tell Ss to ask and answer questions about the outdoor activitiese.g.Do you want to go camping? Who will go camping with you? What kind of place /weather is good for camping? What should people bring if they want to go camping?Step3 Practise Part B1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions:1)What outdoor activities would Amy like to try ?2)What about Daniel?2.Repeat after the tape and try to find out why they like the two activities ?3.Read the conversation .4.Explanation.5.Ss make dialogues to talk about the outdoor activities they would like to try and the reason.Step4 Presentation ( comic strips)1. Eddie and Hobo are doing an outdoor activity. Look at the picture,and tell me what it is.2. Listen to the tape with questions1)Does Eddie thinks the bag is heavy?2)Does Hobo think so ? 3. Listen again, answer more questions:1).How does Eddie feel? 2).What does Eddie want Hobo to do? 3).Does Eddie complain too much?4.Ss read after the tape recorder.Step4 ProductionWork in groups to practise the conversation and add some new expressions then ask them to act it out.Step5.Sum-up Go through the new words and the language points learnt during this lesson. Step 6 Homework 1.Review the contents of this lesson.2. Write a short passage about outdoor activities.课堂检测:一、 英汉互译。1. 赶快,快点_ 2. 抱怨太多_3. 户外活动 _ 4. 想去试试_5. 去露营 _ 6. 去骑车 _7. 累了 _ 8. 为我提包_二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Daniel, if you dont h_ up, you will have no time to do after-school _ (activity).2. You love horses so much. Why not go r_?3. Please _(carry ) the box for _( I ).4. There are many beautiful _( lake )and _(hill) in Lian Yungang.5. What do you like about _(camp)?6. Would you like _( play ) games with me ?三、 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 我们的家务劳动其实没那么多。Our housework is not really _ _ .2. 我喜欢待在户外,亲近美丽的湖泊和小山。I like _ _, _ _ _ and _.3. 你喜欢你们学校的什么? _ do you _ _ your school?3
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