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Module 8 Story timeUnit 3 Language in use一、学习目标:1、熟读、识记本模块的单词; 2、总结和巩固含动词过去式的变化规则。二、学习重点:一般过去时(2); 行为动词的过去式变化规则,及其运用。学习难点:一般过去时(2)动词过去式的运用;用简单的含动词过去式的句子讲述熟知的故事。三、学习方法:归纳和实践等方法学习语言知识;制作动词过去式变化卡片,随身携带记忆。四、学习步骤课前预习I can do it! (我能行) 重要句型:1. _ , she _ the door. (最终,她推开了门。)2. She _ _ the middle bed or the big bed. (她不喜欢中等大的床和大床。3. _ she _ any flowers in the forest? (她在森林里采花了吗?)4. Oh, did she often _ _ a walk in the forest _? (哦,她经常独自在林中散步吗?)5. Then she _ a little house, _ she _ _ it.(然后她注意到一座小房子,于是她匆匆朝着房子方向走去)6. Goldilocks _ to _ down because she _ tired.(金凤花想坐下,因为她很累。)7. They _ _ Goldilocks at _. (起初它们没有注意到金凤花。)课堂学习研讨I. 口语练习:pair work 同伴活动 说说你知道哪些动词的过去式呢?II. 词汇运用: (Activity 1 , Activity 2,) III. Writing: 活动5,6(先口头问答,然后再写同班同学过去的生活)巩固练习. 模块巩固重点词汇1. gold (汉语意思) _; 2. 森林(英语单词)_; 3. decide (第三人称单数) _; 4. pick (现在分词) _; 5. notice (过去式) _; 6. knock (过去式) _; 7. answer (反义词) _; 8. push (第三人称单数) _;9. 也(不)(翻译)_; 10. piece (复数) _;11. return (过去式) _; 12. without (汉语意思) _;写出下列动词的过去式以不发音字母e结尾:13. decide _ 14. notice _ 15. entitle _直接加-ed: 16. pick _; 17. knock _; 18. push _以辅音字母加y结尾:19. hurry _; 20. marry _; 21.study_元音+辅音结尾:22. stop _; 23. sit _; 24. begin _不规则变化(查阅单词表):25. lose _; 26. leave _; 27. ride _ 28. teach_; 29. fly_ 30. swim _; 31.go_重点短语32.从前 _ _ a time; 33.决定做某事 _ _ _ sth. 34. go for a walk _; 35. be lost _; 36. look around _; 37. 敲门 _ _ the door38. wait a moment _; 39. 向里面看 _ _;40. 捡起 _ _; 41. 想做某事 _ _ do sth.42. in pieces _; 43. be asleep _; 44. point at _; . 句型转换1. She hurry to the house. (改为同义句) She went to the house _ _ _.2. He lives in a small house. (用last year改写句子) He _ _ a small house last year.3. The girl return to the school. (改为否定句) The girl _ _ to the school.4. There was a girl. Her name was Kitty. (合并为一句) There was a girl _ Kitty.5. He left the room with nothing in his hand. (改为同义句) He left the room _ _ in his hand. 6. Tom went to Shanghai last week. (改为一般疑问句) _ Tom _ to Shanghai last week?7. We study for exam yesterday. (就划线部分提问) _ _ he do yesterday?. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空。nobody, asleep, without, notice, bowl, finish, open, bedroom, hurry, loseSnow White was in the forest. This poor girl walked and walked, soon she was 1 . She looked around. Then she 2 a small wooden(木制的)house. She 3 to the wooden house. The door was 4 . She entered the wooden house 5 knocking on the door. There was 6 in the house. It was very quiet. She looked into a small room. On the table she counted seven 7 with nice rice in them. Oh, Snow White was very hungry. She picked up one of the bowls and 8 all the food in it. Snow White was too tired. She walked into the 9 . In the smallest bed, this poor girl was 10 . In her dream, she saw her mother. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 达标练习. 单项选择( ) 1. I often _ my homework after supper. But yesterday evening, I _TV.A. do; watch B. did; watched C. did; watch D. do; watch( ) 2. They decided _ at the end of this month. A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. leaves( ) 3. He promise to _ at the school gate.A. pick up me B. pick up I C. pick I up D. pick me up( )4. Why not _ there?A. trying walking B. try to walk B. C. to try and walk D. to try walking ( )5. I dont like other people pointing _ me. A. by B. at C. in D. on( )6. She didnt like the two big chairsthey were _.A. nice B. comfortable C. uncomfortable D. friendly( )7. I didnt know _. A. where I was B. where was I C. where I am D. where am I( ) 8. I _ but found _. A. looked at; nobody B. looked for; anybody C. looked around; nobody D. looked in; anybody( ) 9. Does the panda eats meat? _.A. No, they dont B. No, it doesnt B. C. Yes, it doesnt D. No, it didnt( ) 10. There _ a school and two factories in the town 30 years ago. A.
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