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20112012学年第三次月考八年级英语试题第一部分:听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选出与句子意思相符的图画(5分) A B C D E1、 2、 3、 4、 5、二、听句子,选出正确的答语(5分)()6、A、Yes , I have. B、Yes, I did . C、Thank you .()7、A、At school . B、For two hours. C、You should write him a letter.()8、A、Thats not special enough. B、You are welcome. C、Sorry, I will do it right away.()9、A、Here you are. B、Thats a good idea. C、Since three years ago()10、A、Because its not easy to take care of. B、No problem C. You should get her a scarf.三、听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)()11、A、Because he watched TV too late B、Because he played football too late. C. Because he didnt know how to do it.()12、A、Some fruit. B .Some food C. Some flowers()13、A、By plane. B. By train . C.By car .()14、A、Movie stars. B、Football stars. C、Pop stars.()15、A、In the bookstore. B、In a supermarket C. In a clothingshop.四、听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(5分)()16、Who is speaking?A. A teacher B、A tour guide C、A doctor()17、Where is Hangzhou ?A、In Jiangsu province B、Near Guangxi C、By the West Lake()18、Does Hangzhou have a large population? A、Yes, it does. B、No, it doesnt. C、We dont know.()19、How are the people in hangzhou?A、Free. B、Friendly and helpful. C、Excited.()20、Hangzhou is _ .A、a beautiful city B. the capital of Jiangsu C、in north China 第二部分:笔试部分(80分)一、单项选择(15分)( )21. Why not _ money from your brother ? A. borrow B. lend C. lending D. borrowing( )22. How long have you been an English teacher,Miss Yang?_two years ago. A. Since B. For C. At D. /( )23. May I speak to Mr Wang, please? Sorry, you cant. He _ Shanghai. A.has been to B.was in C.has gone to D.was at( )24. What did she say? She said that she _ there languages.A.spoke B.speaking C.could D.could speak( )25. The work is too difficult. I cant do it _.A.alone B.along C.easy D. hard( )26. You are too careless(粗心的), _?A.are you B.arent you C.shall we D. will( )27.How about_ home? Ok, Mom.A.to go B.going C.goes D. went( )28. This TV show is too_. Id rather listen to music.A.fantastic B.exciting C.boring D. funny( )29.She has to write_ report for the meeting A.800-words B.an 800 words C. a 800 word D.an 800- word( )30.Table tennis is_ than teenis in China. ApopularBpopular enoughCtoo popularDmore popular( )31.I will do it _. A.just now B.right away C.after D. just then( )32. Kate has been swimming _ four hours.A. for B.since C.about D. at( )33.Sam _ coins since he was eleven years old.A. collects B.had collected C.has been collecting D. collecting( )34. I meet my best friend while I _ along Bridge Street.A. walked B.has been walking C. was walking D. has walked( )35.Would you mind opening the door ? _.A.Yes, open it B.Not at all C. Certainly D. No, dont do it在高温或低温情况下进行的高处作业。高温是指作业地点具有生产性热源,其气温高于本地区夏季室外通风设计计算温度的气温2及以上时的温度。低温是指作业地点的气温低于5。八年级英语卷共8页第5页二、完形填空。每题1分,共10分。What must you do when you receive a present_ your birthday? You have to sit down And writer a thank-you note. The words “thank you” are _ important. We have to usethem very often. We say them when someone gives us a drink, _ us to pick up things, lendsus a book or gives us a gift.Another important word is “please”. Many people _ to use it. It is rude to ask someoneto do something without saying “please”. We have to use it when we _ something, too. Itmay be a book _a pencil, more rice or help. We have to use “please” to make requestpleasant.We have _“sorry”, too. When we have _ someone , We ll have to go up andsay were sorry. When we forgot something , we will also say “sorry” . We can make people _ wrongs by saying it.These three words are _. Our children must learn to use them .They are pleasing words touse in any languages. ( ) 36. A.in B.at C. for D. to( )37. A.so B.very C.not D. such( )38. A.helps B.has C.lets D.makes( )39. A.want B.forget C.like D.remember( )40. A.ask for B.say C.need D.want( )41. A.but B.and C.or D.as( )42. A.learn to say B.to learn and say C.learn and say D.to learn to say( )43. A.fell B.touched C.felt D. hurt( )44. A.remember B.forget C.need D.think( )45. A.difficult but importan B.simple but important C.useful but difficult 三、情景交际。从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。共5分。A:
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