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课时素养评价 十Unit 4Starting out & Understanding ideas. 单句语法填空1. There were only three of us on the advanced (advance) course. 【补偿训练】The tickets of football games often sell out well in advance. 2. The two sets of figures are not significantly (significant) different. 【补偿训练】We should keep in mind that teamwork is of great significance (significant) to both our society and ourselves. 3. The software enables you to access (access) the Internet in seconds. 4. This year water levels in the Yangtze are unusually (unusual) high. 5. I preferred jazz to rock music during that time. 6. When Im tired, I tend to make (make) mistakes. 【补偿训练】I have a tendency (tend)to talk too much when Im nervous. 7. Thanks to our hard work, we can finish the task on time. 8. I will always keep in mind what had happened among us. 9. What he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. 10. As everyone knows, China is a beautiful country with a long history. . 选词填空lose track of, thanks to, communicate with, stay in touch with, up to, keep in mind, share. . . with1. Sue shares a house with three other students. 2. What he is up to is watched over by his parents. 3. He promised to stay in touch with us while he was abroad. 4. You need to keep in mind that you should keep calm when in trouble. 5. Teacher showed us how to communicate with each other in English. 6. Thanks to teachers help, I have made great progress in my English. 7. In order to avoid losing track of your friend, youd better call your friend now and then. . 完成句子1. What if you get a bad job and have a poor income? 要是你得到一份不好的工作, 收入低怎么办? 2. You have our support, whatever you decide. 不管你作何决定, 都会得到我们的支持。3. Even if we achieve great success in our work, we should not be conceited. 即使我们在工作中取得了很大的成绩, 也不应该自满。4. What was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. 曾经被认为不可能的事情, 现在已经变成了事实。5. As we know, smoking is harmful to ones health. 正如我们所知, 吸烟有害健康。. 阅读理解AJack threw the papers on my desk. “Next time you want to change anything, ask me first, ” he said. I had changed a long sentence and corrected its grammarsomething I thought I was paid to do. Several days later, he made me angry again. I went to his office, prepared to lose my job if need be, but not before I let the man know how I felt. “What? ” he said nervously. Suddenly I knew what I had to do. “Jack, the way youve been treating me is wrong. And its wrong for me to allow it to continue, ” I said. “I want to make you a promise. I will be a friend. ” The next day I brought some cakes to Jacks office. Every time I saw Jack in the hall, I smiled at him. After all, thats what friends do. One year after our talk, I was told that I had breast cancer. When I was in hospital, my friends tried to find the right words to say, but no one could. The last day of my hospital stay, the door opened and Jack walked over to my bed. “Tulips (郁金香), ” he placed some bulbs beside me and said, “If you plant them when you get home, youll be there to see them when they come up. ” Tears filled my eyes. In a moment when I prayed for just the right words, a man with few words said the right thing. After all, thats what friends do. Now, I have seen those tulips push through the soil every spring for over ten years. 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者和朋友Jack之间的故事。告诉读者: 相互尊重才会得到真诚的友谊。1. Why did Jack throw some papers on the authors desk? A. She gave him the wrong papers. B. He thought her report was very bad. C. He wanted her to check them again. D. He didnt agree with her correction. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段可知Jack并不认同作者对他的论文的修改, 认为作者未询问他就修改论文是对他的不尊重, 所以才会对作者发脾气。2. What promise did the author make to Jack? A. She would work harder from then on. B. She would treat him like a friend. C. She would bring him some cakes. D. She would treat him the same way. 【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段中“I want to make you a promise. I will be a friend. ”可知作者对Jack发誓会像朋友一样对待他。3. The tulip bulbs that Jack gave the author probably suggest _. A. loveB. honorC. hopeD. thanks【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第四段倒数第二句可知Jack告诉作者“回家的时候, 如果你把它们都种下去, 当它们发芽的时候, 你就能够看见它们”, 这是Jack鼓励作者乐观面对困境所说的话, 让作者对生活充满希望。句中把郁金香球茎比喻为生活的希望。4. What did the author mean by saying “thats what friends do”? A. Friends must help each other to correct mistakes. B. Friends should give advice to each other at the right time. C. Friends should do anything for each other. D. Friends should treat each other with respect and kindness. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第三段中“The next day I brought some cakes to Jacks office. Every time I saw Jack in the hall, I smiled at him. ”可知作者把Jack当成她的朋友, 每次见面都笑脸相迎, 善意对待朋友。所以“thats what friends do”就是指朋友之间相互尊敬。B When we were very small, we realized that having friends was important. Some of us even had imaginary(想象中的)friends. The need for friends continued as we grew into our teens. Friends played a big part in forming our personalities(性格). As adults
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