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Section Grammar一、名词用作动词在英语中,同一个词可以转变其词性,而词义没有多大的改变。这种构词法叫做词的转化。本单元介绍的是名词转化为动词的情况。1表示器官的名词用作动词head n. 头v. 朝去hand n. 手v. 交出;传递face n. 脸v. 面对 back n. 背v. 倒车;支持shoulder n. 肩膀v. 肩负;承担 nose n. 鼻子v. 闻出;觉察eye n. 眼睛v. 注视When the famous star came in, all people eyed her.当那位著名明星进来时,所有的人都注视着她。Many of his friends backed his plan.他的很多朋友支持他的计划。Id like to live in a room whose window faces south.我想居住在窗子朝南的屋子里。2表示职业、身份和称呼的名词用作动词nurse n. 护士v. 护理 doctor n. 医生v. 诊治host n. 主人v. 主办 guard n. 卫兵v. 守护brother n. 兄弟v. 像兄弟般对待 mother n. 母亲v. 悉心照顾She nursed her husband back to health.她照料丈夫恢复了健康。The dog was guarding its owners luggage.狗守护着主人的行李。Although I am no longer a child, Mother still mothers me.尽管我已经不是小孩子,但母亲对我依然悉心照料。3表示工具的名词用作动词paper n. 纸v. 用纸包装 pen n. 钢笔v. (用钢笔)写book n. 书籍v. 预订 house n. 房屋v. 提供住处ship n. 船v. 用船运输 knife n. 刀v. 用刀切She penned a few words of thanks.她写了几句致谢的话。The company ships its goods all over the world.公司把货物运往世界各地。The government has built new houses to house the homeless people.政府建了新房子给无家可归的人提供住处。4表示装置的名词用作动词can n. 罐v. 装进罐子 box n. 箱子;盒子v. 把装入箱/盒内bottle n. 瓶子v. 用瓶装These oranges were boxed and sent off quickly.这些橘子被装箱,然后迅速地发走。5物质名词用作动词air n. 空气v. 通风 cash n. 现金v. 兑现rain n. 雨v. 下雨 water n. 水v. 浇水flower n. 花v. 开花 oil n. 油v. 加油root n. 根v. 扎根 dust n. 灰尘v. 拂去灰尘picture n. 图画v. 描绘;想象These trees need to be watered.这些树需要浇水。It was raining heavily when we arrived there.当我们到达那里时正在下大雨。6.抽象名词用作动词anger n. 愤怒v. 使发怒number n. 数字v. 给编号lunch n. 午饭v. 吃午饭 hunger n. 渴求;渴望v. 渴望time n. 时间v. 计时;安排时间Their words angered me greatly.他们的话使我非常愤怒。名师点津有些名词转化为动词时元音字母或词尾会发生变化。如:song(歌)sing(唱歌);food(食物)feed(喂养);bath(洗澡)bathe(洗澡)等。考情分析高考要求学生应该掌握各类词性的正确使用及转化,能够运用构词法知识猜测语境中生词的语义。词性转化为每年语篇填空必考内容。除直接考查外,每年的高考试卷中都会对构词法知识间接考查(文中出现),有些会造成一定的阅读难度。批语有些名词转化为动词时形式不变,但读音会发生变化。1“名清动浊”:作名词时发清辅音/s/;作动词时发浊辅音/z/。excusekskjusn.理由kskjuzv.原谅househasn.房子hazv.给提供住处2“名前动后”:作名词时重音在前;作动词时重音在后。recordrekdn.纪录;记载rkdv.记录;录音高考佳句A woman excused the interruption and handed me an envelope.一位女士请我原谅她的打扰并递给我一个信封。即时训练1.完成句子1要想买到票,你必须提前预订。To get tickets, you have to book in advance.2政府已经修建了新房子让无家可归的人们居住。The government has built new houses to house_the_homeless_people.3这片土地受这些河流灌溉。The land is_watered by these rivers.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空1More and more people were gathering there. He shouldered (shoulder) his way through the crowd and rushed into the burning house.2She spends her spare time nursing (nurse) her mother.二、will和be going to表示将来1“will动词原形”表示将来(1)表示纯粹的将来The agreement will come into force next spring.协议将在明年春天生效。(2)表示说话人的推测She will be all right after taking the medicine.吃了这药,她就会好的。(3)表示将来的意愿、允诺、决心、命令等I wont go shopping this afternoon, but she will.今天下午我不想去购物,但她想去。(4)表示一种倾向性或习惯性动作Every Sunday we will go out for dinner.每个星期天我们都会出去吃饭。(5)表示临时决定做某事Have you posted the letters for me?Sorry, I forgot. Ill post them right away.你替我把信件寄出去了吗?对不起,我忘了。我马上就去寄。2“be going to动词原形”表示将来(1)表示已经决定或安排好要做某事。Im going to sell this old car, and buy a new one.我打算卖掉这辆旧车,买一辆新的。(2)表示有迹象表明即将发生某事。Listen to the wind. We are going to have a rough navigation.听那风声,我们航行时困难一定很大。名师点津be going to表示按计划或安排将要发生的事情;而will不强调行为的计划性,多指临时的决定或安排。Mary is ill. I am going to visit her.Sorry, I didnt know. I will go with you.玛丽病了,我打算去看她。抱歉我不知道,我和你一起去。3将来时的其他表示方法(1)有些表示位置转移的动词如go, come, leave, start, fly, return等的进行时表示很快就要发生的动作。They are flying to Beijing tomorrow.他们将于明天飞往北京。(2)表示按时间表、时刻表、日程表等安排将要发生的动作,常用一般现在时表示将来;在时间、条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时表示将来。The train to Shenzhen leaves at 9.去深圳的火车在9点离开。When he grows up, he will work as a lawyer.他长大后,要当律师。(3)“be to动词原形”表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作;也可表示按职责、义务的要求要发生的动作。The students are to leave school next month.这些学生下个月就要离校了。You are to arrive on time for the meeting.你们必须按时参加会议。(4)“be about to动词原形”表示即将发生的动作,常与when连用。需注意它不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状语连用。Be quiet. The film is about to start.安静,电影马上开始。He was about to go out when the telephone rang.他正要出去,这时电话铃响了。考情分析动词的时态和语态是历年高考英语测试的重中之重。命题思路有三:一是直接给出标志性时间状语,考生能依据所给的时间状语作出选择;二是给出时间状语,但所给时间状语有着较强的干扰性,考生不能直接根据时间状语作出选择,需要结合语境判断;三是没有任何时间状语,需要借助于上下文语境,才能作出正确判断。批语考生应熟知常用时态和被动语态的构成及用法,解题时一定要结合语境,弄清时间的先后关系,综合得出答案。高考佳句The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.学生们一直刻苦学习功课,最终回报他们努力的将是成功。即时训练2.单句填空1Can you tell me the timetable of the school bus?Well, the bus leaves (leave) here for the campus at 7:00 am.2When will you come to see me, Dad?I will go to see you when you finish (finish) the training course.3The information from the teachers suggests that the exam will_be (be) very easy tomorrow.根据汉语意思完成句子1乔治打算今晚在班上谈论他国家的地理。George is_go_to_talk_about the geography of his country
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