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Unit 5 Languages around the World Discovering Useful Structures课时检测素养达标. 用适当的关系代词或副词填空1. Self-driving is an area where China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. 2. Do you like the book for which she paid $10? 3. Do you like the book from which she learned a lot? 4. Do you like the book about which she often talks? 5. The tower from which people can have a good view is on the hill. 6. The man to whom I spoke on the phone last night is very good at wrestling. 7. She glanced at the room where four men were talking aloud. 8. Do you know the year when/on which the Chinese Communist Party was founded? 9. The factory where/in which we are working will be rebuilt soon. 10. The reason why/for which she did it is that she wouldnt let her parents feel disappointed. . 根据提示补全下列定语从句1. This is the museum where we saw the famous painting. 这就是我们看到那幅名画的博物馆。(where)2. We live in an age when people can communicate more easily than ever before. 我们生活在一个交流比以前更容易的时代。(when)3. The reason why he was late was that he got up late. 他迟到的原因是他起床晚了。(why)4. The documents for which they were searching have been recovered. 他们寻找的文件已经找到了。(for which)5. This is the teacher from whom weve learned a lot. 这就是我们从他那里学了很多东西的老师。(from whom)6. The man to whom you were talking just now is my English teacher. 刚刚和你谈话的那个人是我的英语老师。(to whom)7. Ill never forget the day on which I joined the party. 我永远都不会忘记入党的日子。(on which)8. The factory in which my father works is in the east of the city. 父亲工作的那家工厂在城东。(in which)9. None of us know the reason for which Tom was absent from the meeting. 我们都不知道汤姆缺席会议的原因。(for which)10. Great changes have taken place in the city in which I was born. 我出生的城市发生了很大的变化。(in which)运用定语从句介绍一次参观活动。1. 上周日, 刘梅和她的朋友们想去参观她父亲上学的学校。(where)2. 他们记下父亲告诉他们的信息后就出发了。(about which)3. 他们这样做只是想了解乡村学校。(why)4. 但他们却永远忘不了在那里玩得很开心的那一天。(when)_【参考范文】Last Sunday Liu Mei and her friends wanted to visit the school where her father studied. They wrote down some information about which her father told them, and then set out. The reason why they did it was that they wanted to know about the village school. But they will never forget the day when they had a good time. 3
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