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Lesson26 What will I be?I 教学目标1. 知识目标: 掌握单词及短语 page,yearbook, pilot,fear,height, overcome,model,have a fear of, take steps to do, stop.(from) doing 2. 能力目标:学会用英语介绍自己的未来 3. 情感目标:克服困难,努力实现梦想 II 教学思路:1.通过直接法导入新课。2.利用图片展示切入主题,让学生通过问答,体会不同职业的价值,从而引发对自己理想的思考。3.再次操练对话谈论自己的梦想4.通过学习课文最后形成自己对未来的畅想。 III 教学过程Step1 Lead in What do you want to do when you grow up? (discuss in group).Step2 Presentation Look and answer the question. Picture 1What does he do? Hes an engineer. He wants to build many buildings. Picture 2What does he do? Hes an airplane pilot. He has a cool job. Picture 3What are they holding? They are holding model planes. They might build more comfortable planes.Step3 Chain DrillA: What will you be when you grow up?B: I will be a/an. What will you be .when you grow up?C: I will be a/an. (teacher, driver, farmer, writer, singer, dancer, worker, actor, painter, cook, doctor, waiter, clerk, carpenter, dentist.)Step4 Read and answer 1. What does Tiantian think of being a pilot?2. What is Tiantians problem?3. Can she overcome her fear?4. Does she like building model planes?Step5 Language Points1. have a fear of sb /sth=be afraid of sb/sth 害怕某人/某物 汉译英:李磊不擅长物理,他害怕考试。 Li Lei isnt good at_, he_. 2. take steps to do 采取措施去做 Dont worry. Our teacher will take steps_(help) us. 3. stop sb (from) doing=keep sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 他的妈妈阻止他在大街上玩。 His mother stops him from playing in the street. Step6 Listen and answer. Listen and choose(T/F) Finish Lets do it. No. 3 Step7 Read the text in group.Step8 Talk about your future in groups and show 1. What will you be in the future? What are you good at? 2. Why do you have this dream? 3. If you meet some problems, what will you do to overcome them?Step9 Exercise 1. Whatwillhebewhenhe_?(长大) 2. They may beairplane_.(飞行员) 3. Ican_small_toovercomemyfear. (采取措施) 4. My teacher stops him from_(climb) the tree.5. 连词成句of, do, heights, fear, you, a, have( ? )_?Step10 Homework 1. Finish Lesson 26 of Activity Book.2. Write a composition-My FutureIV板书设计 Lesson26 What will I be? 1. have a fear of sb /sth 2. take steps to do 3. stop sb (from) doing4
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