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Student Book 2(UNIT14)单元的重点知识Lesson 1: May I Go to Beijing?1. Mom, may I go on a trip to Beijing? 妈妈,我可以去北京旅行吗? May I? 用来表示请求对方许可。在口语中常用can代替may。其回答如下:May I?肯定回答否定回答Yes, you may.Yes, please.Yes, of course.Sure.No, you may not.No, you cant.No, please dont.No, you mustnt.No, youd better not.go on a trip是“去旅行”的意思。例如: They are going on a trip to Mount Emei. 他们要去峨眉山旅行。2. Youre too young to go, Li Ming. 李明,你太小了,不能去。 tooto意思是“太以至于不能”。例如: He is too young to ride the bicycle. 他太小了,还不能骑自行车。3. But Beijing is far from our city. 但北京离我们城市很远。 far from意思是“远离”。例如: My home is far from our school. 我家离学校很远。4. You work hard in school. 你在学校很努力。 此句也可以说:You work hard at school.。work hard意为“努力学习;努力工作”。hard是副词,意为“努力地”。而hard work则意为“艰难的工作”。hard是形容词,意为“困难的”。Lesson 2: May I Invite Danny and Jenny?1. May I invite them, Mom? 妈妈,我可以邀请他们吗? invite是动词,常与to连用,意为“邀请”。例如: I often invite my friends to my house. 我经常邀请我的朋友到我家里做客。 She invited us to her party. 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。2. Please talk to Mrs. Smith. 请您给史密斯太太谈一谈。 talk to/with意为“同某人谈话或交谈”。例如: My teacher usually talks to us after class. 我的老师经常课下与我们交谈。 talk about意为“谈论;讨论”。例如: Lets talk about the pictures. 我们一起来看图说话。3. May I speak with Mrs. Smith, please? 我可以找史密斯太太接电话吗? 这是打电话用语。也可以说:Is that/thisspeaking? 正式用语应为:May I speak to? Yes, this isspeaking.4. Oh, please, Mom? Please! Please! 噢,妈妈,求您啦! 表达“求求你”时,重复使用please。5. When do you leave for Beijing? 你们什么时候去北京? leave for意为“到,去,出发,前往”。例如: My father is leaving for Canada. 我父亲要去加拿大。 leavefor意为“离开某地前往某处”。例如: My father is leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我父亲要离开北京去上海。Lesson 3: How Far Is Beijing?1. This is Mrs. Smith speaking. 我是史密斯太太。 This isspeaking.是打电话用语,意思是“我是。”如果接电话人就是对方要找的人,可以直接说Speaking.但不能说Im。例如: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Green, please? 你好,我能找格林先生接电话吗 (This is Mr. Green) speaking. 我就是格林先生。2. Is Mrs. Dinosaur in? 恐龙太太在家吗? in是副词,意思是“在家;在屋里”,其反义词为out。例如: Peter isnt in. Hes out at the moment. 彼得不在家,他出去了。 Is there anybody in? 屋里有人吗?3. She and Li Ming want Danny and Jenny to come to China. 她和李明想让丹尼和詹妮来中国。 want后面可以接动词不定式作宾语或宾语补足语,即want to do及want sb. to do的结构。例如: Im tired. I want to have a rest. 我累了。我想休息一会儿。 I want Li Ming to help me. 我想让李明帮我。4. But how far is it from China to Canada? 但从中国到加拿大有多远? how far意思是“多远”。例如: How far is the supermarket? 超市有多远? 询问两地之间有多远时,可以说How far is it fromto? it代指“距离”。例如: How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai? 从北京到上海有多远?5. With a partner, practice saying hundred, thousand, and kilometre. 和你的伙伴一起练习说hundred, thousand, 和kilometre。 practice此处为动词,等于practise,北美常采用此种拼法。practice后跟动词的-ing形式,意思为“练习做某事”。例如: She practices playing the piano on Sundays. 她周日练习弹钢琴。6. 本课学习100以上的数词的读法与写法,hundred, thousand前面有具体数字时,不要加“s”。一般情况下,百位与十位之间用and(也可以不用and),十位与个位之间可以用连字符,也可以不用。如:333(读作:three hundred (and) thirty-three)。Lesson 4: How Can We Go to Beijing?1. A train is slower than a plane but faster than a bus! 火车比飞机慢,但比公共汽车快! faster, slower分别是形容词fast, slow的比较级。一般情况下,比较级是在词尾加-er构成。如:smallsmaller, longlonger等。2. But it doesnt cost as much! 但它(乘坐公共汽车)花不了那么多! as much意为“同样多”。例如: Give me as much again! 再给我那么多吧!Lesson 5: Planning a Trip1. Danny and Jenny arrive in Shijiazhuang on Friday, January 29th. 丹尼和詹妮于1月29日,星期五,到达石家庄。 arrive in/at是“到达”的意思。in 后面接较大的地方或城市;at后面接较小的地方。例如: What time did you arrive at the station? 你是几点钟到火车站的? They arrived in Shanghai at 5:00 pm. 他们下午五点到达了上海。2. I made a plan for our trip to Beijing. 我为北京之旅做了安排。 make a plan for意思是“为做计划”。例如: He made a plan for starting a football club. 他做了个成立足球俱乐部的计划。3. What do you think of it? 你认为怎么样? What do you think of? 是用来询问对方对某事、某物或某人的看法的句型。还可以说: How do you like? 例如: What do you think of the book? / How do you like the book? 你认为这本书怎么样?4. We dont need the whole day to write home. 我们不需要用一天的时间给家里写信。 write home意思是“给家人写信”。write to sb.意思是“给某人写信”。例如: I often write to my pen pals. 我经常给笔友写信。5. I will change the plan for Thursday. 我将改变一下周四的计划。 change the plan意思是“改变计划”。 I hope you will change your plan. 我希望你改变一下计划。6. Heres what we want to do. 这是我们想做的事情。 what we want to do是表语从句。Lesson 6: Li Ming Packs His SuitcaseHow many pairs of socks do you have? 你有多少双袜子?一双袜子为a pair of socks;其复数形式为pairs of socks。例如:a pair of shoes一双鞋;two pairs of glasses两副眼镜Lesson 9: Getting on the Train1. Li Ming, Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Li are getting on the train. 李明、丹尼、詹妮和李太太正准备上车。get on/in意为“上车”,get off意为“下车”。例如:He gets on the bus and sits down. 他上了车,坐下。Danny got in a car. 丹尼上了一辆小汽车。Please get off the ship quickly. 请赶快下船。2. The train is not ready! 火车还没有准备好! be ready意思是“准备好”,be ready for意思是“为某事准备好”。例如; Supper is ready. 晚饭准备好了。 The new house is ready for occupation. 新屋可以居住了。3. Pardon me? 请再说一遍,好吗? Pardon me? 与I beg your pardon? 意思相同,都是“没有听清(懂)对方的话,要求对方再说一遍”的意思。4. Danny! You have to move. 丹尼!你得动地方。 have to意思是“不得不,一定得,必须”。例如:
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