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Book 5 Module 1 The British and American English写出下列短语的汉语意思。1. have in common with 2.make a difference 3.get around 4. pick up 5. lead to 6 as usual 7.in favor of 8. .go on vacation 9.carry out 10.belong to 11.thanks to 12.see to 13.in terms of 14. in need of 15.burst into laughters 16. at the flick of a switch 17.above all 18.no way 19. by the way 20.feel embarrassed on sth 21.be warmly welcomed by 22.have a place in 23. donate sth to sb = 24. at the age of 5 25.be eager to do 26.be busy with sth/ be busy doing 27. be good at / do well in 28. give ones views/ opinions on sth 30 I didnt understand it = 31. fight against 32 fight for 33. be best known for 根据中文释义写出下列短语。33.偏爱做/喜欢做 34.将A与B进行比较 35.将A比成B 36.与相似 37.对有影响 38.习惯做 39.过去常常做 40.被用来做 41.称为 42.总体来说 43.根据 44.既然,由于 45.通过/完成/接通 46.在某人去的路上 47.因为 48引起/导致 49.注意 50.给某人留下深刻的印象 51.可获得的 52.情不自禁要做 53.更糟的是 54. 辍学 55.需要 56.与某人交流 57.放火烧 58.着火了 59.休息请假一年 60.突然地(两种说法) 61.对某人很严格 62.发脾气 63.乐意至极(事前) 64 这是我的荣幸。(事后) 65期待你的回复 66.到目前为止 67.对某人关爱备至/过分爱护 68逐渐消失/停止 69.参考书 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing写出下列短语的汉语意思。1 on average 2.reapect the traffic rules 3.direct the traffic rules 4.from dawn to dusk 5.be related to 6.common sense 7. the average of 8. be the key to sth 9.attitude towards/about sth 10.demand sth of sb 11. meet the demand 12. sign the contract 13.be essential for 14.take up a post 15. be likely to do sth 16. be particular about sth 17. pass away 18.put sth into effect 19.owe sb an apology 20.the hour hand 21.in response to 22.apply for 23.demand to do sth 24.put in 25 offer sb sth = 根据中文释义写出下列短语。1. 尤其,特别 2.理论上来说 3.实际上 4.遭受 5.胜任做,合格做某事 6.主动做某事 7.要求做某事 8.急需 9.启程 10.开始着手做某事 11.装满 12.应用于 13.致力于,专心于某事 14.辞职 15.对感激 16.示意某人做某事 17.经历 18. 传递 19.开始从事某事 20.某事需要被做(require) 21.正在做某事,就在那时突然(1) (2) 22.正要做某事,就在那时突然 23.以为理所当然(1) (2) 24.向某人提供某物:(offer) (provide) (supply) 25.句子:他一睡觉电话就响了 Module 3 Adventure in Literature and in the Cinema写出下列短语的汉语意思。1. run away (from ) 2. tak
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