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Unit 12 StrategyPart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.1 Your order is packed in cartons lined with _C_ material. A water-tight B water-proved C water-proof D water-proven2 You may rest assured that the _B_ will be seaworthy.A package B packing C pack D packaging3 We require the bicycles to be packed in a wooden case _C_ with soft materials.A full B supported C padded D surrounded 4 There is always a lot of _B_ to attend to on a Monday morning.A letters B correspondence C communications D information5 We will pack the goods according to our usual practice if we do not hear from you _ B the contrary.A on B to C in D as6 The mass production C lower cost.A result from B result on C results in D resulted with7 The overall D _ of the case are 100cm80cm60cm.A volume B weight C capacity D dimensions8 Please have the goods packed in strong packing, so as to prevent the case _D_ damage.A in B out of C out D from9The notice given by the shipper after the shipment of the goods is called shipping C .A notice B instruction C advice D documents10 We hope that your customers will not object to A the goods in wooden case.A packing B pack C wrap D wrapping11 Your body _C_ usually gives other people information about how you really feel.A looks B impression C language D relationship12 John and Jackson are business _C_ and have arranged to meet at the sales conference.A representatives B customers C associates D officers13 Ive given the latest sales _B_ to our General Manager but he hasnt had a chance to look at them yet.A amounts B figures C volume D facts14 Make sure that the addressees job _A_ is correct.A title B style C name D type15 A well written letter always gives a good _C_.A idea B response C impression D point16 If you are _D_ in attending, please let me know as soon as possible.A concerned B pleased C wanted D interested17 You must _A_ your application by the end of the week.A submit B subdue C subscribe D subcontract18 We should _B_ staff to maintain the no-smoking policy throughout the building.A suggest B encourage C manage D discourage19 We are writing to _D_ the arrangements we made with you.A conduct B make C confine D confirm20 Ill put you _C_ to the Sales Department.A over B off C through D inPart II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 董事会board of directors2 工会代表union representatives3 合资企业Joint venture4 电影发行Film distribution5 经济运动an economy drive6 成本削减Cost cutting7 宗旨说明mission statements8 研究型公司a research-based company9 公司合并Company merger10 公司战略company strategy11 管理空缺Management opening12 管理团队Management team13 经销渠道Distribution channel14 并购acquisition15 商业伙伴Business partner16 发展态势development trend17 股东年度大会annual general meeting18 收购出价a takeover bid 19 公司标志Company logo20 特许经营体制Franchising systemPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1. The takeover is the biggest made by a western pharmaceuticals producers in east Europe.该收购是西方制药生产商在东欧的最大的一次收购。2. Canal Plus and Pathe, two of Frances largest media and entertainment groups, are joining forces to form a pan-European network of film distribution companies.Canal Plus和Pathe,法国最大的两家传媒娱乐集团,正联手建立遍布整个欧洲的电影发行公司。3. A merger of equals had a lot of appeal.实力相当的公司进行合并有很大的吸引力。4. If you combine Number 1 and Number 2 players in an industry, by defin
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