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Skipping Class(逃课),表演者:宋娴 幸琰 肖成舟 陈小路 程冰倩 胡思敏 旁白:幸琰,Cast(演员表): 宋娴(Never understands why students like to skip classes永远不理解为什么学生喜欢逃课) 陈小路(Treats “skipping classes” as the principle of university life把“逃课”作为大学生活的原则) 程冰倩(Eager to skip classes but dares not to do it渴望逃课,可是不敢) 胡思敏(Always commits herself not to skip classes总在承诺自已再也不逃课了) 肖成舟(A professional class skipper职业逃课者) 幸琰(旁白Narrator),场景一:,宋娴、陈小路、程冰倩、胡思敏、肖成舟都是黄师大学生,她们是好朋友,有一天,程冰倩和胡思敏在去教室的路上相遇了。,程冰倩: Why are you late? And, you just missed the last class. The teacher gave us the main topics for the mid-term examination.你为什么迟到?你刚刚错过了最后一堂课。老师给我们提供了期中考试的主要题目。 胡思敏: Oh, shit! Would you lend me your notes so I can make a copy?哦,糟糕!我刚好错过了。你能把笔记借给抄我吗? 程冰倩: Sure, but you should give me a good reason.You promised me that you would be in class on time today.当然,但是你应该给我一个很好的理由,你答应过我今天会准时上课。,胡思敏: Believe me, I would like to keep my word. The problem is that I have a test today and I was up studying for it till three oclock this morning. Then I fell asleep and woke up at ten oclock this morning.相信我,我想信守诺言。问题是我今天有考试,今天早上三点我一直在学习。然后我就睡着了,今天早上十点醒来。 程冰倩: Why? What did you do yesterday afternoon? 为什么?昨天下午你干什么了? 胡思敏: Well, I met one of my very old friends on line and we just talked too long嗯,我在网上遇到了我的一个老朋友,我们聊得太久了 程冰倩: For Gods sake! Dont you care about next weeks mid-term examination?看在上帝的份上!你不关心下周的期中考试吗?,场景二:,宋娴、陈小路在教室前面互相交谈。宋娴试图阻止陈小路逃掉下一堂课。,宋娴: Hey, well have the “Hotel Management” class in a few minutes. Where are you going?还有几分钟就要上“酒店管理”课了,你去哪儿? 陈小路: I heard that Hu simin had a fall and I was going to see her.我听说胡思敏摔了一跤,我要去看她。 宋娴: Dont make excuses, I think you just want to skip classes.You always like to get involved in someone elses business. Youll get yourself in trouble. Dont you know it?别找借口了,我觉得你就是想逃课,你总是喜欢参与别人的事情,你会惹上麻烦的。难道你不知道吗? 陈小路: Oh,all right, listen to you .By the way, I am still waiting for your decision. Are you coming with me to the concert tomorrow?哦,好吧,听你的,顺便说一下,我还在等你的决定。你明天和我一起去听音乐会吗?,宋娴: Oh, I am sorry that I almost forgot it. What time tomorrow?噢抱歉我已经忘了这回事了。明天什么时候? 陈小路: Two oclock. I cannot wait to see my adorable superstar Jolin. Oh, how wonderful!两点钟。我迫不及待想看到我可爱的超级明星Jolin。哦,太棒了! 宋娴: wait a minute. We have Hotel management class tomorrow afternoon. Are u crazy ?明天下午我们有酒店管理课。你疯了吗? 陈小路: Well, Im not. Yet I think we can just copy the notes from someone else.当然没有。我认为我们可以从其他人那儿抄笔记。 宋娴: No, this is a very important class. And you would never understand it without listening to the lecture.不,这个课很重要。如果你不听课你永远不会理解的。 陈小路: To me it makes no difference. Even if I were in the class I would never understand what the teacher is talking about. 对我来说无关痛痒。尽管我在教室我也听不懂老师在讲些什么。,场景三:,酒店商务英语课结束后,宋娴正在去博学楼的路上。与此同时,肖成舟正从宿舍步行到博学楼。他们在图书馆前相遇。,肖成舟: Here I am. Look, I did what I promised. I am a good girl, not skipping classes.看,我来了,我做了我答应过的事。我是个好女孩,没有逃课。 宋娴: What are you talking about? This is the 5th class. You skipped the first four classes this morning. Yesterday you promised that you would not skip any class.你在说什么?这是第五节课。你今天早上没上前四节课。昨天你答应不逃课。 肖成舟: Did I?I probably forgot.我答应过吗,我大概是忘记了 宋娴: You are loopy now because youve skipped too many classes.你现在疯了,因为你也逃了太多课了。 肖成舟: Why did you say that? I know that we will have the Computer Program test tomorrow.你为什么那样说?我知道我们明天有微机课考试 宋娴: You are incurable. The test was this morning!你没救了,这个考试是在今天早上。,场景四:,程冰倩和肖成舟正在谈话,他们在谈论如何逃课。,程冰倩: I wonder why your professor never takes attendance. Yet, every time I skipped class, my professor always knew I was absent. I think I am really unlucky.我不明白为什么你的微积分教授从不出席。然而,每次我逃课,我的教授总是知道我缺席。我觉得我真的很倒霉。 肖成舟: well, youll appreciate what Im going to tell you now, i have three very good suggestions.嗯,你要感激我现在要告诉你的,我的三个非常好的建议。 程冰倩:What are they?是什么?,肖成舟: Now lend me your ears First of all, whether you skip the class or not, youll never pass the course.竖起你的耳朵,首先,不管你是否逃课,你永远不会通过这门课程。 程冰倩: why are you think so?为什么你会这么认为? 肖成舟: Calculus is extremely difficult. I dont believe you can pass it.微积分是非常困难的。我不相信你能通过。 程冰倩: Maybe you are right. What else?也许你是对的,还有呢,肖成舟:Before you skip the class you should treat everyone nicely. And after that, you should try to flatter your professor.在你逃课之前,你应该善待每个人。在那之后,你应该试着奉承你的教授。 程冰倩: Why?为什么? 肖成舟:Well, if you treat the classmates nicely, they will help you sign your name on the attendance sheet. And if you flatter your professor properly, you may ask the professor to pass you. 如果你很好地对待同学,他们会帮助你在考勤单上签上你的名字。如果你适当地奉承你的教授,你可以请教授通过你。最后,要成功跳过类,不能跳过太多的类或太少。 程冰倩:What do you mean?你什么意思,肖成舟: You need good weather for skipping classes ,so you can go out to fool around. And then you need good timing so you can go to the newly opened internet caf. Finally you need good relationships with the classmates so they can cover it up for you.你需要好天气才能逃课,这样你就可以出去玩了。然后你需要很好的时间,所以你可以去新开的网上咖啡馆打折。最后,你需要和同学们建立良好的关系,这样他们才能为你掩饰。 程冰倩: You are a genius.你真是个天才。 肖成舟: I am just very professional.我只是很专业而已 程冰倩: I see now. I will try sometimes. Hah, Hah, Hah!我现在可算是知道了,我会尝试的,哈哈哈。,场景五:,程冰倩在操场遇见陈小路,陈小路: Its time f
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