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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,Section B 2 3aSelfcheck,Lead in,On July 15th, Jane and her family got to Penang in _. The weather was _ and _. So they decided to go to the _. She and her sister tried _. It was so _. She felt like she was a _. They had Malaysian yellow _ for lunch. They were delicious! They _ bicycles to Georgetown in the afternoon.,Read the passage and fill in the blanks.,sunny hot,Malaysia,beach,paragliding,exciting,bird,rode,noodles,They saw many old and new _ there. Weld Quay is a very _ place. There is the houses of Chinese _ from 100 years. They really enjoyed _ _ the town.,buildings,old,traders,walking around,Writing,Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you.,3a,Wednesday, _ 20th Today the weather was _. I went to _. It was _. We _. I liked this place because _. For dinner we had _ _. It was _. In the evening, I felt really _.,hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important August,hot and sunny,August,a Beijing hutong,beautiful,took some photos,its interesting,Beijing,duck,delicious,tired,Wednesday, _ 20th Today the weather was _. I went to _. It was _. We _. I liked this place because _. For dinner we had _ _. It was _. In the evening, I felt really _.,Its your turn now. What other places do you like to go? Please write them down.,Practice,1. Where did you go? _ 2. Did you go with anyone? _ 3. How was the weather? _ What did you do every day? _,I went to the beach.,Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took.,3b,Yes. I went with my parents.,It was sunny and hot.,We went swimming every day.,5. What food did you eat? _ 6. What did you like best? _ 7. Did you dislike anything? _ 8. How did you feel about the trip? _,We ate sea food.,I liked the paragliding best.,Yes. I didnt like the bus ride.,It was interesting but tired.,July 24th, Wednesday _ _ _ _ _ _,Write a travel diary like Janes on Page 5. Use your notes in 3b.,3c,Writing,本文为写日记,因此应用一般过去时态。应注意动词的过去式形式。 回顾一下在3b中所回答的问题的情况,然后将这些句子按恰当的逻辑顺序排列在一起,形成条理清晰的一段文字。 可以根据旅行的经历再添加一些恰当的想像的句子。 再次,阅读一遍短文,看有没有错误的句子。,写作指导,July 24th, Wednesday _ _ _ _ _ _,One possible version:,I went to the beach on vacation with my parents . It was sunny and hot. We went swimming in the sea every day. We usually ate sea food. I liked the paragliding best. It was exciting. But I didnt like the bus ride. Its boring. I think the trip was exciting but tired.,Now, its your turn. Try your best.,Write about your vacations : For example : Last summer I went to the beach. My vacation was pretty good. I went there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing. The beach was very beautiful. It was sunny, cool and humid. the people were friendly and the food were delicious. I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again.,Homework,Self check,1. A: Did _ go on vacation with you last month? B: Yes, my family went to the countryside with me.,1. Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box.,anything, everything, nothing, anyone, everyone, no one,anyone,2. A: Did your family go to the beach with you last weekend? B: No. _ from my family went, but my friend went with me.,No one,3. A: I didnt bring back anything from Malaysia. B: _ at all? Why not? 4. A: Did you buy _ in the shopping center? B: No, I didnt. _ was very expensive. 5. A: How was the volleyball game yesterday? B: Great! _ had a fun time!,Nothing,anything,Everything,Everyone,2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.,指导:通读全文可知,本文记叙了去年八月份作者全班去泰山旅行的事情。可知本文应为一般过去时态,因此应用括号中单词的一般过去时态。因此,应明确该动词是规则变化还是不规则变化。,Last August, our class _ (do) something very special on our school trip. We _ (go) to Mount Tai. We _ (start) our trip at 12:00 at night. Everyone in our class _ (take) a bag with some food and water. After three hours, someone looked at the map and _ (find) out we _ (be
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