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单元检测(三)第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21The first time I toured Zhangjiajie,I was deeply _with its beautiful scenery and took many photos of it as a memory. Ainspired Bsurprised Cexcited Dimpressed22The Sichuan opera The Flower in the Mirror will spend four months _ Europe giving performances next year. Atouring Bhave toured Cto tour Dhaving toured23Our teacher thought _ necessary to invite Professor Zhou to give a speech to us.Athat Bthis Cit Dhim24 I cant find Mr.Brown.Where did you meet him this morning?It was in the hotel_he stayed. Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen25He showed a special talent _ singing _ an early age.Ain;at Bfor;in Cat;in Dfor;at26On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she_pale.Agot Bchanged Cwent Dappeared27The problem is so _ that such a little boy cant solve it.Afunny Binteresting Ccomplete Dcomplex28It was in the small house_was built with stones by his father_he spent his childhood.Awhich;that Bthat;which Cwhich;which Dthat;where29Mr. Wang,as well as his students, _ experiments day and night to finish the task.Ado Bdoing Cis doing Dare doing30We can sometimes _ study with pleasure. Ajoin Bmix Cadd Dtake31Shakespeare is wellknown _ a great writer _ his excellent plays.Aas;for Bfor;as Cto;for Dfor;to32_for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,where he was very successful.AHaving worked there BTo work there CWorked there DWork there33By the time he was 14,Mozart_many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,as well as for orchestras.Acomposed Bwas compose Chave composed Dhad composed34The Internet is a magic thing which is _ peoples life in many aspects.Aaffecting Binfluencing Cmoving Dtesting35Its said that Julia left for Paris this morning and planned to stay there for a month._ I was having tea with her this afternoon.ANo way! BExcellent! COh really? DIs that right?第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The Deaf ComposerAlthough Beethoven could sit down and make up music easily,his really great compositions did not come easily at all.They _36_ him a great deal of hard work.We know how often he wrote and _37_ his work because his notebooks are still _38_ in museums and libraries.He always found it hard to _39_ himself.When he was 28,the worst difficulty of all came to him.He began to _40_ a strange humming in his ears.At first he _41_ little attention;but it grew worse,and at last he went to the _42_.They gave him the worst news any _43_ can hear:he was _44_ going deaf.Beethoven was in despair;he was _45_ that he was going to die.He went away to the country,from where he wrote a long letter saying _46_ to his brothers.In this he told them how depressed and lonely his deafness had made him.He longed to die,and said to _47_,“Come when you will,I shall meet you bravely.”In fact,Beethoven did something braver than _48_.He gathered his _49_ and went on writing music,_50_ he could hear what he wrote only more and more faintly(微弱地)He wrote his best music,the music we remember him _51_,after he became deaf.The music he wrote was very different from any that had been _52_ before.Instead of the stately music that _53_ musicians had written for their wealthy listeners.Beethoven wrote stormy,exciting,_54_ music,which reminds us of his _55_ but courageous life.Because of his courage and determination to overcome his terrible disaster,his music has given joy and inspiration to millions of people.36A.spent Bcost Csaved Dtook37A.changed Bthrew Ccorrected Dtore38A.kept Bstudied Cexhibited Dplaced39A.praise Bovercome Cpass Dsatisfy40A.hate Bnotice Cdiscover Dfind41A.gave Bfixed Cpaid Dshowed42A.conductors Blawyers Cadvisers Ddoctors43A.person Bsinger Cmusician Dpianist44A.suddenly Bgradually Cimmediately Dunluckily45A.sure Bdoubtful Cangry Dfrightened46A.welcome Bhello Cgoodbye Dsafety47A.God Bhis brothers Chis friends Ddeath48A.crying Bdying Chiding Dleaving49A.strength Benergy Ccourage Dpower50A.as Bas if Cbefore Dthough51A.for Bwith Cafter Dabout52A.played Bperformed Ccomposed Dsung53A.earlier Bfoolish Colder Dyoung54A.revolutionary Btraditional Ccrazy Dpopular55A.rich Bunhappy Ctroubled Dsuccessful第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满
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