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,U3-main,1,3,4,Teaching Aim,5,Reading I,Reading II,Extended Activities,6,Bonus: Word Study,2,Lead-in,Teaching Aim1,1. Cognitive Information(认知信息): Career Development 2. Language Focus(内容重点) Key Words: I. career, contentment, conscious, extent, well-being, craftsman, carpenter, brick, admire, misled, complaint, capacity, conquer, tough, mark, personality, demonstrate, limb, measure, command, aspect, emotional, jealousy, behavioral, disclose, regular, predictable, intense, pressure, beyond, derive, collectively, status, self-confidence, assume, envy, competent, average, association, prestigious, institution; II. tirelessly, accountancy, statutory, financial, publication, involvement, integral, challenge, banking, crucial, audit, community, comment, reliable, statement, aftermath, anticipate, regulate, underline, sector, profile, perspective, professionals, standards, boundary, melt, conclude,Teaching Aim,Teaching Aim2, Phrases: I. be conscious of, long for, regard. as, after all, in significant measure, at work, tend to, on the whole, adjust to, work off; II. devote. to, lead to, not so. as. , melting pot Useful Structures: This is not to say. whether it be. think of. as. Given. , main clause Vocabulary & Grammar: Describing Ones Appearance 3. Communicative Skills(交际技能) Expressions: Expressing and Responding to “Thanks” Reading: Business Cards,Lead-in-main,Lead-in,Listening Comprehension Tasks,Exercise II,Exercise III,Spot Dictation,Exercise I,Exercise I,I. Listen to the passage for the first time and then write out questions, if there are any, about the part(s) you fail to understand. If you have no questions, just move on to Exercise.,c b a d,a. making wise decisions b. exploring career options c. understanding oneself d. moving forward The order of these items in the process should be _,Exercise II,II. Listen to the passage 2 for the second time with your focus on the questions you have raised (if there are any) and then complete the following multiple choice exercises. You can take notes while listening.,1. The passage describes _.,a. career development b. career change c. career management d. career planning,2. The process of career planning includes:,Exercise II,_,a. lives and professions b. industries and organizations c. Both a and b. d. Neither a nor b.,3. Career planning should be done _ your life.,a. at the beginning of b. in the middle of c. throughout d. at the end of,4. Your career will change with the change of _.,Exercise II,_,skills skills and values c. skills, values and interests d. skills, values, interests and personality,5. Career planning is based on a very clear understanding of who you are your _.,Exercise II,_,a. see how much you can earn b. look at who you are and what your career is all about c. consider whether you are experienced enough d. All of the above.,6. The first step in career planning is to _.,a. much confidence in b. great expectation on c. a good consideration of d. a thorough understanding of,7. Having _yourself will help you make better decisions when challenges and opportunities occur.,Exercise II,_,your personal strengths your personal limitations c. your abilities d. All of the above.,8. When you start your journey of career planning, you need to consider the following, _.,Passage Script1,Career planning is a process of understanding oneself, exploring career options, making wise decisions and moving forward. What is difficult is that people, careers and organizations are always changing. Therefore, career planning is not something done one time early in your career. Rather, its an ongoing process throughout your life. It doesnt matter whats your profession, your industry or your place of employment. The reality is that your career will change with the change of lives, professions, industries and organizations. The foundation of career planning, today and for the future, is based on a very clear understanding of who you are as an individual and as a professional person. The greater the match between who you are your skills, values, interests and personality and your career choices, the greater personal career satisfaction.,Passage Script2,Since everyone has a unique mix of skills, strengths and limitations that change over time, the first step in career planning is to look at who you are and what your career is all about. Also, knowing yourself clearly will help you make better decisions in the future when opportunities come. Here are some simple questions to start you on this journey: What do I see as my personal strengths? What are some of my personal limitations? What are my abilities things Im good at and enjoy doing?,Exercise III,III. Listen to passage 2 twice. While listening, you can take notes and then match the following Q (questions) and A (answers).,1. Who is Catherine
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