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Friendship,Unit One,Some proverbs about friendship,A life without a friend is a life without the sun 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳 . A man who has friends must show himself friendly. 要有朋友,必须以友谊待人. A true friend is one soul in two bodies. 真正的朋友好似两个身子长著一颗心,A friend is like a second self.,朋友是另一个自我。,A friend in need is a friend indeed.,患难见真知。,Warming Up: What kind of friend do you want? What do you think a good friend should be like?,brave,funny,beautiful,strong,rich,Make a list of the qualities that you think a good friend should have.,The qualities of a good friend,P1: A survey.,Are you a good friend?,Now add up your score.,4-8,You are always thinking about yourself. You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and dont consider others feelings, you wont make more friends and keep friendship for long.,9-13,You take things smoothly. You seldom hurt your friends. Youd better add more affection to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.,14-18,Wow! How faithful and kind you are! Congratulations! You are always ready to help your friends. Whenever they have any difficulty, youll try your best to help them without hesitation.,Friends are like wine - the older, the better.,友情如酒,越久越醇 .,Language Point,Warming Up 部分,1 be good to sb. 2 do the following survey 3 add up 4 help sb. (to) do sth. 5 get sth. repaired 6 be upset 7 ignore sb./ sth. 8 calm sb. down 9 have got to 10 be concerned about,对好 做下面的调查 合计 帮助某人做某事 使被修理 心烦意乱的 忽视某人或某事 使某人平静下来 不得不 关心,挂念,11 go on holiday 12 take care of 13 walk the dog 14 get loose 15 be hit by a car 16 take the dog to the vet 17 pay money for sb./sth 18 take the end-of-term exam 19 cheat in the exam 20 should have studied hard.,去度假 照顾,照看 松开 被车撞 带狗去看兽医 为某人或某事付钱 期末考试 考试作弊 本应该努力学习,Pre-reading,Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?,Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and find who was Annes best friend.,Pre-reading,Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you,Annes Best Friend,Reading,The Second World War and the Nazi crime,纳粹正在建设集中营,纳粹逼迫犹太人离开他们的家园,被关在集中营中的犹太人,纳粹屠杀犹太人的真实场景,纳粹正对着屠杀后幸存的妇女进行扫射,犹太人排队进入后面的毒气室,被毒死的犹太人的衣服和鞋子,Free Talk,If you have a friend, what do you want to share with him or her most?,Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?,Anne,Annes diary,best friend,Kitty,Reading method,when,where,who,what,why,how,Fast-reading: Fill in the blanks below,World War II,Netherlands,Anne,her diary-Kitty,nearly twenty-five months,July,1942,Listen to the tape. While listening, think of the following questions.,Why did Anne hate Nazi? Why did Anne treated a diary as her friend ? Why was she so crazy about nature ?,Why did Anne hate Nazi?,Because Nazi forced Jewish to leave their homes even killed them .,Why did Anne treated a diary as her friend ?,Because at that special time she had no chance to make friends with person. She even couldnt go out.,Why was she so crazy about nature ?,Because she had lost touch with nature for a long time ,worrying that she could be caught .,Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They have to hide because Anne named her diary Kitty because They were finally caught because,She couldnt meet her friends. Jews were caught by Nazis and put away. She could tell everything to it. they were discovered. she thought it was her best friend.,John the correct parts of the sentences.,1. Anne Frank and her family hid away for_ A. over a year B. over two years C. three years C. one year and a half 2. According to Anne ,a true friend is a person_ A. that would laugh at you B. who makes you happy C. whom you can tell everything to D. who could save your life 3. Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because_ A. her interest in nature B. she had always been so had grown C. she had been outdoors D. she had been indoors too long.,Choose the correct answers,4. She didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright .Thats because_ A. they might be discovered B. her family might be disturbed C. it was very cold D. a thief might get into the room 5. Anne and her family were caught by German Nazis_ A. about June 1945 B. about February 1945 C. about August 1944 D. about November 1944,Language Point,Reading 部分,Phrases,make a list of laugh at go through make sb. n./adj./pp. hide away set down a series of grow/be crazy about do with keep sb. Spellbound stay awake on purpose,列清单 嘲笑 经历 使某人 躲藏 写下,记下 一系列 对疯狂 处理,对待 使某人着迷 保持醒着 故意,in order to have a good look at too much happen to do at dusk shut the window in ones power a year and a half face to face no longer/not any longer experience nature,为了 好好地看一下 太 碰巧做 在黄昏时刻 关窗 在某人的控制下 一年半 面对面 不再 体验大自然,Difficult Sentences,1. While walking the dog, you were careless 遛狗时,你太粗心了,While walking the dog,是一种省略形式,相当于While you are walking the dog, 在时间状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语相同且从句的谓语动词又含有be
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