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UNIT 4 I HAVE A PEN PAL,By Mafan Middle School Ye Chuyun,dance,sing,watch TV,read a book,play football,do kung fu,riding a bike,He likes riding a bike.,dive,diving,She likes diving.,playing the violin,She likes playing the violin.,making kites,He likes making kites.,Whats his / her hobby?,lucky dog,Sorry!,Sorry!,Sorry!,Sorry!,playing the violin,collecting stamps,riding a bike,making kites,diving,playing basketball,painting,singing,NEXT,he /she likes,-Whats your hobby?,I like riding a bike.,Listen: What are Zhang Pengs hobbies? he likes _ _. he likes _ and _ _ _.,Lets talk.,Peter: Hey,Zhang Peng,what are you hobbies? Zhang Peng: I like reading stories.I also like singing and doing kung fu.,Practice,一、写出动词的ing形式并在括号中写出汉语意思 1、ride-_( ) 2、dive-_( ) 3、play-_( ) 4、make-_( ) 5、run-_( ) 6、swim-_( ),二、选择填空,( )1、-Whats your_? -I like taking a trip. A. name B. job C. hobby ( )2、-She likes_. A. swim B. Diving C. collect stamps ( )3.Amy_making kites. A. like B. likes C. are,HOMEWORK:,1、背诵并抄写本课的对话。,2、用英语来问朋友的爱好, 并记录下来。,GOODBYE!,
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