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学习领域:客户开发与维护学习情境四:催证学习目标:完成本工作任务学习后,你应当能够:1、 了解信用证的种类及其用途;2、 熟悉信用证包含的条款和支付流程;3、 熟悉信用证审核的技巧;4、 掌握撰写催证函的写作原则、专业术语和典型句式。建议学时: 4学时第一部分 学习前奏?提问:同学们,信用证是国际贸易最常用的支付方式,那么你们知道信用证的种类和用途吗?1.信用作的种类(1)以信用作项下的汇票是否附有货运单据划分为:跟单信用证。(2)以开证行所负的责任为标准可以分为:不可撤销信用证 ,可撤销信用证。(3)以有无另一银行加以保证兑付,可以分为:保兑信用证,不保兑信用证。 (4)根据付款时间不同,可以分为:即期信用证,远期信用证,假远期信用证。(5)根据受益人对信用证的权利可否转让,可分为:可转让信用证,不可转让信用证。(6)循环信用证,分为:自动式循环,非自动循环。(7)对开信用证。(8)对背信用证。又称转开信用证。(9)预支信用证。(10)备用信用证。2.信用证的用途信用证是银行用以保证买方或进口方有支付能力的凭证.在国际贸易活动中,买卖双方可能互不信任,买方担心预付款后,卖方不按合同要求发货;卖方也担心在发货或提交货运单据后买方不付款。因此需要两家银行作为买卖双方的保证人,代为收款交单,以银行信用代替商业信用。银行在这一活动中所使用的工具就是信用证。可见,信用证是银行有条件保证付款的证书,成为国际贸易活动中常见的结算方式。按照这种结算方式的一般规定,买方先将货款交存银行,由银行开立信用证,通知异地卖方开户银行转告卖方,卖方按合同和信用证规定的条款发货,银行代买方付款。? 3.申请条件?如果企业在银行已开设公司账户,并操作过一段时间业务(具体多长时间,视每个银行不同,一般银行需要看公司在银行的交易记录是否良好),如果该公司账户操作良好的话,并在公司账号存有100%的保证金,银行就可以开同等金额的信用证。 4.各国对信用证有什么特别规定?由于信用证的特殊性,其有三个特点:一是信用证不依附于买卖合同,银行在审单时强调的是信用证与基础贸易相分离的书面形式上的认证。二是信用证是凭单付款,不以货物为准。只要单据相符,开证行就应无条件付款。三是信用证是一种银行信用,它是银行的一种担保文件。这样各国的银行只是依照这样几个特点来操作。我并没有碰到什么特别的规定。第二部分 催开信用证学习目标:1、知识目标:掌握撰写催开信用证信函的写作框架、相关专业术语和典型句式。2、能力目标:能熟练撰写催开信用证的信函; 工作任务一:Lily和Mike经过了多轮的磋商,终于达成了交易。可合同签定后半个月快过去了,Lily还没有收到信用证,客户也没有动静。于是请你以Lily的名义给Mike写邮件,告知目前正是销售旺季,订单排得很满,工厂生产很忙,如果信用证不能立即开出,将无法安排生产,货物将不能按时装运,催促Mike先生尽快开立信用证。Dear Mike,We are glad to inform you that you should open the letter of credit immediately.At present, it is the season of sales, we are busy with order in our factory, if you cant open the letter of credit at once , the goods are not arrange production on schedule, and then the goods will be not punctual shipment, so you should establish the letter of credit as soon as possible. Yours sincerely,Lily Im sorry to tell you that we cant arrange the shipment on time. We have not received the letter of credit after we signed the contract. At present, its our shopping season. We have received a lot of orders. Factorys production is very busy, if the credit is not immediately opened, we will not be able to arrange the production, the goods can not be shipped within the stipulated time.We hope you can open the L/C as soon as possible. We look forward to receiving your early reply.?提问:同学们,你们有什么好的理由,来催促买方及时开立信用证吗?我们在写此类信函时,应该用什么语气更合适呢?我们货源紧张,请尽快开证。临近春节 ,工作人员要乡过年。 我们的订单逐年上涨,请尽快开证,好及时安排装运。需要做商检,商检要提交信用证复印件才能做单据,这样才能出口。 小贴士: 信用证信用证的特点决定了出口人的交单必须与信用证规定完全一致。银行议付出口人的单据严格遵守“单证一致”的原则。因此,单证不符,哪怕是微小不符也会影响出口人的安全收汇,以至于整个交易的顺利进行。也就是说,信用证条款与合同规定是否一致,是出口人在信用证方式收取货款、顺利履行交货义务的前提。但在实际业务中,出口人收到的国外来证经常与合同不符,有的是由于开证人和开证银行的工作疏忽;有的是进口人出于不良动机而故意玩弄手段,投机取巧,制造障碍。因此,出口人必须对国外来证进行严格的审核,对其中不能接受的条款及时进行修改。能力拓展:Choose the suitable expression for each blank.A. Please A that the L/C stipulations are in accordance with those of the sales confirmations.A. see to it B. seeing C. see D. to see2. You may rest assured that our shipment will D your requirements in every respect. A. ensure B. have C. achieve D. meet3. To our great surprise, nothing has been B you at all since we wrote you last time.A. hear from B. heard from C. hear of D. heard of4. C your failure to open your credits, we had suffered great losses.A. owing B. because C. owing to D. as5. It would be appreciated therefore, if you could establish the A letter of credit as early as possible.A. covering B. cover C. covered D. to cover6. Please arrange for the relative L/C to B upon receipt of this letter.A. establish B. be established C. establishing D. established7. We regret to find that your L/C has A arrive here within the time limit stipulated.A. failed to B. failed C. to fail D. failing Fill in the blanks with a suitable word or expression.Dear Sirs,We wish to inform you that the goods under L/C No.905 have been 1 for quite some time. According to the 2 in the foregoing sales confirmation, shipment is to be made during May/June, but much to our 3 , we have so far not received your L/C though you promised to establish it immediately after signing the S/C. We must point 4 that unless your L/C reaches us by the end of this month, we shall not be able to 5 shipment within the stipulated time.We shall be glad if you will look 6 the m
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