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谋学网www.mouxue.com18秋学期大学英语(二)在线作业2-0001试卷总分:100 得分:0一、 单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 50 分)1.I could not move my hands they were not mine.A.even thoughB.as ifC.likeD.so正确答案:B2.The dictionary defines a workaholic_ “ a person obsessively addicted to work.”A.asB.forC.thatD.like正确答案:A3.Youve got to _ in yourself, or youll never succeed. A.trustB.believeC.confirmD.help正确答案:B4.the traditional approach _ with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems.A.to dealingB.in dealingC.dealingD.to deal正确答案:A5.If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ in her diet.A.changeB.runC.turnD.go正确答案:A6.They both have _ work to do, so they are _ busy.A.much too,too muchB.too much,much tooC.so many, tooD.to, much正确答案:B7.Almost everybody has grasped the new of “globalization.”A.conceptB.thinkingC.sayingD.word正确答案:A8.Government reports, examination compositions, legal documents and most business letters are the main situations_ formal language is used.A.in whichB.at whatC.on whichD.in that正确答案:A9._ a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found.A.BesidesB.ExceptC.As forD.Despite正确答案:D10.This information is electronically _ to chools and colleges.A.transferredB.transportedC.transplantedD.transmitted正确答案:D11._ the car, they bought the garage.A.ExceptB.BesidesC.Except forD.In addition正确答案:B12.The marriage on the basis of money is _to break up.A.boundB.apparentC.obviousD.keen正确答案:A13.We have sold _ the trousers _ your size.A.out, ofB.off, withC.away, ofD.on, in正确答案:A14.You can do whatever you wish you get the first place in the exam.A.so thatB.becauseC.as long asD.even if正确答案:C15.The heavy rain stopped the children _ to the park.A.to goB.goneC.from goingD.go正确答案:C16.We bought Granny a present,_ she didn t like it.A.butB.andC.orD.so正确答案:A17.All her children are clever, but the youngest daughter is really_.A.exceptionB.exceptionalC.exceptD.excepted正确答案:B18.You _ never play in the street. Its not safe.A.canB.mayC.mustD.need正确答案:C19.-When can I go out to play football, Mum?-Finish your homework first, or I wont let you _.A.to go outB.go outC.going outD.will go out正确答案:B20.The answer must _ in finding alternative sources of energy.A.lieB.layC.existD.contain正确答案:A21.I did not have time to finish all the questions in the exam.A.goodB.rightC./D.adequate正确答案:D22.The supermarket managed to its sales by cutting the price of their products.A.boostB.releaseC.getD.lose正确答案:A23.- Hello! Is that Mr. Wang speaking? -Yes,_?A.whos thatB.who are youC.Im speakingD.Im Mr. Wang正确答案:A24.- Our holiday was _. - Yes, I’ve never had _.A.such great,the better oneB.greatly,a good oneC.so great,a better oneD.very good,the best one正确答案:C25.Im sorry to have kept you waiting.- _A.It doesnt matter.B.Forget it.C.My pleasure.D.Its nice of you.正确答案:A二、 完型填空 (共 2 道试题,共 30 分)1.Do you know how to study # and make your study more effective ( 有效的)?We all know that Chinese students usually study very hard for long#, This is very good ,but it doesn’t#a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and #. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s good for your#.When you return #your studies, your mind will be refreshed(清醒) and you’ll learn more#study better. Psychologists (心理学家)# that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning # an example. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems # the same. So you will think you’re learning # and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks, yet you # give up, and at some point your language study will again take another big #. You’ll see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and # . Don’t give up along the way. Learn # you are sure to get a good result.(1).A.niceB.goodC.betterD.best(2).A.daysB.timeC.hoursD.weeks(3).A.helpB.giveC.makeD.take(4).A.exerciseB.homeworkC.runningD.clothes(5).A.healthB.bodyC.studyD.life(6).A.afterB.forC.atD.to(7).A.yetB.andC.orD.but(8).A.have foundB.have taughtC.toldD.said(9).A.withB.
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