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人教版新目标七年级英语上册 全册知识讲解及练习Junior One IStarter Unit 1 Review of Units 17考点聚焦I. 词组归纳1. 迟到 _2 文化提示 _3. 用英语 _4. 成对的 _5. 穿蓝色衣服的男孩 _6. 表演出来 _7. 电话号码 _8. 姓氏 _9. 名 _10. 给约翰打电话4953539 _11. 失物招领处 _12. 黄金戒指 _13. 一串钥匙 _14. 家谱 _15. 为而感谢 _16. Tony的全家福 _17. 把带去给某人 _18. 他的数学书 _19. 一些录像带 _20. 在梳妆台上 _21. 把带来给某人 _22. 在A和B之间 _23. 在地板上 _24. 打电脑游戏 _25. 棒球球棒 _26. 一个网球拍 _27. 想做某事 _28. 欢迎来到我们学校 _29. 加入学校体育中心 _30. 马上加入我们吧! _31. 丰富的体育用品收藏 _32. 在电视上看篮球比赛 _33. 跑步明星 _34. 吃健康的食物 _35. 就早餐而言 _36. 食物清单 _37. 一年的这个时候 _38. 以一个非常优惠的价格 _39. 各种颜色的毛衣 _40. 出售 _41. 看一下 _42. 服装店 _43. 篮球打得好 _44. 非常喜欢 _II. 句型归纳1. _ _ name? My name is Dale.2. _ _ _ your aunt? Shes 37 _ old.3. _ that? Its Gina.4. _ this _ English? Its letter A.5. _ play soccer today! Great, that sounds good.6. _ _ are these desks? They are brown.7. _ _ you _ watch? W-A-T-C-H.8. _ that her eraser? No, _ isnt.9. _ telephone number? _ 7385098.10. _ this your brother?Yes, _ is.11. _ _ his books?Theyre on the dresser.12. _ _ on the dresser?Yes, they are.13. _ they have a computer?No, they _.14. _ he have a soccer ball?Yes, he _.15. I like oranges but I _ like bananas.16. Their father likes broccoli but he _ like hamburgers.17. _ _ your sister like for lunch?She likes fish and salad for lunch.18. _ _ are the red socks?_ 3 dollars.III. 考点归纳1. Hello, Eli. Good morning. 嗨,埃丽。早上好。英文中常用的问候语及其回答:Hello. Hello.Hi. Hi.Good morning. Good morning.Good afternoon. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good evening.Good night. Good night.How do you do? How do you do?How are you? Fine, thank you.高分突破:注意对 “How do you do?” 和 “How are you?” 两句话的回答不要弄混淆。2. Sorry, Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。1) sorry “对不起” 用于引出某一过错。 Excuse me. “对不起” 用于引起对方的注意。例如: Im sorry I cant speak English. Excuse me, is this your backpack?2) be late (for .) (做)迟到 be late for school/ class/ work/ the meeting 上学/上课/上班/开会迟到高分突破:late的副词仍为late, 不能写成lately. 例如:请不要晚到学校。Please dont arrive lately for school. ()Please dont arrive late for school. ()3. Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!对表示见到某人很高兴的几种表达:(Its)Nice to meet you.=(Im) Happy/ Glad/ Pleased to meet you.高分突破:注意形容词与主语的搭配:Im nice to meet you. ()Its happy/ glad/ pleased to meet you. ()4. Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?1) 同义句:Whats the English for this?2) 用什么语言,介词用in: “in + language”. 例如: in English 用英语 in Chinese 用汉语 in Japanese 用日语 in your own words 用自己的语言高分突破:用钢笔:in ink = in pen = with a pen5. Lets learn English. 让我们学英语。1) lets = let us 让我们Lets ., shall we?Let us ., will you?Lets do sth.= Why not do sth.?= What/How about doing sth.? 例如:Lets learn English.= Why not learn English?= What/How about learning English?2) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 例如:Let me play the guitar.Let Tony draw a picture for you.高分突破: let sb. to do sth. () let sb. do sth. 中的sb.若是代词要用宾格形式。 Let she sing an English song. () Let her sing an English song. () let sb. do st. 中的sb.即使是第三人称单数后面的动词仍用原形,例如: Let him plays soccer. () Let him play soccer. () 3) learn 学习learn sth. 学习, 例如: We will learn physics this term.4) learn sth. from 从学到, 例如: We learnt cooking from my cousin. 5) learn from 向学习, 例如: Let us learn from Lei Feng.6) learn to do sth. 学做, 例如: Lucy learnt to play the trumpet last summer vacation.6) learn + 疑问代词 + to do sth. 例如: We are learning how to mend this bike. You should learn what to say when you meet the foreigners at the airport.高分突破:learn和study的区别:两个词语都有这一用法:learn sth. / study sth.。但指学习时,study有“深入研究”的含义;而且study不能用作:study to do sth.。6. What color is this Z? 这个字目Z是什么颜色?1) 对颜色提问的两种方法:What color ? = Whats the color of ? 例如:What color is your purse? = What the color
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