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Lesson 129,Seventy miles an hour,Warm up,Strike the iron while it is hot. 趁热打铁。,A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。,Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。,Translation:,他不可能是老师,他肯定是牙医。 He cant be a teacher. He must be a dentist. 她不可能是中国人,她肯定是日本人。 She cant be Chinese. She must be Japanese. 它不可能便宜,肯定很贵。 It cant be cheap. It must be expensive.,-门铃响了。肯定是Bob。 -Theres the doorbell. It must be Bob. -不可能是Bob,他去电影院了。 -It cant be Bob. Hes gone to the cinema.,2019/9/15,wave weiv v.招手 track trk n.跑道 mile mail n.英里 overtake uvteik v.从后面超越,超车 speed limit spi:d v限速,New words,dream dri:m v.做梦,思想不集中 sign sain n.标记,牌子 driving licence draivi laisns 驾驶执照 charge t:d v.罚款 darling d:li n.亲爱的(表示称呼),单词学习,track n. 跑道 mile n. 英里 overtake (overtook/overtaken) v. 超车 speed limit 限速 dream v. 做梦,思想不集中 sign n. 标记,牌子 driving licence 驾驶执照 charge v. 罚款 darling n. 亲爱的,wave,招手,wave,sencentes,wave,She waved at/to me,She has lovely waves in her hair.,The waves are high today.,track,track,And everything gets back on track.,Can you track this thing?,mile,overtake,overtake,I had to walk very fast to overtake you.,No one could overtake him,speed,speed limit n. 限速,speed,run at full speed,This medicine will speed your recovery,The train gradually speeded up,daydream,nightmare,dream,I often dream of becoming a pilot,I saw her in a dream.,She realized her dream of becoming an actress.,charge,charge,How much do you charge for a room with a bath?,They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee.,-She is in charge of our class,sign,sing,sight,sign,-Cant you read that “No smoking” sign?,The teacher made a sign to us to be quiet.,There were no signs of life on the island.,-He signed the check,darling,darling,Mary is her fathers darling.,What did you say your name was, darling?,Would you mind darling?,2019/9/15,语法 Grammar in use 表示猜测和推断的情态助动词must和cant(2) must与cant不仅能表达对现在和将来的猜测和推断,而且能表达对过去的猜测和推断这时可用 must have been表示肯定的推断,用cant have been(而不是mustnt have been)来表示否定的推断,如后面跟进行时则表示对过去正在进行的动作的猜测。请看例句: You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. I didnt see it. I must have been dreaming. She cant have been 29.She must have been 36. He cant have been reading. He must have been sleeping.,2019/9/15,Question: What does Ann advise her husband to do next time?,listen,课文讲解,Ann : Look, Gary! That policemans waving to you. He wants you to stop. Look! (用来引起别人的注意) Look, you are crying again. Look, I was only trying to help.,2019/9/15,Ann : Look, Gary! That policemans waving to you. He wants you to stop. -wave to you 向你招手 -shout to sb 向着某人的方向大声呼叫 -point to sb 指向某人 -want sb to do sth (想)要某人做某事 -He wants me to help him. -Dont you want me to go on? 你不想要我继续下去吗 -tell sb to do sth 叫某人做某事 -ask sb to do sth 请求某人做某事 -order sb to do sth 命令某人去做某事 -wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事 -allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事,Policeman :Where do you think you are? On a race track? do you think 特殊疑问句中的插入语,用于征询见解或表达看法。 你认为你现在应做什么? What do you think you can do now? 你认为他是谁? Who do you think he is? 你猜我今天花了多少钱? How much do you guess I spent today? on a race track? = Do you think you are on a race track?,Policeman :You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. must 一定是(表示猜测) 其基句型结构有: 1)must + 动词原形 你一定是病了。 You must be sick. 2)must +be+ v-ing 他们一定在喝酒。They must be drinking now. 3)must +have +过去分词 . 表过去动作的猜测 昨晚你一定喝酒了。You must have drunk last night.,Policeman :You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. 4)must + have been+ v-ing 表示对过去某一时刻,某一时间内的动作的猜测,或过去一直到现在的一段时间内动作的猜测。 昨天晚上我给你打电话的时候你肯定在喝酒 You must have been drinking when I called you last night. 前两周你肯定在为会议做准备工作。 You must have been preparing for the meeting in the last two weeks.,Policeman :You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. 表示速度用at. 以每秒1000英里的速度 at 1000 miles a second 以每分钟100米的速度 -at 100 meters a minute 以每小时70英里的速度 at seventy miles an hour = -at the speed of seventy miles an hour. -a(an) = per 每 -at 200 kilometers per hour 以每小时200公里的速度,GARY:I cant have been. = I cant have been driving at seventy miles an hour. cant (must表猜测时的否定形式)不可能 他不可能在伦敦,我今儿早还在这见到他的。 He cant be in London. I saw him here only this morning. 你不可能在家,我都能听见火车的声音。 You cant be at home. I can hear the noise of the train. 他们不可能昨天把活儿干完。 They cant have finished their job yesterday. 你不可能是一直一个人呆着 You cant have been staying alone.,Policeman: I was doing eighty when I overtook you. I was doing eighty. =I was driving at eighty miles an hour. overtake 超过- -catch up with 追上,赶上 -keep up with 跟上(保持一致) .,.Policeman :Didnt you see the speed limit? GARY: Im afraid I didnt, officer. I didnt =I didnt see the speed limit.,I must have been dreaming. dream n. 梦; v. 做梦 这里引申为“思 想 开小差。”,Gary : Thats why I didnt see the sign. Thats why.”所以
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