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,1,Unit 6 Earn as you learn?,FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS HEBEI UNIVERSITY,Objectives,Section A To work or not to work That is the question,Project of the unit,Inspiring your thoughts,Enhancing your skills,Presenting your project,Project forecasting,Inspiring your thoughts,Enhancing your skills,Presenting your project,Project of the unit,Lead-in,Watch the video clip and discuss the following questions in pairs.,Step 1,What work did Paige and Eddie do? Why did Eddie want to get the job?,Project of the unit,Lead-in,Talking about part-time jobs,Task,They took a part-time job as waiter and waitress. Eddie wanted to get the job because he had no money.,Work in groups and discuss the following questions.,Step 2,If you are going to work part-time, what job would you like to take? Why? Do you think taking part-time jobs while learning is good or bad? Explain your reasons.,Project of the unit,Lead-in,If you are going to work part-time, what job would you like to take? Why? I would like to work as a teaching assistant in kindergarten, because I really enjoy spending time with children. I would like to work in a company, because in the future I plan to establish my own business. The part-time job would give me some ideas of how to run a company, and what job a boss should do, etc. ,Project of the unit,Lead-in,Reference answers:,Project of the unit,Lead-in,2. Do you think taking part-time jobs while learning is good or bad? Explain your reasons.,Lead-in,Inspiring your thoughts,Enhancing your skills,Presenting your project,Project of the unit,Project forecasting,Please get prepared by doing the following activities.,You have had a basic understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of taking part-time jobs in college. But how does working affect your school performance in a real sense? Thats what you are expected to learn and talk about in this unit. By the end of this unit, you will conduct a survey on how part-time jobs affect university students performance based on a questionnaire. Then summarize your findings and write a report.,Project of the unit,Enhancing your skills,Presenting your project,Project of the unit,Global understanding,Detailed understanding,Inspiring your thoughts,Its a reference to a quote from Shakespeares Hamlet: “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” For Hamlet it is a life-or-death question. Here the author means “to work or not to work” is an important question, which requires careful consideration.,Look at the title of Text A and think about its meaning.,Inspiring your thoughts,Global understanding,Task,Global understanding of the text,Step 1,1) What type of writing is the text? How do you know that? Its a report of research. Tips: research, data, result 2) What parts are included in the text? Objective, methods, findings, explanations, and conclusion.,Skim the text and answer the following questions.,Step 2,Inspiring your thoughts,Global understanding,Global understanding,Enhancing your skills,Presenting your project,Project of the unit,Detailed understanding,Inspiring your thoughts,Read the text again and answer the following questions.,1) What is the objective of the research? 2) What methods are used to do the research? 3) What are the findings of the research? 4) How does the author explain the findings? 5) Whats the conclusion?,Task 1,Detailed understanding of the text,Inspiring your thoughts,Detailed understanding,1) What is the objective of the research? To measure the impact of employment on student achievement.,Inspiring your thoughts,Detailed understanding,Reference answers:,to be continued,2) What methods are used to do the research? Comparing the grades of students Contrasting students commitment to study Following students over time Assessing the effects of different employment patterns,Inspiring your thoughts,Detailed understanding,to be continued,3) What are the findings of the research? Working students have less time to do school assignments. get less rest and eat less healthy meals and are often too tired from work to study. lose interest in school. use drugs and alcohol more often than non-working students.,Inspiring your thoughts,Detailed understanding,to be continued,4) How does the author explain the findings? Working long hours seriously affects school performance and commitment. Working for about 10 hours per week or less does not seem to affect school performance much. Normally more disengaged students are more likely to work long hours, and working makes them even less devoted to study.,Inspiring your thoughts,Detailed understanding,to be continued,5) Whats the conclusion? Students should work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to succeed in school. We should get rid of the wrong idea that early employment builds character.,Inspiring your thoughts,Detailed understanding,Think over the following questions and share your ideas with your classmates.,Do you agree with the author on all the negative impacts of
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