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初中数学课实验活动的探索目 录中 文 摘 要 IAbstract 第一章 问题的提出 1一 研究本课题的意义 1二 国内研究现状2三 有关概念的界定 3第二章 初中数学课实验活动的理论基础 5一 数学教育哲学基础 5二 多元智能理论5三 建构主义理论 6第三章 初中数学课实验活动的设计 8一 初中数学课实验活动的设计原则 8二 初中数学实验活动的设计要求 11第四章 初中数学课实验活动的教学模式 17一 数学概念的实验活动教学 17二 数学命题的实验活动教学 19三 问题解决中的数学实验活动教学 20第五章 初中数学课实验活动的教学实践案例分析 25注 释 28参考文献 29致 谢 31中文摘要数学作为自然科学中的基础学科,承载了比其他学科更多的任务和责任,更需要培养发展人的多元智能。多元智能理论,为其提供了理论依据。数学实验活动为其提供了非常重要的平台。数学实验活动己成为新世纪数学教育改革中受到广泛关注的重点。如何在数学教学中去组织实施数学实验活动是实现数学教学目标的关键环节。本文首先探讨了数学实验活动的基本内涵和结构、新课程理念下初中数学实验活动的理论基础以及教学原则、教学要求,分析了在初中数学实验活动教学中开展的必要性与可行性、迫切性。初中阶段是培养学生数学能力的关键阶段,是提高学生创造能力、综合实践能力的重要时期。在数学实验活动中,学生的创造力得以激发,学习数学的兴趣,得到进一步培养、延续,特别是学生的动手实践能力、自主探索、合作交流能力得到真正的提高。数学实验活动在数学的非形式方面,有着非常重要的价值。如它可以培养学生的数学直觉能力以及对于数学美的鉴赏能力,可以检验数学理论的真伪,发展想象力,提高学生理论联系实际的能力。在初中数学实验活动的实践研究中,研究者指出了数学实验活动的四条原则:(1)数学思想和实践紧密结合的原则。(2)教师的主导作用和学生的主体地位辩证统一的原则。(3)内容方法过程符合初中生的认知特点和思维规律(4) 探究发现原则。在此基础上提出了数学实验活动的八条设计要求:(1)知识与方法相融合(2)、实验活动中注重培养学生的各种能力(3)、重视合作交流(4)注重现实性与应用性(5)高效性与新颖性(6)激发学生参与数学实验活动的兴趣(7)渗透数学思想(8)加强与别的学科的联系最后研究者在数学实验活动教学中从以下三个方面提出了可供操作的教学模式:(1)数学概念的实验活动教学(2)数学命题的实验活动教学(3)问题解决中的数学实验活动教学。初中数学课实验活动的教学实践案例和课后教学反思,为初中数学教师在数学教学中对学生进行多种能力的培养提供了可借鉴的案例。数学实验教学是在现代教育技术应用的基础上,吸收传统数学教学的优点,通过学生合作交流,观察、实验、归纳、模拟、猜想、验证等活动,展开对数学的理解,对人的智能进行全方位的培养,也正是对“数学文化”观念的诠释。关键词:数学实验活动教学;教学模式;合作交流;探究发现;数学思想分类号:G633.6 ABSTRACTMathematics as the basic subject for natural science, bearing more tasks and responsibilities than others, needs more training and development of mans multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligence theory provides the theory basis for it .Mathematics experiment activities provide it with the very important platform.Mathematics experiment activities has become the key concern in the new century mathematics education . In mathematics teaching how to organize and carry out mathematical experiment activities is the key link of realizing maths teaching goal. This paper first discusses the basic connotation and structure of mathematical experiment activities , the theoretical foundation and the teaching principle and requirements of junior middle school mathematics experiment activities under the new curriculum concept , analyzes the necessity and feasibility of urgency in the junior middle school math teaching . The junior middle school stage is the key to cultivate students mathematical ability. And it is an important period to improve students creativity and comprehensive practice ability. In mathematics experiment activities, students creativity can be stimulated, students interest in learning mathematics can get further training and continuance, especially students practical ability, independent exploration, cooperation and communication ability gets really improved. Mathematics experiment activities in mathematics the form, has a very important value. For example, it can train students mathematical intuition ability and appreciation ability to mathematical beauty , can examine the authenticity of mathematical theory, develop imagination, improve students ability of integrating theory with practice. During the practice study of middle school mathematics experiment activities , researchers pointed out the four principles : (1) the principle of mathematical thought and practice combining. (2) the principle of the teachers leading role and students subject status dialectical unity . (3) content,method and process conform to the cognitive characteristics and law of thinking of junior middle school students (4) the principle of inquiry found. Finally the researchers proposed an operational teaching mode in mathematics experiment activities teaching from three aspects: (1) the experimental activities teaching of mathematical concept (2)the experimental activities teaching of mathematics proposition (3) the experimental activities teaching of problem solving.The teaching practice cases and after-school teaching reflection provided some reference cases for junior middle school mathematics teachers in training students a variety of abilities. Mathematics experiment teaching absorbed the advantages of traditional mathematics teaching on the basis of the modern education technology application. And through students cooperation and communication, observation, experiment, induction, simulation, conjecture, verification activities, it commences mathematical understanding and the omni-directional training on human intelligence. Also, it is the concept of mathematical culture interpretation.Key words:mathematics expe
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