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大庆石油学院工程硕士专业学位论文XXX学院工程硕士专业学位论文 论文题目: 微滤膜技术在生化法丙烯酰胺生产过程中的应用 硕 士 生: 指导教师: 工程领域: 2011年 6 月 20 日Category number:TQ31 Unit code:10220UDC: 28 Secret rank:Daqing petroleum Institute.Project master specialized dissertationPaper topic: Microfiltration membrane technology in the biochemical production of acrylamide in the application processMasters degree student:cuiyanlongInstucts professor: zhaoxiaofeiProject domain: Biological chemical industry摘要膜分离是在20世纪初出现,20世纪60年代后迅速崛起的一门分离新技术。膜分离技术由于兼有分离、浓缩、纯化和精制的功能,又有高效、节能、环保、分子级过滤及过滤过程简单、易于控制等特征。本文通过对生化法聚丙烯酰胺产品的工业化生产进行研究,首先认真研究了丙烯腈水合反应液中生物杂质对聚合产品质量的影响,其后通过微滤膜过滤及离心机参数控制等过程,逐步降低杂质对产品品质的影响,提高产品质量标准。结果表明:在生化法生产丙烯酰胺技术的工业化过程中,应用微滤膜技术替代古老离心机分离技术是一种新的发展趋势。可以将游离细胞法采用中空纤维膜直接分离菌体,进行再次利用,在提高菌体利用率的同时,减少污染物排放,从而实现绿色生产。该工艺能够减轻后续精制负荷。采用该工艺生产丙烯酰胺可以明显提高生产效率和菌体利用率,同时水合液产品中的生物杂质含量降低。节约大量的能源和水资源。关键词:微滤膜 丙烯酰胺 精制 生化法Microfiltration membrane technology in the biochemical production of acrylamide in the application processAbstractMembrane separation as a new separation technology which emerged in the early 20th century had its rapid rise after the 1960s. Membrane separation technology has not only the capabilities of separation, concentration, purification and refining but also the features of efficient, energy saving, environmental protection, molecular filtration. Its filtration process is simple and easy to control.Based on the research of biochemical polyacrylamide products of industrial production, this paper firstly carry a serious study on the effects of biological impurities in hydration reaction liquid of acrylonitrile have on the quality of polymer products, thereafter, reduce the effects of impurities have on product quality step by step through micro-filtrationmembrane and centrifugeparameter control in order to improve quality standards of the products. The results showed that: In the industrialization process of biochemicalproduction ofacrylamide technologies, the application of micro-filtration membrane technology in stead of the old centrifuge technology is a new trend. Hollowfiber membrane can be used directly in the free cell method to separate cell for re-use, which improves cell efficiency while reducing emissions, in order to achieve green production. The refining process can reduce the load follow-up. Production of acrylamide using the technology can significantly improve production efficiency and biomass utilization, and meanwhile reduce the content of biological impurities in hydrated liquid products. Save a lot of energy and water resources. Key words: micro-filtration membrane, acrylamide, refining, biochemical treatment 创新点摘要 本文是针对有效降低生化法丙烯酰胺中杂质含量、提高聚丙烯酰胺产品质量的研究,通过实验,取得了较好效果,并已在现场实际应用。其创新点如下:1、 系统研究了丙烯腈水合反应液中生物杂质对聚合产品质量的影响;2、 通过过滤体系的实验,有效降低丙烯酰胺内杂质含量。Innovation AbstractThis paper is the research which aims at effectively reduces the content of impurity in biochemical acrylamide and improves product quality of polyacrylamide. Good results have achieved through the experiment, and have been practically applied in the field.Its innovative points are as follows:1. Systematical study of the effects the biological impurities in the hydration reactionliquid of acrylonitrile have on the quality of polymer products 2. By the experiment of Filtration system, the content of impurities in acrylamide producthas been reduced effectively.目录第一章 绪论6第二章 文献综述82.1丙烯酰胺的生产及研究82.2 国内外聚丙烯酰胺生产技术概况102.2.1 国外工艺技术概况102.2.2 国内工艺技术概况102.3 生化法丙烯酰胺中杂质的消除11第三章 生化法丙烯酰胺单体中杂质对聚合终产品的影响143.1 生化法丙烯酰胺中杂质的来源143.1.1 原料自身携带或菌体携带的杂质143.1.2 水合过程中产生的杂质143.2阴离子聚丙烯酰胺生产技术概况153.2.1国外生产技术概况153.2.2国内生产技术概况163.3 阳离子聚丙酰胺生产技术现状183.3.1 聚丙烯酰胺的阳离子改性法183.3.2 丙烯酰胺单体与阳离子单体共聚193.4生化法丙烯酰胺杂质成分及对聚丙烯酰胺的影响203.4.1 实验药品及仪器设备(见表3-4及3-5)213.4.2 实验方法及内容213.4.3 分析方法213.5实验结果与讨论233.5.1 甲醛对聚丙烯酰胺的影响233.5.2 乙醛对聚丙烯酰胺的影响233.5.3 双氧水对聚丙烯酰胺的影响243.5.4丙烯酸对聚丙烯酰胺的影响243.5.5对苯二酚对聚丙烯酰胺的影响253.5.6乙腈对聚丙烯酰胺的影响263.5.7氨基酸等蛋白对聚丙烯酰胺的影响263.5.8糖对聚丙烯酰胺的影响27第四章 生化法生产丙烯酰胺单体生产中杂质控制及其精制284.1引言284.1.1 生化法水和反应中腈水合酶催化反应动力学22-24294.1.2 生化法水和反应中温度对反应速率及失活的影响304.1.3生化法水和反应中丙烯酰胺浓度对酶反应的影响314.1.4 生化法水和反应中pH值对酶反应的影响314.1.5生化法水和反应中丙烯腈浓度对酶反应的影响314.1.6生化法水和反应中丙烯酰胺与温度的协同作用324.1.7 生化法丙烯酰胺水溶液的精制324.2 实验部分344.2.1 生化法丙烯酰胺成分分析344.3结果与讨论:374.3.1温度对发酵的影响和控制374.3.2溶解氧对发酵的影响和控制384.3.3离心数据对比实验及控制方案优化404.3.4超滤膜过滤系统实验及工艺优化424.3.5离子交换技术实验及工艺优化44第五章 结论47参考文献48致谢5053第一章 绪论微滤膜属多孔类型膜,孔径大小约为0.01
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