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洲际酒店集团洲际酒店集团 Design presenting all floor plans, exterior elevations, building sections and exterior colour perspectives. 在业主方选定概念稿上进一步深化;包括所有平面布 置,外立面、建筑剖面及外部彩色透视图。 Developed Design (DD) (or in PRC statutory terminology Extended Preliminary Design) 深化设计(或中国大陆术语 扩初设计) : Based on the approved schematic design documents, further detailed drawings and outline specifications describing all aspects of the hotels size and character, including architectural, structural and MEP. 在批准的方案设计基础上,进一步深化出表现酒店规 模特色的图纸及技术规范要求。包括所有建筑、结构 及机电工程。 Contract Documentation 合约文件 : The finalized version which incorporates all necessary details for the construction of the works. This is typically sub-divided into 60% and 100%. 确认稿设计文件包括所有项目施工所必须的节点详 图。一般细分为60%完成及100%完成稿。 3 STAGES OF A TYPICAL PROJECT InterContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团 典型项目的阶段进程典型项目的阶段进程 Technical Services Procedures 技术服务程序 China 中国区 - 14 - April 2005 3.1 From Project Brief to Grand Opening (Contd) 从项目设计任务书到正式开业(续)从项目设计任务书到正式开业(续) Tendering 招投标 : The stage where tenderers are invited to submit quotations for a defined scope of work. 被邀投标方根据给定的施工范围投标。 Pre Opening 开业准备 : The stage when the hotel manager is appointed, pre-opening office is established, staff recruited and trained operation equipment identified, sourced and purchased. Phased handover from contractor to Owner. 是指酒店总经理已经上任,开业准备办公室设立,员 工已经招聘及受过培训,营运设备已经确定并购置。 这期间承包商会逐步向业主移交酒店。 Final Completion / Soft opening 竣工/试营业 : When all areas are furnished with operating equipment and in trial operation. 指所有区域完成装修,设备就位运行,酒店开始试营 业。 Grand Opening 正式开业 : Fully furnished and equipped and in full operation with all major defects rectified. 全面装修结束,设备安装运行以及所有重大缺陷整改 完成后正式营业。 3.2 Schedule of Construction 施工进度计划施工进度计划 Owner shall complete each and every one of the following stages of the construction in accordance with InterContinental Hotels Group Standards and in compliance with the following time deadlines (time being of the essence): 业主方应该按照洲际酒店集团标准在下列时间期限内(时间是关键点)完成每一个施工阶段。 (a) the Site mobilized and prepared, including the clearing of vegetation and existing structures, construction of hoarding, fences, signage, access roads, site storage areas and site offices; 工地完成平整场地,包括清除植被及原有建筑,设立工地围档,围墙,工地标志,进 出道路, 现场仓储及现场办公区域。 (b) the substructure completed, including site excavation and grading (levelling), setting out of the building, construction of foundations and backfilling to grade ; 地下结构完工,包括土方开挖、整平、建筑放线定位,基础施工及回填土方。 3.2 Schedule of Construction (Contd) 施工进度计划(续)施工进度计划(续) 3 STAGES OF A TYPICAL PROJECT InterContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团 典型项目的阶段进程典型项目的阶段进程 Technical Services Procedures 技术服务程序 China 中国区 - 15 - April 2005 (c) the superstructure completed, including the main concrete frame, walls, slabs, roof and masonry of the building (including infill), and the first fix of the mechanical and electrical services such as pipework and wiring no later than XXXX; 上部结构完成,包括总体砼结构、墙体、楼板、屋顶及建筑物填充墙,以及例如主管 道及电气管线的首次机电安装,。不迟于XXXX日前完成。 (d) the architectural fit-out completed, including general fitting out of all the fixed elements of the building such as windows, doors, tiles, baths, marble, handrails and the like and the second fix of the mechanical and electrical works, cabling and sprinklers no later than XXXX; 建筑装饰完工,包括窗、门、瓷砖、浴缸、大理石、扶手栏杆等的固定装修以及例如 管线及喷淋系统的机电第二次跟位安装,不迟于XXXX日前完成。 (e) the interior design fit-out and finishing works completed, including all painting, grouting, decorations and fixtures to walls and ceilings, installation of all fixed interior design such as skirting, wardrobes, cabinets, signage, and the like and the final fix of mechanical and electrical works and connections no later than XXXX; 室内精装修完成,包括所有油漆饰面、灌浆抹缝、墙及天花部位的装饰及配件,所有 固定装饰, 比如踢脚线, 衣柜, 矮柜, 标志牌等, 机电系统最终安装联通, 不迟于XXXX 日前完成。 (f) the Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment of the hotel completed, fitted and installed, including the installation of all remaining items of artwork, carpets, and the like and the placing of all loose interior design furnishings such as chairs, beds, the final testing and commissioning of all equipment and services including operating equipment and the provision of operating supplies no later than XXXX; and 家具、装置及设备安装完工,包括艺术陈设、地毯安装以及所有活动家具比如椅子、 床等,还有所有设备的最终调试以及酒店营运设施的采购安装,不迟于XXXX日前完 成。 (g) the hotel ready to open for business by XXXX (no less than 4 weeks after (f). 酒店在XXXX日前准备就绪进行开业(在(f)阶段后不少于4周) 3 STAGES OF A TYPICAL PROJECT InterContinental Hotels Group 洲际酒店集团 典型项目的阶段进程典型项目的阶段进程 Technical Services Procedures 技术服务程序 China 中国区 - 16 - April 2005 3.3 Handover Process 移交程序移交程序 Count Down Schedule 倒计时进度表 This outline schedule must be discussed with the contractor to finalise the sequence of finishing and to ensure that the Contractor allows for the phased take-over of areas first for installation of FF evaluates traffic count data; analyses intersection capacities; provides data for air
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