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Landscape in Language Volume 4 Landscape in Language. Transdisciplinary perspectives Edited by David M. Mark, Andrew G. Turk, Niclas Burenhult and David Stea Culture and Language Use Studies in Anthropological Linguistics CLU-SAL publishes monographs and edited collections, culturally oriented grammars and dictionaries in the cross- and interdisciplinary domain of anthropological linguistics or linguistic anthropology. The series offers a forum for anthropological research based on knowledge of the native languages of the people being studied and that linguistic research and grammatical studies must be based on a deep understanding of the function of speech forms in the speech community under study. For an overview of all books published in this series, please see Editor Gunter Senft Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen Landscape in Language Transdisciplinary perspectives Edited by David M. Mark University at Buffalo (SUNY) Andrew G. Turk Murdoch University Niclas Burenhult Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen and Lund University David Stea Texas State University John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam / Philadelphia Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Landscape in language : transdisciplinary perspectives / edited by David M. Mark . et al. p. cm. (Culture and Language Use, issn 1879-5838 ; v. 4) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Language and languages-Variation. 2. Semantics. 3. Geographical perception. 4. Lan- guage and culture. I. Mark, David M. P120.V37L25 2011 910.02014-dc22 2011003203 isbn 978 90 272 0286 4 (Hb ; alk. paper) isbn 978 90 272 8704 5 (Eb) 2011 John Benjamins B.V. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher. John Benjamins Publishing Co. P.O. Box 36224 1020 me Amsterdam The Netherlands John Benjamins North America P.O. Box 27519 Philadelphia pa 19118-0519 usa The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984. 8 TM Table of contents Forewordix Prefacexi Landscapeinlanguage:Anintroduction1 David M. Mark, Andrew G. Turk, Niclas Burenhult and David Stea Ethnophysiography25 Andrew G. Turk, David M. Mark and David Stea Exploringphilosophyofplace:Potentialforsynergybetween phenomenologyandethnophysiography47 Andrew G. Turk Embeddedinplace:Mirrorknowledgeandsimultaneous landscapesamongMori73 Brian Murton Philosophicalissuesinethnophysiography:Landformterms, disciplinarity,andthequestionofmethod101 Bruce B. Janz Landandlife:Ethnoecologyandethnogeographyascomplementary approachestotheanalysesoflandscapeperception121 Chris S. Duvall LandscapeinWesternPantar,aPapuanoutlierofsouthernIndonesia143 Gary Holton viLandscapeinLanguage:TransdisciplinaryPerspectives Hawaiianstoriedplacenames:Re-placingculturalmeaning167 Renee Pualani Louis Betweenthetreesandthetides:Inuitwaysofdiscriminatingspace inacoastalandboreallandscape187 Scott A. Heyes Differingconceptualizationsofthesamelandscape:TheAthabaskan andEskimolanguageboundaryinAlaska225 Gary Holton AcasestudyinAhtnaAthabascangeographicknowledge239 James Kari Revitalizingplacenamesthroughstoriesandsongs261 Susan Paskvan LanguageandlandscapeamongtheTlingit275 Thomas F. Thornton Language,landscapeandethnoecology,reflections fromnorthwesternCanada291 Leslie Main Johnson Landscapeembeddedinlanguage:TheNavajoofCanyondeChelly, Arizona,andtheirnamedplaces327 Stephen C. Jett Navajolandscapeanditscontexts343 Carmelita Topaha NavigatingregionallandscapeswithJicarillapersonalnarrative353 Elizabeth M. Lynch Tableofcontentsvii Ontologyoflandscapeinlanguage369 Werner Kuhn Theroleofgeospatialtechnologiesforintegratinglandscape inlanguage:GeographicInformationSystemsandtheCree ofnorthernQuebec381 Rene Sieber and Christopher Wellen Classifyinglandscapecharacter395 Lars Brabyn and David M. Mark Perspectivesontheethicalconductoflandscapeinlanguageresearch411 Andrew G. Turk and David M. Mark Notesoncontributors435 Index443 Foreword Thisbooksubstantiallyadvancesanascentinterdisciplinaryfieldfocusedonthe humancognitionofthenaturalworldweinhabit,asreflectedespeciallythough language,butalsothroughotherkindsofaction.Here,archaeology,geogra- phy,psychology,anthropologyandlinguisticsallintersectinmutuallyinform- ingways. Thisbookisnotjustanother“LanguageandX”book,whereXissomeoth- errandom,perhapstrivial,domain.PerhapsthetermLandscapedoesnthelp here:accordingtotheOED,itcameintoEnglishattheendofthesixteenth centuryfromMiddleDutch,hitch-
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