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Foreword一、课程特点(一)课程介绍在英语本科课程中,英美文学选读可以说是难度最大的一门课程,是为培养和检验自学者英美文学的基本理论知识和理解欣赏原著能力的一门专业课。该门课程所选用的作品都是英美两国经典作家的经典之作,时间跨度从14世纪到20世纪,涉及新古典主义、浪漫主义、现实主义等等不同阶段的几十位作家,而每位作家的作品的题材、风格、特色各异。因此,我们在学习时既要从语言的角度考虑,又要从文学的视角去理解,难度可想而知。因此同学们要仔细阅读原作。按照考试大纲的要求学习。(二)学习要求:宏观要求:对两国文学形成和发展有一个大概的了解。 微观要求:理解作品内容,分析/评价作品。(三)内容结构: 教材:分三个部分第一部分:对英美文学发展各阶段的总体评价(记忆)第二部分:作家及代表作品的介绍与评论(记忆)第三部分:作品选读(理解)(四)学习方法及注意事项文学发展的各阶段的评述就是教材上每一章的评论性部分,包括该时期社会背景、文学状况、文学流派、重要作家作品的介绍等,这一部分对整章内容来说具有纲领性意义,因此必须认真学习并记住主要内容。1.主要内容包括一些评论性、结论性论点。例:Humanism is the essence of Renaissance (文艺复兴的本质是人文主义)2.要记住某一时期开始和结束的时间及标志 例:英 国文艺复兴:14世纪-17世纪中叶新古典:1660-1798浪漫主义:1798-1832维多利亚:1836-1901现代:19世纪末-20世纪70年代初美 国浪漫主义:十八世纪末-内战(浪漫)维多利亚:1865-1914(现实)现代:20世纪初-中叶(现代)3.要记住每一个时期的主要特征、主要潮流例如:18世纪 诗歌-浪漫主义19世纪 小说-现实主义 4.书中所有作家并非全重要,要记住那些主要作家例如:文艺复兴时期 Shakespeare浪漫主义时期 Shelly二、关于作家作品部分介绍了作家的生平、创作及主要内容,近三年的考题中出现率极高作家生平及作家基本情况可作一般了解。文学生涯中,如文学流派要把握其特点;(浪漫主义、现实主义);对其文学成就的高度评价,如,马洛:大学才子,菲尔丁:小说之父等。另外,还要注意作家的NO.1作品和代表作。代表作品、重要作品的介绍非常重要,必须熟记在心,这一部分在历年考试中所占比重很大。学习时要记住:作品基本内容及对作品的分析评论;不仅要注意选读的作品,非选读部分也应注意。三、应试(一)命题以大纲为主(二)按识记,领会,应用三个层次学习。 (三)能力层次和难易度能力层次:识记(30%),领会(30%),应用(40%)难易度:易(20%),较易(30%),较难(30%),难(20%)(四)考试题型一般为:1.单选 40分 401分2.阅读:针对原文作回答 16分 44分3.简答: 简明回答 24分 46分4.论述:短篇论文式的论述 20分 210分PART ONE:ENGLISH LITERATUREAn introduction to old and Medieval English literature一、Anglo-Saxons,the NormansThe Anglo-Saxons brought to England the Germanic language and culture.Normans brought a fresh wave of Mediterranean Civilization,Which includes Greek culture,Roman law,and the Christian religion.These two conquests provided the source for the rise and growth of English literature. 二、The Period of Old English literatureTime : 450-1066 the year of the Norman conquest of EnglandOld English poetry that divided into two groups:(1)The religious group(2)The secular group三、About BeowulfRegarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. It evokes the Anglo-Saxons sense of the harshness of circumstance and the sadness of the human lot.The hero and the setting of Beowulf have nothing to do with England; the story took place in Scandinavia.The exploits of a Scandinavian hero,Beowulf,in fighting against the monster Grendel,his revengeful mother,and a fire-breathing dragon.The poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.The poem is an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroic legends.四、The Norman Conquest and its effectThe Norman Conquest brought England more than a change of rulers;Politically,a feudalist system was established in England; the Rome-backed catholic church had a much stronger control over the country,great changes also took place in language,after the conquest,three languages co-existed in England:French-official language,Latin-church affairs and in universities,old English -common English people.五、The Medieval period in English literature1.In the second half of the 14 century,English literature started to flourish with the appearance of writers like Geoffrey Chaucer William Langland,John Gower and others.2.Popular folk literatures occupy an important place in this period. Its presentation of the life is accurate,lively and colorful. And also strongly reflects the principles of the medieval Christian doctrine.3.Knightly adventures (1)Use narrative verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds.The hero is usually the knight,who sets out on a journey to accomplish some missions - to protect the church,to attack infidelity,to rescue a maiden,to meet a challenge,or to obey a knightly command.(2) There is often a liberal use of the improbable,sometimes even supernatural,things in romance.(3)Romantic love is an important part of the plot in Romance.(4)The structure is loose and episodic; the language is simple and straight forward.(5)The importance of the romance itself can be seen as a means of showing medieval aristocratic men and women in relation to their idealized view of the world.六、Chaucer:1.Presented us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time.His masterpiece is the Canterbury Tales 2.Chaucer (1)for the first time in English literature presented us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time. His masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales.(2)He characteristically regard life in terms of aristocratic ideals,but he never lost the ability of regarding life as a purely practical matter.(3)He affirmed mans right of pursue earthly happiness and opposed asceticism,he praised mans energy,intellect,quick wit and love of life,he exposed and satirized the social vices,including religious abuses.(4)Chaucer explores the theme of the individuals relation to the society in which he lives; he portrays clash
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