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英语中常用于被动态的动词及其短语:be dressed in 穿着be injured/hurt/wounded (in) 受伤be seated 坐着(状态) v.s. be sittingbe based on 以为基础be located/situated in/on 坐落于 Our school is located/situated in the east of the town.be separated/isolated from与分开/隔离开The island is separated from the mainland.be exposed to sth. 1)接触 2) 暴露在 His skin is often exposed to the sun. /They try to be exposed to English materials. (其主动用法expose oneself/sth. to 但多用于被动)be devoted/dedicated to致力于/ 奉献于 The teacher is devoted to his teaching career. (其主动用法devote/dedicate oneself to sth., 但多用于被动)be made up of/be composed of 由组成 The medical team is made up of/ is composed of 2 doctors and 4 nurses.be lost/ be gone (但: be missing) 不见了,消失了be lost in thought 陷入沉思中be caught in a traffic jam/ a rain 赶上(交通阻塞/大雨等)He arrived late because he had been caught in a heavy rain.be covered/crowded with 覆满了/挤满了The land is covered with snow.be lined with 两边排满了The street is lined with big trees.be dotted with 点缀满了 The sky is dotted with stars. The lake is dotted with boats固定句型It is said/reported/believed/considered that sb./sth =sb./sth. is said/reported/believed/considered to do/be doing/have donebe left 剩下 Four apples are left. (注意: Four apples remain. remain用主动) be killed 死了 (注意: die这个动词为主动用法)表示“感到某种情绪” 常用被动态be excited/satisfied/disappointed/amused/puzzled/confused著名 be (well) known to sb. 为某人所知 be known as 作为而著名 be known for 因而著名 Hangzhou is known as a famous tourist city for its West Lake to the whole nation. 杭州作为著名旅游城市因其西湖而闻名全国。 be fascinated by/ be obsessed by/be glued to sth 着迷于; 深受吸引be called/named 名叫 The boy is named Andrew. I prefer to be called Tom.英语中通常用主动语态的动词及其短语belong to 无被动,无进行时result in造成/ result from由造成 无被动用法happen, take place, occur/ break out, burst out 等表示发生/爆发等含义的短语read 意为“上面写有字样”时 例如The sign on the door reads: no entry.weigh(重),measure(测量结果为)主动用法 例如:The melon weighs 10 pounds. The room measures 6x6 meters.consist of 由组成 (注意与be made up of的区别)The medical team consists of 2 doctors and 4 nurses.be to blame for 应负责/受到责备 The driver is to blame for the accident.所有的系动词都是主动用法(look, sound, smell, taste, feel, appear, get, become, remain, go wrong/bad, come true)sell, open, drive, write, wash, wear 表示“特性,性能”时用主动用法The book sells well.书卖得好 The door opens easily.门很容易开 The pen writes smoothly.钢笔写起来很顺 The cloth washes easily这块布很容易洗(干净)The sweater wears comfortably. 毛衣穿着很舒服。need,want,require 表示“需要被”时 后跟动名词主动用法 The room needs/wants/requires cleaning. (但不定式要用to be cleaned 表示出被动)be worth doing (worth后一定跟动名词主动用法)The city is (well) worth visiting.wh- +不定式做动词的宾语时,不定式用主动I dont know where to go/what to say/whom to turn to for.某些形容词作表语时,后面跟的不定式用主动形式。如:easy, hard, difficult, fit, comfortableThe work is easy to do. The water is not fit to drink. The house is comfortable to live in.有些动词用于主动和被动皆可,但含义有差别。如:prepared for sth. 为做准备 (动作) be prepared for sth. 为做好了准备的 (状态)determine to do sth. 决心做某事(动作)be determined to do sth. 下定了决心做某事 (状态)I have some clothes to wash. (主语I自己洗。)I have some clothes to be washed. (主语不洗,有待别人来洗。)中译英练习题中,若中文里没有主语,通常用被动态来翻译。已经做了很多工作来防止环境污染。Much/ A lot has been done to prevent the environment pollution.已经采取了措施控制病毒传播。 Measures have been taken to limit the spread of the virus.上海近几年来造了大量的高楼。 A large number of high rises have been built in Shanghai in the recent years.已经花了很多钱在此工程上了。 A lot of money has been spent on the project.3
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