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CCSA基本词汇A acceptance testing 验收测试access 存取、访问 access control 访问控制accountability 责任Accounting controls 会计控制achieve 达到activity 活动activity network diagram 作业网络图 activity-based costing(ABC)system 作业成本法activity-level objective 作业层次目标Activity reports 活动报告 add value 增加价值adequacy 充分,足够;适当adequate control 适当的控制 Administrative controls 行政管理控制 Administrative reporting 行政管理报告adopt 采用 affinity diagram 亲和图、分层法 affinity information 分析性信息alignment 协同alternative 选择的 Analysis and Evaluation(IIAPreformance Standard 2320) 分析和评价(IIA工作标准2320)Analysis audit procedures 分析性审计程序analytical review 分析性复核anonymity 匿名,匿名者appearance 表面application 应用appraisal costs 鉴定成本appreciation 评价,鉴别appropriate 适当的 appropriation 拨款,占用,盗用,挪用 approve 批准Approval 批准 Approval of risk-based plans (批准)以风险为导向的计划Approval of work programs (批准)工作方案artificial intelligence 人工智能 assess 对进行评估,评价 assessment 评估Assessment control 控制(评估)Assessment of control processes 控制程序(评估) Assessment definition/timing of 定义/时间安排(评估)Assessment of quality programs 质量方案(评估)Assessment of risk management process 风险管理过程(评估)Assets,control and ues of 资产、控制和使用 Assignment of authority and responsibility 权责划分 assistance 援助,帮助assistant 辅助的,助理的 assumption 假设 assurance 确认、保证 Assurance Services 确认服务 Assurance Services and consulting services 确认服务和咨询服务 Assurance Services nature of 确认服务的性质 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line(ADSL) 非对称用户数字环线 asynchronous 异步 attribute Standards 属性标准 attributes sampling 属性抽样 audience 受众 audit conclusion 审计结论 audit committees 审计委员会 communications with audit committees 与审计委员会的沟通 audit coverage 审计覆盖面 audit directors 审计主管 audit directors compliance with IIAs attribute standards (审计主管)遵循IIA的属性标准 duties of audit directors 审计主管责任 personnel responsibilities of audit directors 人事责任 planning by audit directors 规划 audit directors and policies/procedures 审计主管和政策/程序 quality assurance role of audit directors 质量保障角色 auditing control 审计控制 audit managers/supervisors 审计经理/督导 audit evidence 审计证据 audit finding 审计发现 audit methodology 审计方法 audit objectives 审计目标 auditors-in-charge 主管审计师 audit plans/planning 审计计划 audit procedures 审计程序 audit programs 审计方案 assessments to audit programs 评估审计方案 audit recommendation 审计建议 audit reports 审计报告 audit resources 审计资源 audit risk 审计风险 audit scope 审计范围 audit team leaders 审计小组领导 audit time budgets 审计时间预算 audit trail 审计踪迹 audit work planning 审计工作计划 audit work programs 审计工作方案 auditee 被审计单位 authentication 鉴别 authority 权威性,权限 authorization 授权 avoid 避免 awareness 意识 B backup/restart procedure 备份/重启程序 balance controls 余额控制 bar chart 条形图,柱状图 bar-code 条码 BBS 电子公告牌 benchmarking 基准比较法 biometric technology 生物技术 Board 董事会(审计委员会) internal control responsibilities of board of directors (董事会的)内部控制责任 bounded rationality 有限理性 brainstorming 头脑风暴 break-even 盈亏平衡点 bridge 网桥 browser 浏览器 bus network 总线网 business application systems 业务应用系统 see also internal control application development 内部控制应用程序开发 application system documentation control 应用系统文本记录控制 corrective controls 纠正性控制 data integrity controls 数据完整性控制 data origination/preparation/input controls 数据产生/编制/输入控制 data output controls 数据输出控制 data processing controls 数据处理控制 detective controls 检查性控制 inventory of controls in 存货控制 operational application system controls 操作应用系统控制 preventive controls 预防性控制 spreadsheet controls 电子数据表控制 system-related file maintenance controls 系统相关文档维护控制 business organizations 经营组织 business process reengineering 业务流程再造 business risk,audit risk vs. 经营风险,审计风险Ccallback 回拨 capacity plan 能力计划 capital structure 资本结构 cause 原因 cause-and-effect diagrams 因果图 centralized processing 集中处理 certainty 确定性 certification authority(CA) 证书认证中心 Certified Internal Auditor(CIA) 国际注册内部审计师 challenge 挑战 change control 变更控制 change management 变革管理 characteristics 特性 charter 章程 Check Sheet 日常检查单 checklists 问题清单 Chief Audit Executive(CAE) 首席审计执行官 circumstantial evidence 附属证据 class 类 client 委托人,客户,客户机 client feedback mechanisms 客户反馈机制 closing conference 结束会议 cluster(block)sampling 分块抽样 CoCo model,see Criteria of control model 控制标准模式 Code of Ethics 职业道德规范 monitoring compliance with 监控合规性 coefficient of correlation 相关系数
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