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人教版新目标八年级英语Unit 2综合水平测试卷一、单项选择。(每题1分,共25分)( ) 1.What do you often do on _ weekends?I often go _ online.Athe;/Bthe;the C/;the D/;/( )2Good food and exercise _ me to study better.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( )3.Why do you often exercise?Because it is good _ my health.Ato Bat Cwith Dfor( )4You are in a hurry. Where are you going?To the cinema. Jim _for me there!A. waits B. is waitingC. waited D. was waiting( )5.The _ of the soccer game surprised everyone.They lost the game.Adifference Bplace Cresult Dsymbol( )6.Most people think the best way to relax is _ exercise.Aacross Bwith Cabout Dthrough( )7.My mom wants me _ the English club but I dont.Ato join Bjoin Cjoining Djoins( )8How often _ Mary exercise?Twice a week.A. do B. does C. doing D. done( )9.Alan,are you free this week?No.This week is quite _ for me.Along Bhappy Cfull Dtidy( )10Is her lifestyle the same _ yours?A. as B. in C. at D. to( )11.My father often stays up late to work and he _ goes to bed before 12 oclock.Aoften Balways Chardly Dusually( )12._ the dish tastes delicious,he doesnt eat much.AAlthough BIf CWhen DBecause( )13I have a tennis ball and my friend John _ two tennis rackets.A. have B. play C. plays D. has( )14.Ten percent of the students _ to school on foot.Agoes Bgo Cgoing Dto go( )15.Are you _,Tom?Yes.I think Im in good _.(易错题)Ahealth;health Bhealthy;healthyChealth;healthy Dhealthy;health( )16Scott watches TV once _ week.A. a B. the C. an D. /( )17.You can buy almost everything on the Internet _ clothes and food.Asuch as Blook likeCless than Dbecause of( )18Please drink some milk. Its good _your health.A. to B. For C. at D. with( )19._ do you go shopping?Once a week.AHow often BHow longCHow old DHow much( )20Katrina couldnt go to the cinema with us because she had to _ her little brother.A. look through B. look after C. look at D. look into( )21.There are three notebooks on the desk but _ of them is mine.(易错题)Afew Bmany Cnone Dall( )22.Where is my pen,Mom?_ its on the table,but Im not sure.AMay be BYet CMaybe DUsually( )23Lets talk about the difference _Chinese and English names.A. on B.of C. between D. with( )24I dont want to go shopping. _, I havent got any money.A. Then B. However C. Besides D. Instead( )25._?Once.AHow do you like junk foodBHow many times do you eat junk food a weekCWhat time do you eat junk foodDWhen do you usually eat junk food二、完形填空。(每空1分,共10分)John is pretty healthy. He 26 every day, usually when he comes home 27 school. His eating habits 28 pretty good. He eats 29 vegetables. He eats fruit and drinks milk every day. He 30 drinks coffee. He thinks coffee is not healthy. Of course, he 31 loves junk food, but he tries to eat 32 only once a week. Oh, and he sleeps 33 eight hours every night. So you see, he looks after his 34 . Good food and exercise are 35 him. And his healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades.( )26. A. exerciseB. exercisesC. exercisedD. exercising( )27. A. toB. fromC. forD. back( )28. A. isB. areC. wasD. were( )29. A. a lotB. lot ofC. a lot ofD. a lots of( )30. A. alwaysB. oftenC. usuallyD. never( )31. A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. very( )32. A. themB. itsC. itD. they( )33. A. inB. aboutC. atD. after( )34. A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyD. unhealthy( )35. A. good atB. good inC. good toD. good for三、阅读理解。(每题2分,共30分)ADo you love fast food?Why?How often do you eat it?200 people joined our survey and here is the result.Chart 1:How often do you eat fast food?Chart 2:Why do you love fast food?( )36._ of the people eat fast food once a week.A14% B28% C8% D44%( )37.6% of the people eat fast food _.Atwice a week Bthree times a weekCmore than three times a week Devery day( )38.44 people love fast food because its _.Acheap BdeliciousChealthy Dconvenient( )39._ of the people like fast food because they can take it away.A12% B14% C22% D24%( )40.What can we learn from the result?AAll students love fast food.BFast food makes people fat.CMany people eat fast food on weekends.DSome people dont know what food is healthier.BAmerican children have exciting
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