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如何审核质量方针、目标和管理评审以下是国际标准化组织审核实践小组关于如何审核质量方针、目标和管理评审的指导文件。翻译出来供大家参考。Date:12 December 2005 ISO 9001 Auditing Practices GroupGuidance on:Auditing Quality Policy, Quality Objectives and Management Review如何审核质量方针、质量目标和管理评审1. Auditing quality policy 对质量方针的审核The quality policy and its effective deployment can only be truly assessed based on the overall results of the audit. 只能等到整个审核有了结果以后才能对质量方针及其展开加以评估Audit methods should include: 审核的方法应当包括: Interviewing Top Management to understand their approach and commitment to quality; (click here to link to the guidance paper on the auditing of Top Management processes) 和最高管理者面谈,理解他们对质量方针的制定和承诺。如何对最高管理者进行审核,另外有单独的指导文件。 Evaluating, through the records of management review, the commitment and involvement of Top Management in the establishment, implementation, monitoring and updating of the quality policy;通过管理评审记录来评价最高管理者在建立、贯彻、监视和完善质量方针方面的承诺和参与的情况。 Assessing whether Management has effectively “translated” the quality policy into understandable words and guidelines at all levels of the organization, with corresponding objectives at each applicable function / level;评估管理者是否有效地把质量方针“翻译”成容易被大家理解的文字,让各个层次员工理解,而且和每个应当建立质量目标的职能/层次的地方都建立了质量目标。 Conducting interviews with personnel to verify if they have the required awareness, understanding and knowledge of the way the organizations quality policy relates to their own activity, regardless of the terms used by such people to express their understanding;通过和员工交谈来验证他们是否具有所要求的认识、理解而且懂得如何把质量方针和自己的工作联系起来了。不要计较这些员工使用什么术语来描述他们对质量方针的理解。 Seeking evidence of effective dissemination of the quality policy by appropriate communication.通过适当的沟通方式来寻求传布质量方针的客观证据。2. Auditing quality objectives对质量目标的审核Auditors need to verify that the organizations overall quality objectives have been defined, that they reflect the quality policy, are substantially coherent, aligned and compatible with the overall business objectives, including customer expectations. If this is not the case, the auditors should further evaluate Top Management commitment to quality.审核员必须验证组织的整个质量目标已经确定,这些目标必须反映质量方针,而且,和整个商务目标应当是一致的、符合的,其中包括顾客的期望。如果不是这样的情况的话,审核员应当进一步评估最高管理者对质量所做的承诺。The fulfilment of quality objectives needs to be measurable and documented. 质量目标的达成必须可加以测量的而且必须形成文件。There is no specified way of identifying or documenting quality objectives, as these may appear through business plans, management review outputs, annual budgets, etc. It is up to the auditors to satisfy themselves that the objectives are adequately documented.没有规定用什么方法来标识或者把质量目标形成什么样的文件,这些可以通过商务规划、管理评审的输出、年度的预算等方式都可以的。这就取决于审核员来判定这些目标是否得到充分的文件化了。The auditors should obtain evidence of the way the quality objectives are suitably cascaded throughout the organizations structure and processes, linking the general strategic objectives to management objectives and down to specific operational activities.审核员应当获取审核证据来验证这些质量目标是通过合适的途径在整个组织内部各个结构以及过程中加以落实下去,通过这些质量目标把总的战略目标和管理目标联系起来了,而且落实到特定的运营作业中去了。It is recommended that the documented quality objectives should be examined at the documentation review stage of the audit.推荐在审核第一阶段做文件评审的时候就检查形成文件的质量目标。Before the end of the audit, the auditors have to satisfy themselves that the quality objectives are realistic and relevant, and that the organization has assigned to responsible personnel the resources needed to meet their objectives. Evidence of this should be obtained at all levels of the organization. 在审核完成之前,审核员应当对质量目标是否切实可行而且组织是否把这些质量目标落实到有关的负责人,以及为了实现这些目标所必须的资源是否落实感到满意。有关这方面的客观证据应当在组织的各个层次都能得到。Quality objectives are not static and need to be updated in the light of the current business climate and the quest for continual improvement.Auditors should verify that the overall performance of the organization reflects the aims of the quality policy and reasonably meets the quality objectives.质量目标不是静止不变的,而是需要调整的,以便能和当前的商务环境相适应,而且应当追求持续改进的。审核员应当验证,整个组织的业绩反映出质量方针的目的合理的满足了这些质量目标。Auditors should keep in mind that the fulfilment of objectives can be measured in a quantitative or qualitative manner.They should also remember that there is a clear link between the dynamic aspects of revising the quality policy and the quality objectives and the commitment of the organization to continual improvement.审核员应当记住,目标的达成是可以定量或者定型测量的。审核员还应当记住,在质量方针和质量目标以及组织决定持续改进承诺之间应当有清楚的动态修订的联系环节的。3. Auditing Management Review对管理评审的审核ISO 9001:2000 requires top management to review the organizations quality management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.The review could be carried out at a separate meeting but this is not a requirement of the standard.There are many ways in which top management can review the quality management system such as receiving and reviewing a report generated by the management representative or other personnel, electronic communication or as part of r
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