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圣诞活动主持稿健:亲爱的老师同学们,我们的晚会即将开始,请把你们的手机调为震动或静音状态,谢谢芳:现在请大家把目光投向我们的大屏幕,让我们通过一段视频来共同回忆英语协会走过的点点滴滴。大家一起倒数10秒。芳: Good evening ladies and gentleman健: Good evening my dear friends my dear audiences.芳: Thank u for coming here tonight ,i am your host suifang 健:and I am lijian.芳:We all know that Christmas is a very important festival in western countries. In order to let us enjoy the western culture amtermesphere thats the reason why we held this party tonight健:圣诞节是西方国家的一个重要节日。作为青春的代言人,大学生总是洋溢着青春活力,充满着狂热激情,在圣诞节来临之际为了让我们更好的享受西方浓厚的文化氛围,英语协会特此举办此次活动。现在我宣布“温情暖寒冬,欢乐庆圣诞晚会”正式开始!芳:Now please allow me to introduce our teachers and distinguish guests.健:下面请允许我介绍今晚莅临本次活动的老师和嘉宾,他们是:英语协会指导老师-杨艳老师芳:Welcome. EA instructor Gary健:英语协会外籍指导老师-Gary 还有我们远道而来的外国嘉宾们。欢迎你们的到来芳:Thank u very much for coming here tonight my dear friends健:在此,我们也要特别感谢河源东慧科技电脑对本次活动的大力支持。现在掌声有请河源东慧科技电脑黄总经理上台发言。健:俗话说,有朋自远方来不亦说乎,为了让今晚到场的外国朋友们到感受我们的热情,让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们全部上台做个自我介绍吧!芳:Now. Lets welcome our foreign friends to make a brief introduction.健:Hey suifang ,after watched the video about EA, so whats your feeling ?芳:Well ,after I watched this video i am so moved. You know, EA was established almost 10 years. Thats a big family, a big team also its a big stage for us to practice and show ourselves. EA held many activities every year, such as tonights Christmas eve party 、the English speaking contest 、English corner and so on. Everybody really enjoy it. 健:Yeah, I see .I hope EA will become more stronger and much better in the future.健:那么,为了让今晚的晚会更加的绚丽多彩,我们同学们将在接下来的时间里,为大家献上他们的精彩节目!芳:we have a lot of excellent performances tonight ,i cant wait to see it .Hey Oliver do u know which is the first performances to show ?健: Sure I know. But this is a secret,OK now lets taking a deep breath and giving a warm big hands to welcome our dancers芳:接下来请大家欣赏我们精彩的爵士舞蹈表演。芳:Christmas has a history of more than two thousand years. Today different countries celebrate the festival in their own way. It is said that Santa Claus will come from the North Pole to bring us presents. Now lets welcome our lovely Santa Claus to bring us a wonderful play.健:下面请欣赏由英语协会干事为我们带来的圣诞话剧表演健:我们的话剧精彩不?好看不?芳:我觉得是挺有创意的。我听圣诞老人说啊,他是从微博视频里面学跳这个江南style的。我们的圣诞老人太fashion了。健:是啊,我也这么觉得,那么刚才圣诞老人在跳舞的时候,我看到台下的几位外国朋友也似乎有点按耐不住了,也挺想冲上来show一番的感觉。那么我相信观众朋友们也一定很想看我们外国朋友的才艺表演,对不对?芳:Now ,lets welcome our foreign friends to give us a talent show.(才艺展示过后)May I ask you a question: we all know that English plays a very important role in our society and how to learn English well? Would you like to share some learning skills for our audience?健:是的,我们都知道要学好英语并非是一朝一夕的事。就像我们英语协会口号所说的一样。我们英语协会的口号是:健:很好,那么接下来就到我们这个好玩的游戏互动环节了。芳:Yes ,the game rule is very simple. I will pick up 5 students and then ask them a question. If you answer correctly, you will get a present. 健:是的,我们的游戏规则很简单,我们通过系统随机抽取5名幸运观众并回答相应问题,那么回答正确者就能得到精美礼品一份,回答错误者我们将继续抽取幸运观众。好的,现在请大家讲目光转移到大屏幕上,现在请大屏幕上的数字滚动起来,大家一起喊停! 有请我们工作人员把话筒传给观众。健: 恭喜以上获得奖品的同学,那么没拿到奖品的也不要灰心,因为后面还有更精彩的游戏环节等你来参与。现在有请我们的圣诞老人为现场的观众派发糖果。好的,感谢我们这两位可爱的圣诞老人。芳:黎健啊,此时室外寒气袭人,室内却是暖意融融啊。健:是的。精彩还在后头。接下来有请海燕话剧社为大家献上他们自编自导自演的精彩小品,掌声有请!健:我们大家都看过魔术,魔术之所以那么神奇,是因为魔术总是能给我们带来一种神秘而又玄幻的感觉。大家都知道刘谦的名言是接下来就是见证奇迹的时刻,那么下面请大家共同见证这个奇迹的时刻!掌声有请魔术社为我们带来精彩的魔术表演健:看来这个魔术表演还真不错,下次我也得学两招。观众的热情都把我热的一身汗了。芳:下面又到了观众最最期待的环节,我们的游戏名字叫做:男生女生向前冲!健:那么听到这个游戏的名字,大家是不是很期待呢。好的,现在让我为大家介绍一下本游戏的规则:本游戏一共两轮 ,一轮两组 ,一组两人 ,最先把三个气球夹到指定地方后到回原位再背上你的同伴抢到凳子后 ,举手示意完成,再回答主持人问题正确者则为胜出的一方,所有参与者都将获得由英语协会送出的精美礼品一份。芳:We have two groups, 2people as a group for this game. They can use their face or back to carry the balloons. Only 3 balloons you bring, can you enter the second round. And then you must carry your partner to the destination and get the chair. At last, answer the hosts question. The winner will get a brilliant gift.健:suifang,can you guess ,who is my favorite idol?芳:I dont know .Would you give me some tips? OH I see, Michele Jackson健:下面请用你们的尖叫声请出由英语协会干事为我们带来的最后一个精彩节目芳:How time flies! Our party is coming to the end without perceiving. Now lets sing this song together. 健:时间飞逝,转眼间我们的晚会就要结束了,现在有请我们的指导老师,外国朋友们以及全体工作人员上台合唱.那么在这里提前祝大家圣诞节快乐芳:Thanks for coming here tonight. We send our best wishes to all of you guys here. Merry Christmas! Goodbye and good night.1 、What without foreigners Christmas dinner?外国人的圣诞大餐上少不了什么?Turkey. 火鸡 2、When held the first Christmas in the history?史上第一个圣诞节是什么时候举行的?AD138公元138 3、Christmas is biggest holiday which the church?圣诞节是哪个教会最大的节日?Christian基督教 4、Western to which three kind of color for Christmas color?西方人以哪三种颜色为圣诞色?red、green、white红、绿、白 5、What somthing top decorate in the Christmas tree?装饰圣诞树的时候,最顶上一般放什么?a star 一个星星6、Whats santa claus original name?圣诞老人的原名叫什么?Nicola7、Would you please sing a most familiar chrirstmas song?请你唱出一首最熟悉的圣诞歌曲。Christmas、Jinglebells8、Santas beard and eyeb
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