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常用外贸术语缩写1) B.D.bank draft银行汇票2) B/Lbill of lading提单3) C.I.F .cost insurance freight到岸价4) C.I.F.&Ccost insurance freight & commission成本、保险费、运费加佣金价格5) CL. B/Lclean bill of lading清洁提单6) C/Ocertifiacate of origin产地证明书7) CYcontainer yard集装箱堆场8) D/Adocuments against acceptance承兑交单9) D/Pdocuments against payment付款交单10) d/sdays sight见票后日付款11) Exp.export出口12) FCLfull container load整箱货13) LCLless than container拼箱货14) F.O.B.free on board船上交货15) F.P.A.free from particular average平安险16) FXforeign exchange外汇17) gr.wt.gross weight毛重18) Impimport进口19) IMFinternational monetary fund国际货币基金20) L/Cletter of credit信用证21) M.T.metrict ton公吨22) M/Tmail transfer信汇23) nt.wtnet weight净重24) P/A;p/aparticular average单独海损25) S/Dsight draft即期汇票26) S/Csales contract销售合同27) s.t.short ton短吨28) T.T.telegraphic transfer电汇29) W.A.with average水渍险30) w.p.a.with particular average单独海损险31) W.R.war risk战争险32) ZCLzone for free commercial自由贸易区P68尊敬的先生:很高兴收到你方5月30号羊毛小地毯的订单。我方在此确认接受你方订单,并将按你方订单要求供应你方所需货物。随信附上销售合同原件两份,请在其中一份签署并寄回我方存档。你方对所订货物当及时开具以我方受益人的不可撤销的即期信用证。我方收到信用证后将立即发货。感谢你方的合作诚意,期待你方再次订货。您真诚的Dear Sirs,We are pleased to receive your order dated May 30 for wool rugs. We are herein confirming your order and will provide with what you need at your request. Enclosed herewith are the sales contract in two originals, one of which is for you to sign and return to us for our file.Please open an irrevocable sight L/C in our favor for the goods you have ordered without delay. We will excute shipment upon receipt of your L/C.We appreciate your sincerity in cooperation and look forward to receiving your further orders.Yours sincerely,P81尊敬的先生:现随信附上我方订购1800公斤美国开心果的订单,订单号为0318。按照你方要求,我方已通知我方往来银行,即中国银行上海分行开立以你方为收益人的不可撤销的信用证。信用证的有效期至6月30号,并将由该银行的纽约分行保兑。你方可凭此信用证按你方发票金额向他们开立见票后60天付款的汇票。所购货物将由“先驱号”轮承运,6月8号从纽约起航。货物装运时请及时通知我们。您真诚的Dear Sirs,We enclose our order for 1800kg American pistachios. The order number is 0318.As requested, we have instructed our bank, Bank of China, Shanghai Branch, to open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favour. The credit is valid until June 30 and will be confirmed to you by the Banks New York office. You are authorized to draw on our bank against this credit for the amount of your invoice.The goods will be shipped by Vessel Pioneer, sailing from New York on June 8.Please notify us as soon as the goods are shipped.Yours sincerely,P82尊敬的先生:我们已收到你方开立的金额为1156美元的0317号信用证以抵付销售合同号NH-1748项下680液晶显示器(19英寸)。经仔细阅读,我们发现你方信用证上的金额不足,因为合同的总价应为1256美元,而不是1156美元,差了100美元。另外,由于去你港的直达船每月只有不定期的一班,如果赶不上一班次的话,就只能经由新加坡装运。所以我们要求修改信用证如下:合同金额为1256美元。允许转运。如果你方能及时修改信用证,我方将立即装运。你真诚的Dear Sirs,We have received your L/C No.0317 for US$1156 covering Sales Contract No.NH-1748 for 680 liquid crystal indicators (19 inch). After careful observation, we find that the amount in your L/C is insufficient, as the total value of the contract comes to US$1256 instead of US$1156, which is US$100 short.Besides, as there is only one irregular vessel each month to your port, we shall have to ship via Singapore more often than not if we miss the vessel.Therefore, we ask that you amend the L/C as follows:The amount in your L/C is to read “US$1256.”Transshipment is allowed.If the amendment is made without delay, we will make the shipment immediately.Yours sincerely,P95尊敬的先生:一批夹克衫于6月9号到达。经彻底检查货物,我们不得不说,其包装需要改进。例如,所用的纸板箱强度不足以保护货物在运输过程中免受损坏。我们就这样的包装询问过我们的一些客户。他们说:1. 因为做箱子所用的纸板交薄,这种纸板箱容易割破,从而易被偷窃。 2. 在装卸时,箱子必须堆放起来。由于纸板箱太薄经不起重压,难免会有破损 3. 保险公司知道这一情况将会以货物包装在不适合海洋运输有纸板箱内为由而推卸责任,并拒绝赔偿损失。从上述的意见中,你能看到,我们的客户对你们的包装忧心忡忡是有道理的。就包装而言,对今后装运的货物,他们宁愿要木箱而不要纸板箱。我们衷心希望你方考虑此事,并做出必要的改进,以便避免因包装不当而引起的麻烦。希望早日收到您的回复。十分感谢!您真诚的Dear Sirs,A shipment of jackets arrived on June 9. Having checked the goods thoroughly, we have to say that the packing needs improvement. For example, the cartons used are not strong enough to protect the goods from getting damaged during transit. We have enquired of some of our clients about such packing. They say:1)Such cartons are easy to cut open because the cardboard of which the cartons are made is rather thin, thus making pilferage possible.2)During loading and unloading, the cartons are to be piled up; so breakage is unavoidable because the cartons are too thin to withstand heavy pressure.3)The insurance companies, on knowing this, will shift their responsibilities to the goods being packed in cartons not fit for ocean transportaion and refuse to compensate for losses.From the above comments, you can see that our clients are justified in their anxieties over your packing. As far as packing is concerned, they prefer wooden cases to cartons for future shipments.We sincerely hope that you will think about this matter and make
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