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2013年深圳市中考英语学科命题比赛 选择填空(20分)i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共5小题,每小题1分)1. Have you got a letter from your parents yet?A. heard from B. heard of C. received D. heard about2. Although Lin Feng isnt good at English, she is doing her best to improve her English all the time this term. A. work hard on her English B. make her English better C. Practice her English hard D. read English loudly3. The book is too high on the shelf. Please give me a hand. A. help me with my hand B. do me a help C. do me a favour D. let me do by myself4. Our class consists of 48 students. There are 34 boys and 14 girls.A. is connected to B. is made from C. is in charge of D. is made up of 5. For the time being, I havent got enough money to buy this flat.A. At the same time B. At the moment C. For a long time D. At presentii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1分)6. - Have you seen _ dictionary? I left it here a moment ago.- Is it _ Oxford dictionary? I saw it was taken by Julia.A. a, a B. a, an C. a, the D. the, an7.- _ is it from your home to the school? - Its about _ walk . A. How long; twenty minutes B. How soon; twenty minutes C. How far; twenty minutes D. How often; twenty minutes8. - Which club would you like to join, art or basketball? - _ is OK. Im good at _. A. Neither; it B. Either; them C. Both; them D. All; it9. -Do you mind _here? -_.A. me to smoke, Not at all B. my to smoke, Of course notC. my smoking, Certainly not D. if I smoke, Yes, I dont10. -Did you bring some books here? -Yes, I brought_ here, but I cant find_ now.A. one, one B. it, it C. it, one D. one , it11. - A car hit a woman at the zebra crossing.- Yes._ bad news! The traffic accident _ by a drunk driver. A. How; caused B. What a; was caused C. How a; is caused D. What; was caused12. -Could I borrow your new MP4? -Sorry, it _. I have looked for it everywhere but still _ it. A. is missing; havent found B. has lost; havent found C. is missing; dont find D. has lost; dont find13. -You can hardly see the words on the blackboard, _? - _. They are too small. A. cant you; Yes, I can B. cant you; No, I cant C. can you; Yes, I can D. can you; No, I cant14. -Plants are good for our health.- Yes, I dont think we can live _ plants! If the plants die, we all _.A. with, die B. with, will die C. without, die D. without, will die15- Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?- _. I love getting close to the nature.A. I couldnt agree more. B. Im afraid notC. I believe not D. I dont think so16. - What would you like _? - It doesnt matter. _ will do. A. drink; Nothing B. drinking; Everything C. to drink; Something D. to drink; Anything17. -Nice to see you. I _ you for a long time. - I _ in Beijing. Ive just come back. A. hadnt seen; am B. havent seen; was C. didnt see; will be D. havent seen; shall be18. -Is the weather of Wuhan in winter the same as _ of Shenzhen? -No, its not so _ as in Shenzhen. A. it; warmer B. that; warm C. it; warm D. that; warmer19. -When did your father start to teach you Kung Fu? - He _ start to teach me Kung Fu _ I was a middle school student. A. has; since B. will; because C. didnt; until D. wont 20. -Which of the following sentences is NOT right? A. The boy was made not play computer games again. B. I wonder where the foreigner comes from. C. My mother would like to watch TV plays instead of doing sports. D. Its nice of you to give me so much help.完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1分)“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second-grade teacher, Joyce Cooper asked that day, but I will never forget my _21_ . As soon as the number left my mouth, the whole class started laughing . I felt like the stupidest person in the world. Mrs Cooper fixed them with a firm look. Then she said: “Were all here to learn .” Another time, Mrs Cooper asked us to write a report about what we hoped to do with our lives. I wrote: “I wa
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