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Unit1 Touch and feel,Touch the toy bear. Its _ .,soft,Look and learn,soft,Touch the car. Its _ .,hard,Look and learn,hard,thin,thick,Look and learn,Touch the book. Its _ .,Touch the book. Its _ .,thick,thin,Its _ and_ .,Its _ and_ .,thick,thin,big,thick,small,thin,Look and learn,Look and say,thick,thin,hard,soft,hot,cold,Its . (hard, soft, thick ,thin, hot, cold ),Look and say (看图说句),Touch this, Alice. How does it feel?,Its soft., Touch the,How does it feel?, Its ,S1: Touch . How does it feel?,S2: Its ,Pair work,Picture 1 How does it feel? What is it?,Questions,Picture 2 How does it feel? What is it?,Its soft.,Its a toy bear.,Its hard.,Its an apple.,Whats in the bag?,T: Touch one thing. How does it feel? S1: Its _ . T: What is it? S1: Is it a/an ? T: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.,1,2,Practice,soft hard thick thin,-Touch the car. How does it feel? -Oh, its _ .,2. -Look at the book. -Its very _ .,3. -I have a new bag. Touch it. -Its _ .,4. -Kitty has a doll. -Its legs are _ .,hard,thick,thin,soft,1.Its a kind of fruit. Its red. Its hard. Its sweet. Many people(人们) like to eat it. What is it?,Guess the riddle,2.Its an animal. Its ears are big and soft. Its teeth are hard. Its legs are thick. What is it?,1. Listen to the tape and follow it. (听录音并跟读。) 2. Read ,copy and remember the new words and sentences. (读一读,抄写并记住新词新句。) 3. Play a guessing game with your friends. (和你的朋友玩猜谜游戏。),Homework,
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