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,Daisy,辅音,辅音的定义: 不论声带振动与否,发音时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍,这样形成的语音称为辅音。 发音时声带不振动的辅音称为清辅音。 发音声带振动的辅音称为浊辅音。,_,音标的家,简写,正规,只有两堵墙!,1. 音标必须写在括号里,常用的音标括号有斜头和平头两种,其上端不顶第一线,大致与大写字母相齐,下端在第三格的中 2. 下面几个音标是最容易写错的,一定要注意:ai和au不要写成ai和au,a:不要写成a:。 3. 音标没有书写体,也没有大小写,因此书写时必须和印刷体一样,直上直下,没有斜度,其书写规格如下所列。,音标的书写,I,:,e,I,I,辅音(48个) 爆破音: p b t d k g 摩擦音: f v s z h r 破擦音: tr dr ts dz t d 鼻辅音: m n 舌侧音: l 1)出现在元音之前叫作清晰舌边音 2)出现在辅音及单词末尾时叫作模糊舌边音 半元音: w j 擦音中气流较弱,摩擦较小,介于元音跟辅音之间的音,$,爆 破 音 指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。,爆破音p b t d k g,爆破音p b t d k g,_ _ _,_ _ _,p : p pp p: piano panda parrot pet ship sheep pig stop pp: apple happy,_ _ _,b : b bb b: book ball bird big boy bag banana bb: rubber rabbit cabbage,_ _ _,_ _ _,t : t tt t: table tea taxi cat rat fat ticket tt: butter matter,_ _ _,d : d ed d: duck seed door desk day red head bed read cold ed: smiled opened played,_ _ _,_ _ _,_ _ _,k,清辅音,特点:有气无力,声带不震动。,g,浊辅音,特点:有力无气,声带振动。,辅音,k:c k ck c: cap cook cup car can class k: cook milk key desk kite cake ck: clock sock cock neck,g: g gg g: glass golf get girl bag goat flag gg: egg,bi:,pi:t,ti:p,dIk,kIt,In,gIt,b:,bt,练习,$,磨 擦 音 指由发音器官造成的缝隙是气流产生摩擦而发出的声音。,摩擦音 f v ,摩擦音f v ,_ _ _,f,v,辅音,清辅音,浊辅音,咬唇音,fox,f:ks,five,faIv,f,v,fIks,fIg,bri:f,frend,f,vIkt,vIs,ktIv,verI,faIv,f: f ff ph gh f: five fan flower fish four leaf ff: giraffe ph: phone elephant photo gh: laugh,v: v ve v: video vase vest violin ve: five love,_ _ _, ,辅音,清辅音,浊辅音,咬舌音TPR,tu:,tooth,brother,br,b:,bre,tu:,k,i:f,eI,br,t,Is,we,Ik,s,: th th: three thin third teeth mouth,: th th: father mother brother clothes weather,摩擦音 s z ,摩擦音 s z ,_ _ _,s,z,辅音,清辅音,浊辅音,bus,bs,zebra,zebr,bs,s,z,srI,si:,bs,sneIl,zIp,pli:z,si:z,zu:,k:z,s: s c ss ce s: star sun snake sea see c: pencil city cedar ceiling celebrate ss: grass glass class boss ce: face race rice nice,z:z s se z: zero zebra zoo s: bags photos sisters se: nose rose,辅音音标 t d练习,辅音音标 t d练习,_ _ _,辅音,清辅音,浊辅音,上下齿靠拢, ,fish,fI,telIvIn,i:,Ift,k,d,p,me,vIn,si:,ple,le, :s sh s: sugar sure sh: ship sheep wash cash shop she,tongue twister 英文绕口令,She sells seashells on the seashore, and the shells she sells are seashells, I am sure. If she sells shells at the seashore, the shells she sells are seashells, for sure. 她在海岸上卖海贝壳,我确信她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。如果她在海岸上卖贝壳,那么可以肯定她卖的贝壳就是海贝壳。,: s s: television, usually, measure decision; my pleasure,摩擦音 h r,摩擦音hr,_ _ _,辅音,清辅音,浊辅音,h,r,horse,h:s,rat,rt,h,r,rt,h:s,help,rIsk,h:,red,hv,ri:zn,h:d,ru:m,heIt,gr:s,h:h wh h: he her head heart hair ham wh: who whose,r :r rr wr r: rice classroom ride road rose rr: mirror carrot parrot wr: write wrong wrap,$,破 擦 音 指由一个爆破音和一个磨擦音组成。发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈成发t、d的姿势,形成气流的完全阻碍。随后让气流冲破这种阻碍轻微爆破后立即发出第二个摩擦音,即先爆破后摩擦,两音密合,发成一个音,辅音-破擦音,t,d,tr,dr,ts,dz,辅音-破擦音,t,d,tr,dr,ts,dz,书写格式,_ _ _,破擦音,辅音,t,d,清,浊,chicken,tikin,jeep,di:p,t,d,change,teInd,cheer,tI,age,eId,chance,t:ns,job,dd,joke,dk,cheap,ti:p,judge,db,charming,t:mi,orange,rInd,t:ch tch ch: teacher peach cherry chair tch: watch match,d: g j dge g: ginger giraffe j: jump job jam ge: orange cabbage cage,_ _ _,破擦音,辅音,ts,dz,浊,清,parents,pernts,friends,frendz,ts,dz,dates,rts,rats,deIts,heads,hedz,shots,ts,seeds,ri:dz,funds,fndz,meets,mi:ts,reads,si:dz,flights,h
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