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Unit 4 When do you have class?第 1 课时课题Unit 4 When do you have class?(Lets talk)教学目标知识目标1. Learn the new words. 2.句型:What time do you usually have? When do you? Fromto 能力目标能用句型介绍自己在不同时间段所做的事情。情感目标通过学习,培养学生良好的生活作息习惯教材分析教学重点本课的新单词和重点句型教学难点Fromto 句型的使用和表达教学准备教学图片,多媒体教学软件和设备教学过程I. Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a songIts time to go to bed.3.复习What time 句型II. Presentation and Practice1.引入新课。PPT展示一张Ben吃午饭的图片,向学生介绍:Look at this picture. Its half past twelve. Ben is having lunch. What time do you usually have lunch? 可用中文向学生说明部分单词的意思,如having lunch与What time do you usually?句型。2.板书课题Unit 4 When do you have class? 学习并读课题,理解have class的中文意思。3.学习句型What time do you usually have breakfast? I usually have breakfast at 7 oclock in the morning.4. 结合上面的句型学习新单词:usually, breakfast, at (介绍have在不同的短语中的不同意思)5.展示一个时间段,引入fromto的表达方式,并用PPT示不同 第 2 课时课题Unit 4 When do you have class?(Fun with language)教学目标知识目标1.巩固第一课时所学的知识。2.学习并完成Fun with language.能力目标能用所学的知识,谈论日常的生活。情感目标通过游戏等活动,培养学生对英语的学习兴趣。教材分析教学重点Fun with language 的学习教学难点用英语写出各个时间段所做的事情教学准备多媒体教学设备教学过程I. Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Sing a songIts time to go to bed.3. Everyday English. What time/When do you.?II. Presentation and Practice1. Read the new words of unit 4.2. Act out the dialogue.3. 操练短语:get up, take exercise, have breakfast, have class, have lunch, go running.4.结合上述短语,用What time/When do you.?问学生。5.完成Fun with language中的Listen and write.(1) 用金太阳进行听力。(2) 提问学生,订正答案。6.利用金太阳练习P22页Ask and answer.7. Read and order. 第 3 课时课题Unit 4 When do you have class?(Story time, Did you know) 教学目标知识目标1.The new words 2.Can tell the time when something is done.能力目标1. Can talk about and write down when something is done.情感目标培养学生良好的生活习惯,有计划安排时间, 有时间观念。教材分析教学重点Story的理解及Did you know的内容。教学难点不同的时间表达方式。教学准备多媒体教学设备 第 4 课时课题Unit 4 When do you have class?(exercise)教学目标知识目标复习Module 2相关的内容,巩固Module 2的知识。能力目标通过练习,学生能掌握“Daily routine”相关内容。情感目标在练习中培养学生独立思考,认真完成练习的习惯。教材分析教学重点复习Module 2的内容。教学难点部分习题内容的理解教学准备多媒体教学软件教学过程I. Leading-in1.Greeting 2. Read the words and dialogue in a fun way.3. Every day English.4. Dictation.II. Pre-task1.听力练习:听音,选择你听到的单词:( ) (1) A. daily B. day C. date( ) (2) A. well B. when C. which( ) (3) A. tired B. try C. bear( ) (4) A. bad B. back C. baby( ) (5) A. bread B. dinner C. breakfast( ) (6) A. juice B. use C. usually2. 找出与画线单词同类的单词。( ) (1) I am so tired. A. swim B. happy C. red( ) (2) What time do you usually get up? A. often B. go C. cold( ) (3) When do you have class? A. at B. What C. does( ) (4) I often go swimming in the afternoon. A. running B. show C. play3. 找出不同类的单词:( ) (1)、A:watch B: kind C: shy D: friendly( ) (2)、A:he B: him C: her D: them( ) (3)、A:farmer B: glasses C: policewoman D: worker( ) (4)、A:dress B: coat C: builder D: uniform( ) (5)、A:lunch B: dinner C: breakfast D: cookIII. Summing-up小结Module 2的语言知识IV. Homework.1. 完成综合练习。2. 背诵Module 2 的单词。
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