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日常交往一、问候 Greeting初次见面 Meeting for the first time1. 由你发起会话:l Hello! How do you do? Its very nice to meet you. /省略句Nice to meet you. /Its a great pleasure to meet you./I am pleased to make your acquaintance.How do you do? vs. How are you? 视频前者用于首次正式问候,用How do you do? 回答;后者用于熟悉后打招呼,用Im fine, thanks./Pretty good./Not bad./Hello./Hi.回答.Nice to meet you. vs. Nice to have met you. (能遇到你真高兴。)前者用于见面打招呼,后者用于见面后道别的客套话。l I often heard so much/a lot about you. 一直久仰大名。其他搭讪用语 pick-up linesl I think I know you? Arent you Mr.+ surname 姓l Have we met before?l You look so familiar. You like one of my friends.l You have a charming smile.l I like your hairdo. /I really love your hairstyle./You look pretty cool with the haircut.l Would you like a drink? Coffee, tea or wine? Instant coffee or freshly ground coffee? /A glass of red wine, white wine, rose wine or champagne?l I am brewing coffee. Would you like one?l Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?/Can I buy you a drink?/ Id like to treat you to a drink. beverages饮料分类(alcoholic drinks + non- alcoholic drinks):alcoholic drinks : 1. spirits/liquor烈酒 (中国白酒rice wine) 2.beer 3. wine (西班牙水果酒sangria+ 西班牙雪莉酒sherry) 4.cocktail 5. aperitif 开胃酒 6. desert wine non- alcoholic drink不含酒精饮品=soft drinks: Coca cola, Fanta, Sprite, black tea with/without sugar or milk), jasmine teacoffee: l Can you give me a light, please? 借个火,可以吗?l You have a good sense of humor.自我介绍 (3o seconds preferred not more than 3 minutes)l 姓名+供职的事务所+职务My name is Sam Yeung. Im from/work for(with) law/legal Firm. Im a solicitor(事务律师)/barrister(诉讼律师). Im now a practicing lawyer/assistant lawyer, but I will turn into an independent lawyer soon next year. . 表示律师:1. lawyer最常用,除了指律师外,还可指法官检察官和法学教师等。2. attorney 在英国最初是指在普通法院执业的律师,后被solicitor取代,现英国人已鲜用;在美国attorney广泛用于授权为当事人代理案件的律师,比lawyer正式,范围窄,多用于法律事务代理律师。Attorney-at-law一词为美国用语,通常用在名片上。3. bar是律师的全称概念,与法官对应。各地律师协会一般用bar association表达。4. barrister一词源于英格兰法律,多用于英国新加坡等国和香港地区,又称大律师辩护律师,指有资格出席高等法院法庭的律师,与之相对应的是solicitor。5. counsel指接受指派,专门为个人公司和政府公务部门提供法律服务的人,称为法律顾问。Counselor在英国已经被废弃,其在爱尔兰和美国等地有时仍在使用,基本等同counsel,但比counsel正式。l 籍贯Allow me to introduce myself. I am from/reside in(居住) Canton, China. It is the capital city and of Guangdong province and economic hub of southern China, adjacent desntto Hong Kong. It is southern gateway of China since it has always been the biggest port open to foreign trade.l 学历 QualificationI graduated from Guangdong Police College with a bachelor/master/doctor degree and ended up working in procuratorate for one year. And then I changed my job I have passed the National Judicial dudl Examination in China.I have worked from the current law firm for two years. I l 性格描述 PersonalityIm (an) sociable. 好交际的,友善的人/outgoing/extrovert =extravert“性格外向的人”,但含有贬义,“喜活动而不喜思想的人”The strongest trait in my character is cheerfulness/optimism/reliability/perseverance/carefulness. As a qualified and professional lawyer, I am reliable and competitive. You can definitely count on me/ feel rest assured. I am mot good at dealing with people. 我不擅长交际。I have a good interpersonal relationship. I am good at dealing with people.l 兴趣/专长Photography is one of my hobbies./ I often spend my spare time hiking 远足,徒步旅行and trekking. 徒步旅行/ Independent travel/package tour takes up most of my spare time.l 家庭I come from a typical Chinese extended family. (大家庭,与祖父母,已婚子女等共居的三代或数代同堂的家庭) the sandwich generation (support 4 elders and raise their child) 杨澜视频In the past, a lot of Chinese people prefer boys to girls, leading to selected abortion. As a result, there are far more boys than girls, which has posed a threat to population distribution.Now the only child policy has been abandoned and a second child policy is advocated. The reason is that China is facing an increasingly aging society. I come from a nuclear family. (由夫妻两人与子女组成) We are a double income family./ My wife and I both work outside. 双职工家庭And my parents have retired. DINKS 丁克族 = Double Income No KidsThere are four people in my family, my father/ father-in-law, my mother/ mother-in-law and my three-year-old son.3. 询问对方情况l 姓名 May I have your name, please?l 国籍/州/郡Where are you from? Which state(美国的州)/county(英国的郡) in particular?(具体,特定地)I have been to New York. l 在香港的生活How long have you been /stayed in Hong Kong? Are you used to the fast pace of life/hustle and bustle here? (城市生活的忙碌,喧嚣)? 介绍自己在香港的情况:I am new here. /I am a stranger around here.饮食catering 视频: 香港 vs.广东 视频Place where u can eat: food stall 熟食摊档/大排档, food court 美食广场,private kitchen(fusion新派菜式,Cantonese cuisine kw zi:n), restaurantWays of cooking: 蒸steam, 煮boil, 煲poach, 炆stew/simmer, 炒stir-fry, deep-fry炸Local specialties: pig lung in chili sauce, sour chicken with tangerine peels, omelette, sunny side up, over-easy, sausage, toast烤面包/吐司, egg waffle, pan cak
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