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七年级英语第二学期Unit 7精学笔记姓名 班级 学队 .精学要求每一知识点,都要求互检互签,互检在知识点的右侧空白处签上检查人员的名字。精学笔记知识点一:单词 1v下雨 n雨水 2.adj.多风的_3adj.多云的 4.adj.晴朗的_5 v下雪n.雪 6. n天气_7v做饭 8.adj.坏的;糟的_9 n公园 10. n信息;消息_11 pron.他(he的宾格) 12modal v能;可以_13adv.回来;回原处 14 n困难;难题_15adv.再一次;又一次 16adj.干燥的 _ 17.adj.寒冷的;冷的 18adj.热的 _ 19.adj.温暖的 20v拜访;参观_Eg: 1._() s _() 互检互签:知识点二单词 21.n加拿大_ 22 n夏天;夏季 23. v坐_ 24 n果汁;饮料 25.adv.不久;很快_ 26n假期 27adv.努力地 adj.困难的_ 28n欧洲 29.n高山_30 n国;国家 31. v滑冰_ 32 adj.下雪的_ 33.n冬天;冬季_34adj.俄罗斯的 n俄罗斯人;俄语_35 adj.阴雨的;多雨的_36. 电脑游戏 _37. v.说,讲 _ 38.v.学习_ 39. n.问题 _Eg:I want some_(drink). 互检互签:知识点三:短语1 不错_ 2在公园_ 3过得很愉快_=_=_. 4为捎个口信_ 5给某人回电话_ 6没问题_ 7现在_ 8在春天/夏天/秋天autumn/冬天 _/_ /_/_. 9其中的一些 _Eg翻译:我能为他捎个口信吗?May I _ a _ _ him? 互检互签:知识点四:短语 10在游泳池边_11喝橙汁/茶_12努力学习_13度假_14在山里_15. 给某人打电话_16给某人写信_17适合_18给拍一张照片Eg:翻译:我正在给我妈妈写信。 I _ _ a letter _ my mother. 互检互签:知识点五:句子1告诉某人(不要)做某事 tell sb.(not) _ .2have a great time(in)_ sth. 愉快地做某事3just _ for _sth. 做某事正合适4天气怎么样?_ the weather?5天气多云/天气晴朗/正下雨。 Its _. /Its _./ Its _.6情况怎么样?_ _ _.7好极了!/不错/糟糕!_/_/_.8Can_ for him? 我给他捎个口信好吗?9Im _ a great time _my aunt in Canada.我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。10My family and I_on a vacation _ _ _.我和我的家人正在山里度假。Eg:I have a good time _(play) soccer. 互检互签:知识六:询问天气的句型 天气怎么样? _ _ _?=Whats _ _ _?eg:- _ _ _? -Its sunny.1.Hows the weather in London?(改为同义句) _ is the weather _in London?2.Today is sunny.(划线提问) _ _ the weather today? =_ the weather _ today?3.Its cloudy in Shanghai.(划线提问) _ _ the weather like in Shanghai?互检互签:知识点七:weather的用法weather,意为,_. _名词,前不加冠词_,_,后不加_.eg:多好的天呀! What _ _ it is! 1._ weather it is ! Lets go out for a walk. A . How a fine B. How bad C. What fine D. What a fine互检互签:知识点八:snow 的用法 1)snow . n.意为_;v._;adj._. Eg:1.下雪了。Its _ . Its _.2)rain.n._,雨水; v._; adj._ 下雨的Eg:下雨了。:Its _ . Its _ . 知识点八拓展名词n. 形容词adj. 现在分词:-ing 1.雨rain _ _ 2.风wind _ _ 3.云cloud _ / 4.太阳sun _晴朗的 /_ 5.雪snow _ _ 6.雾fog _ / _1. 晴朗: Its (sun). 2. 阴天: Its (cloud).3. 刮风: Its (wind).4. 下雨: Its / (rain).5. 下雪: Its / snow. 互检互签:知识点九:打电话常用语1. 我是 _ is (_) 2. 你是吗? Is _ (_)? 3. 是的,我就是。Yes,speaking. 4. 请问您是谁? Who _ _ _? 5. 我可以和讲话吗? _ _ _ _ ? 1.Hello, may I speak to John, please? _ A. Who are you? B. Whats the matter? C. This is John speaking. D. He is John.2. May I speak to Annie, please? _. A. Yes, youre right B. Annie Speaking C. Thank you D. She is fine 互检互签: 知识点十:sound与sound like的区别Sound+_,听起来,sound like+_,听起来像 翻译句子:eg:这个故事听起来很有趣。1.The story _an interesting one. 2.The story _ interesting用 sound,sound like填空 1. Shall we go fishing this afternoon? _ (sound)interesting!2.That_a good idea互检互签:知识点十一:_ _
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