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梁山伯与祝英台爱情故事英文版 The love of two butterflies N-narrator Z-Zhu Yingtai L-Liang Shanbo S-servant W-Ma Wencai F-Zhu Yingtais father M- Zhu Yingtais mother D-doctor SM-servant man L M-Liang Shanbos mother Scene I (ask for school) Narrator: once there was an affluent family. The only daughter, Zhu Yingtai, was quite a beautiful girl. And she wanted to go to school to learn some knowledge. However, at that time, women were forbidden to go to school. In spite of that, she didnt give up and tried her best to persuade her parents Servant: (outside the door). May I come in, lady? Here comes your favorite stewed chicken. Zhu Yingtai: no, just leave me alone! S: but you havent eaten anything for two days. You will get sick if you dont eat anything. Zhu: Thats much better. Ill enter heaven earlier. S: oh, God bless you. Why do you say that! Please, open the door! Zhu: You heard me, no! S: Please- Zhu: I wont say it again. Get out! Narrator: Then the servant goes to tell Zhus parents about it. S: Im sorry, master. But she refused to eat anything. Maybe she is ill. M: Really? Oh my dear! What should we do now? She is our only child! F: (Thinking for a moment, then to the servant) Go find a doctor as quickly as possible. S: Yes, sir. N: A few minutes later S: Sir and Madam, here comes the doctor! M: Show him in quickly. Doctor: Nice to meet you, Sir and Madam. F&M: Nice to meet you, too. M: Its very strange that you look so familiar. F: Yes, he looks like Yingtais cousin. D: Really? That sounds good. Well, lets get to the point. Whats the matter with your daughter? M: She doesnt want to eat anything and tends to lose her temper easily. F: We dont know what we should do. You know she is our only daughter. D: Maybe its really an abnormal disease. F: Is it serious? M: Please save my daughters life, dear doctor. D: Well, has anything happened to her recently? F: oh, just some trifles. D: Exactly? M: She wants to go to school. You know, thats impossible. F: Have you heard of a girl studying at school? I wont let this happen in my family and be ashamed. D: Thats the very point. Im afraid only by meeting her requirement can we save your daughters life. M: But-that is impossible. D: Ive got an idea. How about pretending to be a man? F: Are you joking? No matter how she pretends, we can still tell. D: Dont be so sure. Even you may not recognize her sometimes. F: I dont think so. She is my daughter. D: What if you cant tell? F: If I can not, I will allow her to go to school. D: Really? F: Of course. I promise. D: (putting off the beard) Oh, my dear Dad. I love you so much! M: Ah, whats happening? You are? D: yes, mum, its me, Yingtai. Well, dad, youve promised I can go to school. F: You M: (sign) Since youve made that promise, you should keep it. D: Thank you, mother, and also Dad. N: So, at last, Yingtai managed to go to school with her servant. Scene N: Yingtai has been in school for a few days. Even though her parents are not here and there is no friend, she is also very excited. One day, she goes to fly a kite in the backyard of the school. Z: look! My kite is flying. Be quick. Let it fly higher. S: oh Miss, do you hear some sound? Oh, Ive never heard the sound before. Its so soft like a beautiful song. Z: Hey, it is made by my kite. My kite can sing. S: I didnt know there is so charming a kite in the world. N: At this time, Ma Wencai appears. W: whose kite? Z: Its mine. W: Yours? From now on, its mine. Z: No way. W: Do you know who I am? Z: Its none of my business. W: (so angry) Damn, I will make you know. (Then he comes to fetch) S: Wait, Mr. Ma, he is a new-comer. So he doesnt know the rules here. Forgive him, I beg your mercy. Let me tell him. S: His name is Ma Wencai. He comes from a very rich family. In this school, every one except the teacher is afraid of him. Wed better not disobey him. Z: Give my kite to that guy, impossible. (Turn to Ma Wencai) Get out of here as soon as possible; otherwise, Ill tell the teacher. W: Tell the teacher. First let me cut your tongue. N: Before Ma gets close to Zhu, the servant steps forward to stop him. S: Run! Run! Be quick! N: Yingtai picks up her kite. At the same time, she finds Wencai is beating her servant. Z: Help! Help! Ma Wencai is killing my servant. N: Then, Liang Shanbo comes. L: Stop! What are you doing? W: Who are you? Its interesting today. (Stop to turn to Liang) Do you know who I am? L: Of course I know. I know you are not a man. W: Oh, Damn. I think I should give you a good beating. N: Then, they two fight with each other and end up with Shanbo
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