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Alphabetical Acronyms按字母排序ADRAverageDaily Rate.The average realised price per room sold in a hotel or channel.Totalrooms revenue divided by total rooms sold日均房价:在酒店或其他渠道的平均销售房价。总房间销售额除以销售房间数AffiliatesIndependentinternet sites who provide a click-through link to group owned website andreceive a commission when a booking is made联盟网页:独立的网站提供集团网页的链接,从而由此得到的预定ANZSPAustralia,New Zealand and South Pacific澳大利亚,新西兰和南太平洋APRMAsia-PacificRisk Management亚太地区风险管理ARIAverageRate IndexCalculatedby dividing the hotelsaverage room rate by the average of the competitor set market rate平均房价指数:酒店平均房价除以市场同期竞争者平均房价BAT ForecastBusinessAlignment Team Forecast商业联盟预测BCEBrandedConsumer Experience品牌宾客体验BFRBestFlex Rate最优上门散客价BTABusinessTravel Agent - the same as TMC Travel Management Company商务旅游旅行社C&IConferenceand Incentive会议和奖励Thetwo sales segments relating to conference and incentive group travelCAMCapitalAsset Management 资本资产管理CAPComplianceAssurance Process.担保依法纳税措施CAPEXCapitalExpenditure资本支出CCACapitalconstruction authorization基本建设批准CMHCompanyManaged Hotel.Includes hotels that are owned and operated hotels, and thoseoperated under management agreement酒店管理公司:包括自行经营酒店方和酒店管理方Competitive SetGMdefined local hotels (usually four or five) with which a particular hotelcompetes竞争对手ConfirmationThepercentage of offered calls in a CRO that actually turn into bookings.确认预定百分比COOChiefOperating Officer首席营运官COS/COGSCostof Sales or Cost of Goods Sold销售成本CPCCustomerProfit Contribution.The revenue supplied by a customer inayield contribution model, minus the cost undertaken to service, complete thesale and the displaced revenues (Displacementis a measure of demandthat was declined as a result of accepting this business.)客户利润贡献在收入贡献模型中,来自客户的收入减去所发生的服务成本,就得到销售与因(业务)替代分流的总利润其中所谓的替代分流是指由于使用本业务而减少的对其它业务的需求CRMClusterRevenue Manager.A Revenue Manager with responsibilities for more than one hotel区域收益管理经理:其职责超过1家酒店CROCentralReservations Office中央订房办公室CROCCECashReturn on Cash Capital Employed使用资本额的现金收益CRSCentralReservation System.Holidex Plus being rolled out globally replacing Holidex andGlobal II中央预定系统CSAControlSelf-Assessment (online internal control questionnaire)内部控制自我评估CSSCentralShared Services中央共享服务CTPContributionto ProfitThehotelscontribution to group Profit (Total of management and incentive fees)收益贡献:酒店提交给集团的收益(包含管理费和提成)ECSElectronicCommission Services.The group that manages our outsourcing partner and internalsystems which make sure travel agent commissions are paid by our hotels (theTACP programme)在线佣金服务系统EEOEqualEmployment Opportunities均等就业机会EMEAEurope,Middle East and Africa欧洲、中东和非洲EMEROTheEMEA Central Reservations Office (call centre) located in Amsterdam.位于阿姆斯特丹的欧洲、中东、非洲中央预定办公室EOWAEqualOpportunity Woman Agency (Australia Only)妇女均等就业机会机构(仅在澳大利亚)ERTEmergencyResponse Team紧急反应小组ESEmployeeSurvey员工满意度调查FAMFinanceand Asset Management (1 of 8 business units). Responsible for corporatemanagement reporting, external financial reporting, Tax, Treasury, IR capitaland project appraisals财务及资产管理:对企业管理报告负责,外部财务报告,税收,财政,风险资本和项目评估FISFranchiseInformation System加盟信息体系Flow-throughThepercentage of change in revenue that flows through to profit against last yearor budget. GOP is usually used as theprofit measure. Also known as drop through收入变化率计入去年或预算利润通常用营业总收入测算利润也称为直接测算FLSFireLife Safety消防救生索及配件系列FPMMFireprotection maintenance management消防防护维修管理FranchiseeAnoperator who uses a brand under licence from the brand owner特许经营人FranchisorThebrand owner who licences brands for use by other operators授予特许者GBSGlobalBrand Services (1 of 8 business units).Responsible for the delivery of brandservices such as reservations offices globally, and the definition of thosebrand standards that apply globally全球品牌服务GDSGlobalDistribution System全球分销系统GFIGroundFault Interrupter断电器GOPGrossOperating Profit before fixed costs and overheads, i.e. before management fees,rent/lease expense, tax, insurance, interest, depreciation, amortisation,gain/loss on sale of property毛营业利润:扣除各项固定费用如管理费,租借费,税收,保险,利息,折旧费,分摊费,损益GOPPARGrossoperating Profit per available room.(revenue after variable costs)每间房间的毛营业利润GRRGrossRooms Revenue房间毛利润GSAGeneralSales Agent总经纪人GSSGuestSatisfaction Index (the key measure within GSTS)宾客满意度指数GSSGlobalSales Support全球销售支持GSTSGuestSatisfaction Tracking System宾客满意度追踪系统HACCPHazardAnalysis Critical Control Path (Food Safety)危害分析临界控制途径HIROHotelInventory Reservation Optimiser.The revenue maximisation or yield managementsystem whereby information about guest demand for a particular hotel is compiledand analysed on a hotel by hotel basis and is then used to suggest “
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