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XXX毕业设计(论文)图书分类号:密 级:毕业设计(论文)HMC160卧式加工中心回转工作的设计THE DESIGN OF THE ROTARY WORK HMC160 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER学生姓名学院名称学号班级专业名称指导教师XXX学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用或参考的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标注。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。论文作者签名: 日期: 2015 年 5月26 日XXX学位论文版权协议书本人完全了解XXX关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定,即:本校学生在学习期间所完成的学位论文的知识产权归XXX所拥有。XXX有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学位论文的纸本复印件和电子文档拷贝,允许论文被查阅和借阅。XXX可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内容,可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容提交至各类数据库进行发布和检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。论文作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 推进学校内涵建设深化年各项工作和“三乐两校”主题教育活动的开展,进一步繁荣校园文化,搭建具有时代特征大学生特点的文化艺术活动平台,促进学院间师生的友谊摘要科技的发展史伴随着人类创造力的提升也在日新月异的发展着,从石器时代人类学会制造工具为自己提供更加便捷的生活,如何使用工具就变成了区分人类与其他物种的最大区别。随着工具的发展,从石器到铁器,再到现代的各种有着尖端科技的其他工具,我们创造出了各种工具并且依赖着它们。而加工中心的要求也是越来越多以便于适应现代制造业的高速发展,又比如某些高新技术的普及,比如高速切削和超精密加工,在加工过程中为了达到以上的技术,很多零部件的要求也就有所提升,同时加工中心对于技术还是比较依赖的,为了更好更快的完成零件,需要很多高新技术,这种机械加工工具有的精密性能以及效率水平,所以,发达国家和部分发展中国家对加工中心的依赖程度还是比较高的。到现在这个电子科技高度发展的时代,传统的加工工艺已经不能满足制造业的高精度高效率需求,所以加工中心这种以电子技术为基础的加工工具也就应运而生,加工中心作为现代加工工业非常重要的一个工具,综合了各种尖端技术,已经成为了一种比较成熟的制造业工具分类。加工中心有着非常高的加工集成性,这得益于它的运动方式比传统的半自动机床更加灵活,传统的机床一般只能对工件的一个表面进行一种加工,为了完成一个工件的加工,我们可能要进行多次装夹以及换刀。而加工中心不但可以沿着X、Y、Z三个轴进行直线运动,还可以进行一些组合的圆周运动,这样就节省了非常多的时间,而且避免了多次重新装夹造成的尺寸误差,这样也大大的提高了加工精度。而且对于某些零件的加工也可以一次完成,提高了加工效率和节省了加工成本。为什么加工中心会有这样的灵活性?除了因为数控系统的严密性和良好的机床设计功能,回转工作台也是加工中心必不可少的一个零件,他起到一个固定工件的的作用,不只是这样,它和刀具的相对运动提供了更多的运动方式以便于更好地加工有着复杂表面的工件,而且满足不用多次装夹的要求。介绍一下本次毕业设计的主要内容:(1) 研究一下加工中心在近代的发展以及意义和本课题的研究意义。(2) 回转工作台的设计部分,包括某些部件的选用比如伺服电动机的选用,蜗杆、齿轮以及夹紧机构的选用确定,还有箱体的设计。(3) 些相关计算的进行,比如锥齿轮的尺寸选择,蜗杆的尺寸选择。(4) 零件和整体的装配图,尺寸标注和关系的确定。(5) 最后的检查工作,提交以及表达对指导教师的感谢。关键词 卧式加工中心;回转工作台;夹紧机构;蜗轮蜗杆;箱体IAbstractThe history of science and technology with the development of human creativity of ascension are also changing, from the Stone Age in which man learnt to make tools provide a more convenient life for oneself, how to use the tool becomes a distinguish between the biggest difference between humans and other species. With the development of tools, from the stone to the iron, then to modern has a cutting-edge technology to other tools, we have created a variety of tools and rely on them.China now is mainly dependent on imported machining center equipment, and the amount of machining center is higher than other kinds of machine tools, mainly imported from Japan, South Korea the three countries, Chinas Taiwan machining center has been widespread use. Machining center of imports has continued to grow, there is still a lot of hair piece of space. Is the rapid development of science, so also is more and more advanced technology and constantly in everyday use, and the requirement of machining center is also more and more in order to adapt to the rapid development of modern manufacturing, and such as the popularity of some high and new technology, such as high-speed cutting and ultra precision machining, in order to achieve more in the process of machining technology, a lot of spare parts requirements are improved, while still more rely on the machining center for technology, in order to better and faster to complete parts, need a lot of new and high technology, the machining tools of some precision performance and efficiency, therefore, developed countries and some developing countries dependent on machining center degree or higher.To now the era of the development of electronic technology, the traditional processing technology has not meet the demand of manufacturing high precision high efficient, so the machining center this electronic technology based tool also arises at the historic moment, the machining center as a tool of modern processing industry is very important, a combination of a variety of cutting-edge technology, has become a more mature manufacturing tools. Machining center has a very high integration, thanks to its more flexible than traditional semi-automatic machine tool movement way, the traditional machine tool normally only on a surface of a workpiece processing, in order to complete a workpiece processing, we may have to perform multiple clamping and tool change. While machining center can not only along the X, Y, Z three axis linear motion, also can do some combination of circular motion, so it saves so much time, but also avoid the repeatedly to size error caused by the clamping, so also greatly improves the machining accuracyWhy are there such flexibility processing center? Except for the rigor of CNC system and the good function design machine, rotary table also is the indispensable one part machining center, he play the role of a fixed artifacts, not only such, its relative movement and cutting tool provides more exercise in order to better with complex surface of workpieces, and meet the requirements of the clamping many times.Introduce the main content of this graduation design is:Study the processin
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