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26中练习题(7) Unit 8-14 2016.4.162.The shop was quite new, for it _ only the week before. A. was opening B. has been open C. had opened D. is opened答案 C5. Do you prefer tea _ coffee?I _ drink some tea.A. to,would like B. or,would rather C. to,prefer D. or,prefer答案 B10.While he was starting _ the cake, someone knocked at door.A. cut B. cutting C. to cut D. cuts答案 C12.Could I use your e-dictionary,Mary?Sorry, but I havent got _.A. one B. it C.this D. that答案 A32.Alice came back home the day before yesterday.Really? Where _?A. has she been B. had she been C.has she gone D. had she gone 答案B33.I _ to a party, but Ive got nothing to wear.Why dont you have a dress made for the party?A. was asked B. will ask C.have asked D. have been asked答案D35.Ive found some pictrues of the most interesting palces _ you can visit during the winter holiday.A. where B. which C.that D. in which答案C翻译句子1. 你认为我们必须让青少年原来网络吗?Do you think teenagers _ the Internet by us?答案must be kept away3. 巨石阵是世界上最伟大的奥秘之一。Stonehenge is _ in the world.答案one of the most famous mysteries6他们正在讨论他们以前看过的电影。They are talking about the movies _答案that they have ever seen before9当你出国的时候,你应该尽可能多的了解当地的风俗习惯。You are supposed to learn _ when you go abroad.答案 local custom as much as possible11. 保罗不像桑迪那样谨慎。他经常在他的作业中犯错误。Paul isnt _ Sandy. He offen _ his homework.答案 as careful as make mistakes in 14. 他在学校的举止很得体,我们都要学习他的好行为。He _ at school, We need to learn from his good behavior.答案 behaves very well18. 当他到电影院的时候,所有的票都卖光了。When he got to the theatre, all the tickets _.答案 have been sold out20. 像郭明义这样的人给我们以鼓舞。People like Guo Mingyi _ us all.答案 are an inspiration to26中九年英语练习(八上)(1)2. If you want to buy this dress, youd better _ first to make sure it fits you.A. pay for it B. take it off C. tidy it up D. try it on答案 D4. Well travel to different places this winter vacation. Enjoy your trip!_. A.The same to you B.Yes, Id love to C.Me, too D.Very well, thank you答案A5. You look tired. Youd better_ a good rest. A.stop to haveB.stop havingC.to stop to haveD.to stop having答案A16.I think _ easy _ English every morning.A.that, keep reading B.its,keep readingC.that, to keep readD.its,to keep reading答案 D17. Which dress do you like best?Sorry, I cant decide_ now.A.to buy which one B.buy which one C.which one to buy D.its,to keep reading答案 C21.Mary dances best in our school.I agree. Ill never forget _ her dance for the first time. A.seeing B. to see C.see D.seen答案A22.The radio is too _ , Please turn it down.A.loud B. loudly C. aloud D.louder答案A29._ daves at home? Isnt he feeling well?A.Why B. How C. How come D.what答案 C34.Mom, could i go out and play?Yes. You can go out to play _ you stay in the backyard.A.as well asB. as long as C. as good as D.as far as答案 D37.Who do you _ is the most careful, Linda, Lisa or Laura?Linda.A. think aboutB. think of C. think D. think over答案 C38.That book is nice. Could you please _?A. show it meB. showing me it C. show it to meD.show me it答案 C39.Is this room _ that one?A.so large as B. same large as C. the same large as D. the same size as答案 D汉译英3. 他将在这部电影中扮演一个警察吗?Will he _ a policeman in the film?答案 act as4. 我最好的朋友能帮我激发出自己的潜能。My best friend helps me to _ in me.答案 bring out the best 5. 他认为那个表演家的生活是编造的。He thinks the life of that performer _.答案 is made up7. 我妈妈比我爸爸更关心我。My mother _ me than my father.答案 pay more attention to8.我计划在她的生日聚会上给她一个惊喜。I _ her at her birthday party.答案 plan to give a surprise to11. 木兰代替她的爸爸参军。Mulan _ her father to join the army.答案 took the place of14.我们和外教展开讨论。We _ foreign teachers.答案 discuss with16. 这座桥的宽度是那座的三倍。This brige is _ that one.答案 three times as wide as17.Lily 比她班上的任何一个女孩都要高。Lily is _ girl in the class.答案 taller than any other26中九年级下英语练习题(2)6. The meeting _ by the time I got there yesterday.A. was onB. has been onC. had begun D. has begun答案 C11.All _ things need water.A. livingB. lovedC. lively D. alive答案 A32.This the most beautiful place _ I have ever visited.A. that B. whereC. whichD. in which答案 A34.April Fools Day _ on April 1st every year.A. will happen B. happens C. takes placeD. is taken place答案 B36.The book was really good, so I couldnt _ it _.A.put,off B.put,down C.put, outD.put, away答案 B39._ is enough for me.A. One and a half hour B. One hour and halfC. One and
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