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Unit 1 Communication,Contents,Glossary,Starting up,Vocabulary,Listening,Language Review,Skills,Case Study,Reading,1. What do you think are the purposes of communication in business? 2. Can you list some forms of communication in business?,Warmer,Purposes,Forms of communication,Quotation,Everything that can be said can be said clearly. -Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951),Starting up,Think of a good communicator you know. View this video and explain why he is a good communicator( what factors make a good communicator)? C:UsersjiangliDesktop 建文件夹乔布斯iPhone4苹果大会(中文翻译).flv,Starting up,Factors that make a good communicator: Fluency Sense of humor Vocabulary Grammar Listening skill Not being afraid of making mistakes Physical appearance Body language,Makes your ideas clear and easily received and understood,_,Starting up,Discussion : What other factors are important for communication? Eye contact Smile Organized and logical language Visual aid Charisma Arts,Starting up,Discussion : Which forms of written and spoken communication do you use most? Why?,Vocabulary,Part A: Good communicators: articulate, coherent, eloquent, fluent, focussed, lucid, persuasive, responsive, sensitive, succinct Bad communicator: hesitant, inhibited, rambling, tongue-tied,Vocabulary,Part B: 1. focussed, succinct 2. hesitant, inhibited, tongue-tied 3. rambling 4. fluent, eloquent, sensitive 5. articulate, coherent, lucid 6. persuasive, responsive,Vocabulary,Part C inarticulate incoherent unfocussed uninhibited,Listening,Part A 1. New technology and the idea that communications, education and training are important. 2. E-mail means companies can talk to clients more easily. This will go on improving as people become more sophisticated at sending e-mail attachments. 3. an intranet is a confidential computer network where information is only accessible to people in specific organisations. VW empoyees can gain access to any work that her consultancy is doing for them in order to suggest changes, etc. 4. she mentions a number of instances where her consultancy has nearly lost clients because of communication breakdown.,Listening,Parts B 1. understand 2. strategy 3. development 4. aims 5. verbal 6. one-to-one 7. confidence 8. rapport 9. realationship,Reading,Discussion: What are the benefits of effective organizational communication? Whats the meaning of the title? Whats the main idea of this passage?,Benefit of effective organizational communication,Effective communication,Improved Stakeholder response,Increased productivity,Quicker Problem solving,Stronger Decision making,Steadier Work flow,Stronger Business relationships,Promotion of products,Enhanced Professional image,Brief introduction to Flat organization and Tall organization,Flat organization (also known as horizontal organization) refers to an organizational structure with few or no levels of intervening management between staff and managers. The idea is that well-trained workers will be more productive when they are more directly involved in the decision making process, rather than closely supervised by many layers of management. This structure is generally possible only in smaller organizations or individual units within larger organizations.,A hierarchical organization is an organizational structure where every entity in the organization, except one, is subordinate to a single other entity. This arrangement is a form of a hierarchy. In an organization, the hierarchy usually consists of a singular/group of power at the top with subsequent levels of power beneath them. This is the dominant mode of organization among large organizations; most corporations, governments, and organized religions are hierarchical organizations with different levels of management, power or authority. Members of hierarchical organizational structures chiefly communicate with their immediate superior and with their immediate subordinates. Structuring organizations in this way is useful partly because it can reduce the communication overhead by limiting information flow; this is also its major limitation.,Formal Communication,Formal and Informal Communication Networks in An Organization,Reading,Read the first 2 paragraphs and finish the chart on page 9.,Larger organization,Larger organization need either a hierarchical structure or a line management system Costs: 1. Information can only flow along certain channels because only certain people contact each other regularly. 2. Lack of personalized contacts means Less personal commitment. 3. Favors will only be done where there is a clear quid pro quo (where there is a clear and immediate benefit to doing so). 4. Large organizations are less flexible. One solution Divide large organizations into smaller units. In addition Avoid maintaining too formal a structure by allowing staff to: Build reciprocal alliances. Interact in a casual way.,Reading,Careful reading (p.1) quid pro quo Translate: moreover, the lack of pe
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